There was all manner o' diān goin' on outside. Mal'd taken Shadow up the path t' the paddock near the compound where the goats n' other livestock were bein' kept t' water her when e'erythin' seemed t' go straight t' dì yù. Thin' Mal ain't e'er seen 'fore were runnin' 'bout the island causin' more havoc'n the Alliance bent on unification. Creatures with sharp-like teeth, big metal-lookin' bein's shootin' at folk, ghostly figures he could see right gorram through....
Mal took one look at all the madness goin' on 'fore moutin' Shadow n' urgin' her t' gallop as fast as she could back t' Serenity.
As soon as Mal n' the mare were 'board Serenity n' the bay door was closed, Mal took t' seein' 'bout weapons. With all the orneriness goin' 'bout outside, they'd surely need t' be protectin' Serenity sooner 'r later.
[diān = crazy; dì yù = hell]
slated post for more details!