If I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning I'd hammer in the evening All over this landThe Doctor's life had been, of late, rather odd
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It wasn't his fault that he thought he was hallucinating. For one, he'd been tired lately between sifting through results and the new cases. And for two, who would ever consciously sing that song on purpose? Well, apparently, the Doctor would because Chase stumbled to a stop and gave the Doctor a weary look.
"Are you real?" was all he asked, like he just might not be.
Chase rubbed his eyes the once and the Doctor was still there, although blurry. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it to think on his words, then opened it again. "This is just sort of like a dream I have," he deduced warily, watching the branches carefully.
"What, one where I snap and you have to keep an eye on me for the rest of my days, lest I wander off?" the Doctor asked. He took a bite out of a plum, which was fantastic.
It was rude, probably, and went against her up-bringing, but really, Chase's Doctor was just so weird sometimes. At least she had a chance to make up for some of what had been going around here.
"I didn't have sex with House. Can you pass that on?"
"The one time Chase doesn't gossip, of course," sighed Cameron. "I'm sorry. There was a rumor. Hostile Asian women were verbally attacking me. And you're connected to House and Jack."
"Rob's been too tired to do much more than grunt and fall asleep, lately," the Doctor said. "I did hear a little something but I didn't really pay attention--I tend to tune out things that involve the words 'Jack' and 'sleep with' because otherwise I'd know too much."
"iF yOU AccidentLY kiLL someOne by drOPPing a pLUm on their heADS anD THey LoCK yoU UP, i prOmise i wiLL Look after YOur wife FOR you." Delirium said, looking up at the Doctor in the tree above her. That was hardly fair. Delirium put the brakes on her icecream cart before swinging up into the tree and climbing it up towards the Doctor. "whY ARe yOU TRying to kiLL THe huMANS? isn'T THAT his job? oR HAve you swAPPED for the dAY, ShoULD i expeCT him anY MOmenT TO comE HERe and thwART you with a briLLiant pLAN possibLY InvoLVing said FruiT."
"He's my husband, Del," the Doctor called down, looking slightly surprised at the ice cream cart (but only slightly, this being Delirium). "And as for him, I assure you I'd have a much more twisted plan if I were going to kill people. It'd be far more effective than bashing people's heads with plums." He munched on one.
"iT meANS the same doESN'T it, yOU HAD him and hELD him in ALL that stuff WE Don't meNtion uNLESs we wanT Me to havE A Psychotic bREak," Delirium said, picking a plum from the tree and dropping it into the bag. She didn't know exactly why he was doing it but it looked like fun. "i thinK kiLLing peopLe with pLums is VERY DASTardLy."
Del's idea of fun was a little perverse however. The majority of her mortals could attest to that, even the ones who weren't psychotic or hell bent on killing people. "he'S irriTATing me, he SEemS TO thinK HE's CLEverer than me and he REaLLy isn'T. i'D FOrgotteN how fuN it is to pLAY with his LittLe mind."
"No psychotic breaks," the Doctor assured her. "And dastardly it may be, but it's also not nearly worthwhile to him...wait, what?"
He paused, gaze set on her. "He thinks he's cleverer than everyone," he said. He himself wasn't blind enough to fink that was the case. Not with Del or her people. "Del...what are you doing?"
He wouldn't normally have gone out of his way, but he'd heard the singing and, well, he'd simply had to see if it really was the Doctor making that terrible noise, or whether too much loud music had damaged his hearing.
But no, there was his age-old enemy caterwauling merrily in a tree. 'You know,' he called up, arms crossed, 'if you're that interested in taking up the fine old art of torture, I'd happily give you some tips.'
"Speaking of ringing out a warning," the Doctor retorted. He leaned over in the tree and smirked down at the Master. "It's all about your attitude, dear Koschei."
Besides, Jack knew more about torture, and was far more pleasant to deal with.
'Which is far better than yours,' the Master replied silkily. 'In more ways than one. At least I'm still trying to get out of here.' He leaned against the tree trunk, head tipped back so he could glare upwards at the Doctor.
Comments 107
"Are you real?" was all he asked, like he just might not be.
It was rude, probably, and went against her up-bringing, but really, Chase's Doctor was just so weird sometimes. At least she had a chance to make up for some of what had been going around here.
"I didn't have sex with House. Can you pass that on?"
The Doctor was surprised enough to stop singing. He paused, leaning over a branch. "Hi, Dr Cameron. I guess you didn't then? I hadn't heard you did."
He nearly asked did you want to? but closed his mouth.
Del's idea of fun was a little perverse however. The majority of her mortals could attest to that, even the ones who weren't psychotic or hell bent on killing people. "he'S irriTATing me, he SEemS TO thinK HE's CLEverer than me and he REaLLy isn'T. i'D FOrgotteN how fuN it is to pLAY with his LittLe mind."
He paused, gaze set on her. "He thinks he's cleverer than everyone," he said. He himself wasn't blind enough to fink that was the case. Not with Del or her people. "Del...what are you doing?"
But no, there was his age-old enemy caterwauling merrily in a tree. 'You know,' he called up, arms crossed, 'if you're that interested in taking up the fine old art of torture, I'd happily give you some tips.'
Besides, Jack knew more about torture, and was far more pleasant to deal with.
At least he wasn't bothering to drop plums on his head.
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