Season 5 Promo Icon & Caption Contest - FINAL VERSION

Aug 26, 2009 17:27

Please vote below for you're favorite icon and caption. You can only vote once, so please choose carefully :)

Thanks to sopranozone for organizing this I am just posting it for her!

See all of the rawesome entries here! )

season 5, contests, poll

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Comments 3

sopranozone August 26 2009, 10:51:15 UTC
Thanks for your patience as we've worked this out, guys!


cass_the August 26 2009, 21:19:17 UTC
This is all amazing work!

Am I the only one who thinks Booth's face when he's hugging Brennan is seriously creepy?


believeinitt August 29 2009, 13:47:52 UTC
awesome icon everyone! it was really hard to decide...
when does the pool end btw???


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