Mar 18, 2009 09:49
Hello everyone!
We want to thank everyone for the AWESOME turn out on our poll a few days back! :D A lot of you had some questions, so I wanted to clarify what is going on in our crazy brains!
Basically, we were thinking of doing a collaboration fest, in which a writer and another individual (who can do any type of creative thing) puts together a fic and corresponding “art” piece. This art piece could be a song, a fanmix, a video, a doll, a drawing, or any other number of things. Or, on the other side of that, just two creative peoples getting together to create something together that has to do with Scorp and Al. :D
According to our poll, however, we have more writers than “artists”, and this was to be expected, but we know some of you writers are multi-talented, and could do any number of things was well as write. So basically, we want to ask all of you to facilitate some discussion here about how you all would feel about doing a collab fest - where you would pair up with someone to either write a fic, have a fic and some kind of accompanying art piece, or just art! You could either pair up with a friend, or we could do the pairing for you.
Or, if you’d rather we just do a fest the old-fashioned way, that’s cool too! :D
Think about the pros and cons of both, and tell us your thoughts! We want to know what you want to do! We have some little hidden surprises for this fest, but we like to be different and creative around here. So please, tell us - and everyone else - your ideas about the structure of the fest! Anything goes!
Then us mods will figure out the best idea (and most feasible one too, given our time-frame). We’d like to start the next fest in about two weeks, so not a whole lot of time to prepare. :)
As always, if you have any questions, please let us know! :D
Your Mods,
Aki_Hoshi, Aldehyde, Khateh, Shadowclub, and Dora_the _Nymph
*mod post,
mod: announcement