Mar 30, 2009 01:01


General Submission Rules

1.     Your submission must reflect your mod-approved topic and reflect the time and setting you have chosen, or it will NOT be accepted. Again, remember that time travel is not allowed.

2.     Your submission must reflect the collaboration between you and your partner.

3.     If you are under 18, you cannot submit/view R/NC-17 rated work even if you are working with someone who is over 18. Please bear in mind that anything with a "mature" (R to NC-17) rating will be posted under a "mature content" cut and have a "mature content" rating. You must be at least 18 to view this content.

Specific Submission Rules

a.    General

i.        Please send submissions to Use the subject line: “AS/S Through the Ages Submission - YOUR + YOUR PARTNER’S LJ NAMES”

ii.        Please make sure that you send us your COMPLETED project - i.e. it should include both your work as well as your partner’s, so that we don’t receive multiple emails with separate components of your submission.

iii.        Please send your submissions as attachments. If you are sending us more than one submission, please clearly specify the number of attachments we should expect to receive with that email.

iv.        Below is the format for submitting finished work.  Please include this header in your attachment. If it is an image, include this information in the body of your email. Omit any sections that don’t apply.

Names: your LJ usernames

Partner: your partner’s LJ username


Word Count:



Media (only for art):


Author's/Artist's Notes:

Fic/Art: paste your work below.


Name: aldehyde

Email: /

Partner: aki_hoshi

Time/Setting: At the height of the Incan empire in Peru in 1438.

Word Count: 8,000

Betas: khateh and shadowclub

Rating: NC-17

Media: Charcoal pencils, Adobe Photoshop

Summary: Al and Scorpius are members of warring tribes, who meet each other during a ritual sacrificial ceremony. Will they overcome years of feuding, or will they fall prey to the same conflicts as their forefathers?

Author's Notes: We had an incredible time with this one! Hope everyone enjoys the boys in this setting as much as we did.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc luctus ornare purus. Suspendisse turpis. Morbi pretium massa mattis justo. Ut in urna vitae mauris lobortis elementum. Praesent vel mi. Etiam odio augue, euismod a, accumsan red, lobortis sed, velit. Silk sheets turpis ac tortor posuere sodales. Morbi laoreet arcu sed ante bibendum pharetra. Donec pede orci, condimentum in, interdum ut, dignissim in, elit. Praesent quis metus et lacus fringilla consequat. Ut sed sem. Butterbeer at nulla non ante lobortis sagittis. Praesent malesuada, massa at porttitor pulvinar, nunc grass ullamcorper felis, eget vulputate nunc pede quis magna. Praesent diam. Vivamus tellus.


b.    Fics

i.        Minimum word count for a fic is 5,000 words.  If your fic is shorter than that, but you feel that’s the way it should be, email us and we’ll discuss it.

ii.        Your fic should be beta read and free of spelling and grammar issues. We will be fixing the occasional typo, but if there are obvious spelling issues or the correct canon spelling is disregarded, we will send the fic back for editing. (For canon spellings you can check the Harry Potter Lexicon). “Americanisms” will not be considered mistakes.

iii.        Fics cannot be part of a series you are writing, or be a sequel/prequel/remix to one of your fics (or anyone else's).

iv.        If you are under 18, you cannot submit/view R/NC-17 work.

v.        The HTML formatting tags should be included in the file you send.

c.     Art

i.        Artists have no minimum requirement, but your work should be more complex than a sketch.

ii.        Should not make reference to another piece of yours (or anyone else’s).

iii.        If you are under 18, you cannot submit/view R/NC-17 work.

iv.        If your art is non-digital and cannot be emailed (e.g. sweater, diorama, collage), please make sure you take many detailed photos or scan the piece, so that it can be easily submitted and posted along with your partner’s contribution.

4.     On April 19th, we’ll be checking in with each pair to find out how you are doing together, if there are any problems, and if what you have decided to do for your project is fine. If you’re having trouble deciding on a time or setting for your project, please let us know, and we’ll provide some “prompt” words to get the ball rolling.

The Schedule:

Sign Ups: March 29 - April 8
Receive Partners: April 13
Deadline to request partner switch / Initial brainstorming due: April 19
Submissions Due: August 15
Posting Begins: September 1

*mod post, mod: rules & information, fest: 2009 through the ages

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