Dad, you're not with it anymore...

Apr 29, 2009 09:09

"Tu m'avais dit, dès ma plus tendre enfance "Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais." En grandissant, au fil de l'existence, j'ai vu que ce n'était pas toujours vrai." Carrying a tray of freshly baked muffins, Monet danced around the kitchen singing T'es plus dans le coup, papa. Twirling around the kitchen giddily, Monet smiled as she placed the muffins ( Read more... )

monet st. croix, plot: opposite plot, karolina dean, dinah lance, cameron mitchell, sean cassidy, sandor clegane, kon-el, bill weasley, theresa cassidy, ilse freemantle, arnold rimmer, eden mccain

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Comments 98

faithanbegorrah April 29 2009, 09:08:09 UTC
There's an awfuly lovely smell coming from the kitchen the moment Terry steps into the compound, and she can't help but head straight for it.

When she enters the kitchen and sees Monet, she claps her hands together in front of her giddly and smiles. "Oh Monet, it's lovely to see ye! Are ye the one baking?"


misformutant April 29 2009, 09:27:38 UTC
"Theresa, ma chérie! You look very pretty today," Monet said smiling at her bestest friend. Monet put down the bowl taking a few steps over so she could hug and air kiss Terry. "Oh yes, I'm making muffins. Monet's Muffins! For you and Sean and for Karolina and absolutely everyone. I do so love baking, it's so much nicer than fighting and cleaner too. I thought later I might even attempt making Gateau St Honoré."


faithanbegorrah April 29 2009, 09:39:00 UTC
Terry returns the hug and the kiss, glad to have someone familiar enough so she doesn't miss home all too much. "This is all so wonderful! I'm sure da will love them," she says, taking in the sight of Monet's work with wide eyes. "Is Karolina a friend? I'd love to meet her."


misformutant April 29 2009, 09:52:09 UTC
"Well, normally I wouldn't say anything but I'm sure she won't mind." Monet said covering her mouth as she giggled like a little schoolgirl. Monet leaned in close with a big smile on her face before she clapped her hands together excitedly as if she'd been dying to tell someone for weeks now. "She's my girlfriend. She's gorgeous and beautiful and she's not Jamie. She's just perfect and so well brought up. Father would be so proud...Oh! I should tell Sean, he always was like a father to me."


sgmitchell April 29 2009, 09:24:22 UTC
He felt good today, and he attributed that to skipping the early morning IPD patrol. Now, he was not adverse to early mornings at all, but trudging pointlessly around the island and collecting litter? He had far better things to do with his mornings. He would guess about 200 better ideas, and a thousand variations on those. He had no doubt Carolyn would agree wholeheartedly on that point.

Speaking of better things to do, he offered a charming, fresh smile for the woman in the kitchen. Pink outfits older than his mother were not quite his style, but she wore it well.


misformutant April 29 2009, 09:38:42 UTC
"Bonjour mon chérie! Here have a muffin, they're delicious and fresh from the oven." Monet said, taking a muffin from where it was cooling and placing it on a plate. Monet took him the muffin, holding the plate out to him with an eager and friendly smile. "Trust me, they'll be the best things you have ever tasted."


sgmitchell April 29 2009, 10:53:50 UTC
"Sweetheart, I wouldn't doubt that anything you make tastes second to nothing." He'd seen her around from time to time, but her name wasn't coming to him. Fortunately, she was not acting like she knew him specifically--just that she was a very friendly, open person. He could roll with that. He could roll with most things for a sweet smile and killer legs.


misformutant April 29 2009, 14:02:05 UTC
"Well I wouldn't know about that," Monet said unusually bashfully. She usually had no problems telling everyone exactly how perfect she was but today she was a little more coy. "Try one and then you can tell me what you think of Monet's muffins. That's me, I'm Monet."


missingthekeep April 29 2009, 11:51:45 UTC
"Ach, not ye as well, lass," Sean says with mild horror when he steps into the kitchen. He may not know Monet all that well, but he certainly knows enough to see (and hear) that is just all sorts of wrong. He doesn't even know where to begin. On the one hand, it's somewhat of a relief to have confirmation that Theresa hadn't just up and decided to go bloody daffy that morning, but...

No, this is just wrong.


misformutant April 29 2009, 11:56:28 UTC
"Sean!" Monet said smiling at delight at seeing her old- HA- headmaster. Throwing her arms around him she gave him a very tight hug and kissed him on both cheeks. "Not me as well...what? Has someone else been baking? I'm making muffins for you and for Theresa. I'm so happy she's here, I've missed her so much."


missingthekeep April 29 2009, 12:17:56 UTC
Lord, grant me strength.

"Er- 's nothin', dinnae worry yerself 'bout it," Sean bristles at the hug, more due to her particular brand of enthusiasm about it then anything else. "Hafta say, I've been pretty damned pleased ta see her meself," he says uneasily once he's back in control of his own torso.


misformutant April 29 2009, 14:15:39 UTC
"Are you? Oh, I'm so glad that you two are getting along." Monet said not noticing or even aware that Sean wasn't exactly enjoying the hug. Monet was enjoying it. See, she hadn't even cut him to ribbons this time. Not that anyone had ever hugged her when she was Penance. "She really missed you. I missed you, it felt rather strange taking orders from Jamie although he's a very, very smart man. And very handsome too."


kings_dog April 29 2009, 13:33:45 UTC
Sandor wasn't one to turn down breakfast on normal days, and he certainly wasn't about to do so today, when the smell of baking was permeating the entire compound. He finished tying back his hair in a neat tail at the nape of his neck, straightened the collar of his shirt and exited the bathroom as he was buttoning the cuffs. It would wrinkle soon, he knew, but the fine linen felt too nice to pass up-- especially after the ratty things he'd apparently been wearing before. He suppressed a shudder at the thought of where he'd been sleeping (outdoors, by all the gods!) and pushed open the door to the kitchen with a bright smile.

Everything looked as delicious as it smelled, coffee and tea and muffins. "This looks simply incredible," he said aloud, and stood waiting patiently for a spot to open up in front of the teapot.

[please, please, tag him. XD]


misformutant April 29 2009, 13:51:44 UTC
"Why thank you," Monet said smiling happily at the compliment. Monet found him a plate and put one of the muffins onto a plate for him. Holding it out she smiled and giggled happily. "I've been making them all morning. I'm going to give them to well everyone starting with you handsome."


kings_dog April 29 2009, 16:06:36 UTC
Sandor took one with a smile, ducking his head in a little nod of thanks. He was almost blushing; handsome wasn't a word he'd ever heard used on himself before. He had the sense that any other day he might've thought the young woman was poking fun at him, but assuming the worst was another thing on the long list of old behaviors he couldn't understand why he'd ever adopted. "You've my thanks, my lady," he said sincerely. "This is a kind and generous thing you've done."


misformutant April 29 2009, 19:33:39 UTC
"Oh, do you think so? I want to make everyone just so happy and my nanny always told me the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. True she actually meant stabbing him and ripping out his heart with your bare hands but I'm sure the principle is similar if less violent." Monet said with a smile, smoothing her dress out and twirling happily in the pink dress. Monet looked at him and waited for him to try one. "I abhor violence. It's so horrid, don't you think?"


red_ponytail April 29 2009, 17:01:01 UTC
Having lived it once before, and having been affected by it himself, it didn't take Bill long to figure out what was going on. Running across Helen that morning, and hearing about how Warrick was acting, only served to cement that. It was going to be an interesting few days.

Bill heard the singing in French before he saw the person, and strolled into the kitchen, ready with a charming smile to greet whoever it was. "Monet?" He stopped in his tracks, completely gobsmacked. Was she...baking? "What's all this?" he asked, going over to the counter. The muffins did smell really sodding good.


misformutant April 29 2009, 18:45:15 UTC
"Bonjour Bill," Monet said, greeting Bill cheerily as she wiped her cheek with her hand and left a streak of white flour. Stepping close to him she kissed him on both cheeks happily, something that Monet had never ever really done before. "Oh, I thought I'd make muffins for everyone. I'm going to give some to Dani when we patrol, muffins are much healthier than doughnuts and cops to have a tendency to over indulge. Would you like one? They're delicious."


red_ponytail April 29 2009, 18:56:23 UTC
Boy, was Monet going to be hacked off when she went back to normal. "I'd love one," Bill replied, knowing it was no use to try and convince her she was acting...well, the opposite of her usual self. "I didn't know you baked, love."


misformutant April 29 2009, 19:30:34 UTC
"It's not something that I often do but Claudette and Nicole, my younger sisters, they loved to do things with me. Mostly drawing but occasionally baking and I love making them smile- Claudette especially." Monet said with a smile as she walked to pick up a muffin and put it on a plate for him. Turning on her heels, her dress twirling around Monet giggled and offered him a plate. "Now tell me what you think."


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