FIC | RPF < J2 < Gimme Danger < 05/05

Oct 22, 2008 20:32

Title: Gimme Danger
Fandom: RPS - Actors
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Rating: NC17
Warnings: AU, language, slash, sexual content, bottom!Jared, see note.
Status: Complete
Words: 522

Summary: Jared Padalecki -- professional skater: talented, good-looking, insufferably arrogant. Jensen Ackles, writer for Transworld Skateboarding magazine, isn't to happy when he has to interview the one and only Jared, who thinks he's God's gift to the skate world. And leave it to Jensen to be attracted to someone he hates. But will he learn that it's all just a front? What's the reason for Jared's cockiness and can Jensen learn to live with it?

Note: All information at the masterpost.

Previous Chapters:

e p i l o g u e

-one week later-

"What time are your parents gonna be here?"

Jared looked up from what he was doing, helping Jensen to unpack one of his boxes. It had taken them way too long to get Jensen moved out of his apartment and into Jared's place. Now sporting a thick brace around his leg (surprisingly, it didn't hinder anything he did), Jared had taken to wearing his arm brace more often. Jared hadn't really been acting normal since the accident, but he seemed to be trying, and that was all that mattered to Jensen.

"Half hour or so," Jared answered, before he climbed to his feet, still graceful even with a hurt knee. "Why?"

"Just making sure," Jensen said, dropping the books he'd pulled out from another box. He moved forward, and snaked his arms around Jared's waist. "Do you think they'll like me?"

With a little laugh, Jared leaned in and brushed his lips over Jensen's. "I hope so," he said. "But I don't know, I haven't seen them in a few years, remember?"

"Of course, of course," Jensen said. They separated and continued unpacking. "So I got you that interview with Jeff."

Jared bit his lip awkwardly, but nodded his head. "Awesome," he said.

"Don't worry," Jensen said. "I know you already got the job. When I told Jeff about it, he practically came in his pants at the idea of having a pro-skater on our magazine."

"Former pro-skater," Jared corrected.

"Pro until you're physically unable to stand on a board," Jensen said. "Screw what the doctor said; it won't kill you every now and then to do an ollie."

Letting his head fall back slightly, Jared laughed. "I don't think you should really be encouraging me," he said.

"So pretend I'm not." Jensen shrugged.

He reached into one of the boxes, and he pulled out the only skateboard he'd managed to keep from his younger days. When he hadn't made it pro himself, he'd pretty much thrown it all away. But this one had been his first board, it had sentimental value. He glanced at Jared, who raised his eyebrows, and he held it up slightly.

"Want to see me skate?" he asked.

"Yeah right," Jared said.

"Your driveway looks pretty smooth," Jensen said, "We got at least twenty minutes to spare, I think I could show you a few of my better moves."

Things would get better, Jensen knew. Jared would eventually come to terms with what'd happened (he had at one point said he believed everything happens for a reason), and he'd eventually stop moping around about it. Especially once he started writing for Transworld. He'd realize that he'd still be able to be connected to the skateboarding world, and his name would still be out there for people to see.

And until then, Jensen would be there every step of the way.

"Just remember," he said on their way out the door, pointing his board at Jared, "I'm nowhere near as talented as you."

Jared smirked, and in a very cocky way that made Jensen think about the first time they'd met, he said, "As if anyone could be."


[x] Like I'd mentioned in the note on the masterpost, I took a lot of liberties with this story, but I also tried to keep it vague so as it was easier to imagine, if that makes sense. I certainly hope you liked it (especially you kezzie_du *bites fingernails*)! I had fun writing it! :]

♥ jensen ackles/jared padalecki, ※ (j2) gimme danger, - real person slash

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