FIC | RPS < J2 < Gimme Danger < 02/05

Oct 22, 2008 20:23

Title: Gimme Danger
Fandom: RPS - Actors
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Rating: NC17
Warnings: AU, language, slash, sexual content, bottom!Jared, see note.
Status: Complete
Words: 5,931

Summary: Jared Padalecki -- professional skater: talented, good-looking, insufferably arrogant. Jensen Ackles, writer for Transworld Skateboarding magazine, isn't to happy when he has to interview the one and only Jared, who thinks he's God's gift to the skate world. And leave it to Jensen to be attracted to someone he hates. But will he learn that it's all just a front? What's the reason for Jared's cockiness and can Jensen learn to live with it?

Note: All information at the masterpost.

Previous Chapters:

t w o

"Great interview, Jensen!"

Giving a little smile at Sandy, Jensen sat down at his desk, holding his own copy of Transworld's latest issue, the one that featured his interview with Jared.

Ever since that day, Jensen had tried to forget about what had happened between them. It was hard though. He didn't want to admit it, but the kiss he'd shared with Jared had been one of the most passionate he'd ever experienced. He had to tell himself repeatedly that he didn't like Jared, that there was nothing attractive about the little arrogant jerk. It'd become difficult to believe, however.

On the upside, everyone seemed to love his article. It'd been hard to transcribe the tape, listening to the way Jared had teased him. He'd been blushing the entire time he listened to it, and it'd taken him a few times to even get all the way through it.

Jensen picked up his copy of the magazine, the cover of which had a photo of Jared grinding a rail, large font promising the new interview. He flipped through it, not really looking at any of it, and he sighed to himself. After he'd submitted his work, Jeff had praised him greatly; he'd been extremely impressed, and had even gone as far as to say that they had the best Padalecki interview the skate world had ever seen. He'd practically paraded Jensen around the office, boasting about him to any and all who would listen.

And Jensen wanted to revel in this glory, but he was too distracted. The main thing on his mind was the question, 'What if?'

What if he had accepted Jared's offer and he'd let the pro-skater stay for a while? What if Jensen had decided to let things heat up between them?

It was so bad that he'd even dreamed about it.

"You don't look as happy as you should, man."

Chad was standing across from Jensen, gazing at him questioningly. Blinking a few times, Jensen tried to push Jared from his mind.

"Huh?" he asked.

"This month's magazine is already one of the top-selling," Chad said, sitting at his own desk. "It's official -- you kick ass."

Jensen smiled. "All I did was ask him questions I had to."

"You asked him questions no one has asked yet," Chad said with a shrug. "Other magazines think that the world's only interested in hearing him talk skating -- but people are gonna love to read about this other side of Padalecki." He paused. "Speaking of which, been too busy to ask -- how bad was it?"

"On a scale of one to ten," Jensen said slowly, "It was a seven." The kiss had made him want to say it was an eleven on the scale, but he chose to dim it down a little.

Chad laughed. "Well, hopefully you'll never have to do it again," he said. "Next time Jeff wants something with the kid, he'll probably give someone else a chance with him."

Jensen smiled again, but he didn't know how he felt about that idea. A part of him wanted to find Jared himself just to see him again, but the other part of him just wanted to forget about him.

"Jensen," one of the new guys was calling from the other end of the room. "Line two."

He glanced down at his phone to see that the button for line two was, in fact, glowing. He almost sighed -- it was probably his mother, he'd been putting off calling her for a while now. He grabbed the receiver, thanking What's-His-Name, and he switched to line two.


"What are you wearing?"

Jensen's stomach gave a weird twist, and his heart sped up just slightly. Damnit, he could just imagine Jared lounging on a couch somewhere, cell phone at his ear and cocky grin on his face. Jensen glanced around, but everyone else in the office was busy with one thing or another.

"What do you want?" he asked, keeping his tone low.

"I don't like your article," Jared said simply.

"And I really care," Jensen said rolling his eyes. He paused, then curiosity got the better of him. "Why not?"

"You didn't really capture all of the sexual tension between us."

"You're delusional," Jensen said. "What sexual tension?"

Jared laughed, the sound sending a thrill down Jensen's spine, even through the phone.

"I know you felt it," the skater said. "I could tell by looking at your jeans."

Heat raced to Jensen's face, and he kind of hunched forward, hiding behind his computer screen. "Delusional," he repeated.

"You kissed me back." Jared sounded very, very self-satisfied.

"Goodbye, Jared," Jensen said, getting ready to hang up.

"Wait, wait, wait," Jared said quickly, though he sounded a little bored with Jensen's attitude. "I did have a real reason for calling."

Jensen sighed but waited, saying nothing. Jared was silent for a moment as well, no doubt waiting to see if Jensen was going to hang up anyway.

"We should go out sometime."

Bewilderment wasn't big enough a word to describe what Jensen felt, not even astonishment. He scratched at the back of his head, and when he spoke, he tried to sound as cool as he could.

"I don't date professional skaters," he said.

"Ohh," Jared said, laughing. "You're gonna play hard to get, are you?"

"I'm not playing anything," Jensen said. "Least of all with you."

"What if I told you I do like your article?" Jared asked.

"Wouldn't change a thing," Jensen answered smoothly.

"Okay, well it would've been a lie anyway." Jared sounded like he was shrugging. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Jared --"

"I just want to see you again," Jared said. "You're different from most people."

"Why?" Jensen asked. "Because I don't treat you like the god you think you are."

"Pretty much," Jared answered.

Jensen sighed heavily, battling with himself. On one side he really wanted to hang up, but there was that curious part of him that was, for some reason, attracted to Jared. And Jared seemed to be able to sense this through the phone.

"Meet me at Hatfield's, seven o'clock," he said.

"Hatfield's?" Jensen echoed.

"Don't be late." Jared hung up.

Still beyond surprised, Jensen slowly hung up as well, able to feel the bemused expression on his own face. Chad leaned around his computer, raising his eyebrows.

"You alright?" he asked. "Who was that?"

"My sister," Jensen said, the lie tumbling easily from his mouth.

"How's she doing?" Chad was being politely curious.

"Good," Jensen answered shortly.


They both glanced towards Jeff's office -- their boss was standing in the doorway, looking their way.

"A minute?"

"Sure thing, boss," Chad said, starting to stand.

"What the heck are you two always talking about?" Jensen asked quietly. "That man is always calling you into his office."

Chad shrugged his shoulders. "You know how weird he is," he said.

Jensen nodded and watched as Chad walked away. He was left wondering firstly, how he was going to get to Hatfield's that night, secondly, how he was going to afford to eat there, and most importantly, what he was going to wear.

* * *

"Very incognito, Jared."

Jensen sat down across from the skater, who stuck out like a sore thumb at Hatfield's, probably because he was wearing a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses, despite being inside. Besides the shades, he was wearing dark, stone-washed jeans and a short-sleeved button-up, dark red in color. Three buttons were undone, and the tanned skin that it exposed made Jensen's throat dry.

Jared was dressed very casually, and Jensen didn't feel so self-conscious in his jeans and polo anymore.

"You actually came," Jared said.

"I was bored," Jensen said.

"You got the hots for me." Jared smirked.

Rolling his eyes, Jensen threw a little look around the fancy restaurant; he'd lived in L.A. for a while now, but this was the first time he'd been there. Mostly the customers were elderly couples, and the place was buzzing quietly with activity.

Jensen glanced back to Jared, and he noticed that the younger man didn't have his arm brace on anymore. He nodded at Jared's now bare (and very toned) arm.

"Did you heal up?" he asked.

Jared looked down, then shrugged. "Yeah," he answered, though he sounded kind of awkward. "It's feeling better." He gave Jensen another smirk. "Concerned about little old me?"

"More like big old you," Jensen said. "And no -- not in the least."

Jared's grin seemed to widen, and Jensen wished he could see Jared's eyes.

A waitress all but bounced over to the table, asking for their drink order. Jared turned his head away from her, as if trying to hide his face, and he ordered two different alcoholic drinks for himself. Jensen quickly threw in a Coke, and the waitress scurried away, all winks and smiles.

"Did you drive here?" Jared asked.

"Couldn't imagine trying to find parking," Jensen answered. "I took the bus most of the way, then walked."

Nodding, Jared picked up one of the menus on the table. He opened it, but because of the sunglasses, Jensen couldn't tell if he was looking at it, or over it at him.

"Get whatever you want," Jared said.

"What? Are you paying?" Jensen asked sarcastically.

"What? You don't think I can be a gentleman?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

Jared's eyebrows rose over his glasses, and he smiled widely, flashing his dimples -- which were actually quite endearing.

"Are you gonna wear those all night?" Jensen asked, picking up his own menu.

"Why?" Jared asked.

"It's rude," Jensen answered. "Not only to me, but everyone here."

"That's not the reason you want me to take them off," Jared said.

"Ye --"

"No it isn't." Even with the shades, now Jensen could tell that Jared was staring at him. "Tell me the real reason -- that you want to see my pretty eyes."

"Stop flattering yourself."

"You want me."

Jensen knew he was blushing, and he cursed himself, then Jared. Stupid Jared and his stupid arrogance. The other man's eyebrows wriggled slightly, and his smirk seemed to get even cockier.

"Just admit it, Mr. Writer Man," he said. "Why else would you come to dinner with me?"

"What else am I going to do on a Thursday night?" Jensen countered.

"Okay, okay -- I'll go first," Jared said on a sigh. "I think you're pretty sexy, you know. Your freckles are kind of cute, and your lips alone make me feel all kinds of naughty."

Almost letting out a surprised gasp, Jensen shifted awkwardly in his seat, his face burning. Jared only grinned at him, saying nothing because their waitress had returned with their drinks, asking if they were ready to order their food.

Jared started to order first, and Jensen quickly went back to the menu, picking out the first thing that sounded good. As the waitress walked away again, Jared shook his head.

"You didn't have to get one of the cheapest things here," he said.

"It's habit," Jensen replied with a shrug.

A pause. "So where were we?" Jared asked, then he grinned. "Oh yeah, it's your turn."

His face still hadn't cooled off, and Jensen decided to play dumb. "My turn for what?"

"Admit it," Jared said. "Tell me you're attracted to me, that you think I'm hot."

"What's it going to prove?" Jensen asked. When Jared didn't respond, Jensen crossed his arms and sighed. "Okay, fine -- I'm attracted to you."

Jared threw his head back slightly as he laughed. "Like you mean it."

"You're so full of yourself." Jensen shook his head.

Still chuckling, Jared reached up and pulled his sunglasses off, revealing his blue-green eyes. It made Jensen feel a little better -- at least he could tell when Jared was looking at him now.

"You know," Jared said, shoving the glasses into his breast pocket. "You could stand to lighten up."

Jensen studied him for a moment, then lowered his gaze. He had decided to come to dinner for no reason other than he'd wanted to see Jared again, he supposed he should try and make the best of it. Who knew? Maybe he could tune down Jared's attitude.

"So how old are you?" Jared asked. "Since I'm allowed to ask questions now."

Jensen thought about lying, but found he couldn't. "Almost twenty-eight."

Jared's eyebrows raised again, and he took a rather large sip of one of his drinks. "You look younger," he said.

"Sure," Jensen said with a little smirk.

"I like older guys." Jared shrugged his big shoulders.

Opening his mouth to say something smart, Jensen paused. Jared was grinning at him, no doubt waiting for the snappy retort that Jensen had been ready to give him. Jensen smirked.

"Lucky me," he said with his own playfulness.

Jared's grin broadened.

* * *

"Are you...driving yourself home?"

Jared set down the empty glass from his third drink, and he smirked across the table at Jensen. He had almost forgotten how good-looking the sports writer was in the time that had passed since the interview. Jensen had showed up to Hatfield's wearing a tight-fitted black polo (one of those flashy ones with gray swirly designs on the bottom of it), and a pair of worn and faded jeans.

Jared had meant to tell him how nice he looked, but it'd been more fun to spend his night teasing him.

"I don't know," Jared answered, shrugging his shoulders. "It was just a couple of drinks."

"Which is more than enough, believe it or not," Jensen said. His cool shield had lowered halfway through dinner as they'd relaxed around one another, and it was nice not to have Jensen snapping at him like he had at the interview.

Jared studied him for a second, then smiled. "Maybe you could drive me home?" he asked, adding just the right amount of suggestion to his tone.

"I don't --" Jensen cut himself off, pausing slightly. "This was your plan all along, wasn't it?"

"Could be," Jared said.

Suddenly, Jensen grinned. He had nice, white teeth and a few crinkles that appeared at the corners of his eyes -- the only sign of his age. He was even better looking than Jared had originally thought.

"You're unbelievable," the older man said.

"I know," Jared said with a smirk. "And insufferable, full of myself, overbearing, insolent -- you've told me at random intervals all through the night."

Still smiling, Jensen lowered his gaze. Unlike Jared, who had practically inhaled his meal, Jensen had spent most of the night picking at his food. Jared had fought the urge to call him a chick, not wanting to ruin the mutual calmness that had taken over them.

"So?" Jared asked. "Drive me home?" At Jensen's pause, he raised his eyebrows. "It'll beat riding the bus."

"Are you suggesting I stay the night at your place?" Jensen asked.

"Are you contemplating saying 'yes'?" Jared countered.

Jensen pondered for a moment, but looked away. Jared heaved a very dramatic sigh, pretending to sway in his chair slightly.

"I'm starting to feel a little tipsy," he said.

"I can't believe I'm actually thinking about this," Jensen said.

"I'll take that as a yes," Jared said, nodding. "But first? Desert."

* * *

"Should've known you'd have something like this."

Jared grinned as they reached one of his babies, his black Hummer. Jensen looked very amused, and Jared could understand -- he supposed it was a bit stereotypical of him.

"I can see the jealousy in your eyes," he said.

"I bet you can," Jensen said sarcastically.

Chuckling, Jared pulled his keys out of his pocket. He held them out to Jensen, but as the other man reached for them, Jared pulled his hand back.

"You're not gonna cream your pants if I let you drive her, are you?" he asked.

Jensen rolled his eyes, snatching the keys out of Jared's hands. Their fingers brushed, and Jared felt a little like there were butterflies in his gut -- that hadn't happened since he was thirteen. He grinned as he walked around to the passenger side of the truck, a part of him in disbelief that his plan had worked.

"You know what they say about guys who own Hummers?" Jensen asked as they climbed up into their seats. "That they're compensating for something. Some girls think these guys might as well be driving around with a sign that says: I have a little dick."

Jared laughed, then raised his eyebrows. "Do you think I'm compensating for something?"

Side-glancing him, Jensen studied him momentarily, his cheeks slightly flushed again. "I guess I'll be finding out real soon," he said slowly.

Jared was really enjoying the playful side of Jensen that had started to poke through. As Jensen started the ignition, Jared watched his profile in silence.

"Why do you write for a magazine?" he asked curiously.


"You could easily be a model or something," Jared said. "Or maybe an actor. You shouldn't just be a faceless name to the world like this."

"A faceless name?" Jensen repeated. "Never thought if it that way."

"All I'm saying is that you have the look." Jared relaxed back in his seat, pulling on the seat belt until it was comfortable.

"Thanks...I think," Jensen said. A short silence fell over them, and he glanced at Jared once more after a minute. "Truth is...working for a skate magazine is what I want to do. I want to be, I guess you could say, affiliated with skateboarding." He bit his bottom lip, then shrugged. "I couldn't make it pro, so I went to the next best thing."

Jared's brow furrowed. "You tried to go pro?"

Jensen's ears had reddened again, though he tried to remain casual. "We can't all be as talented as you," he said quietly.

It was hard to imagine Jensen on a skateboard, and Jared wondered if he'd ever get to see it.

"So where am I going?" Jensen asked.

Jared quickly gave him the address, deciding not to press the subject. He reached over and turned the CD player on, not remembering what was in it, and the sound of the Rollins Band poured from the speakers. Knowing this kind of music was an acquired taste, Jared glanced questioningly at Jensen. After a minute though, he could see that Jensen's lips were moving as he mouthed the words -- it pleased Jared immensely that Jensen even knew any of the band's songs.

Liking Jensen more and more with each passing second it seemed, Jared relaxed back again, turning to look out the window as scenery passed. It was weird sitting in the passenger seat of his own Hummer -- normally he'd have rather shit twice and die than let anyone else drive one of his cars. But for some reason, he trusted Jensen.

As Jensen was pulling into Jared's driveway, he let out a low whistle. While this usually might've made Jared feel smug, this time he felt a little sheepish.

He lived in a large house, one some might call a mansion. Most people had already taken the tour of Jared's place on MTV's Cribs -- the TV room, the game room, the spacious kitchen, and even the insanely large pool in his backyard. But suddenly, for the first time since he'd garnered such success, Jared felt kind of self-conscious of his home.

"Yeah, it's okay," he said as Jensen was putting the car into park.

Jensen studied him for a moment, and embarrassed, Jared all but whipped his seat belt off, and threw open the door. He didn't know what'd come over him, but he was dead-set on making it go away. He did have a reputation to maintain.

When Jensen climbed out of the Hummer as well, they walked around the front of it to meet each other. Jensen held out the keys and Jared took them, not meeting the older man's gaze.

"Do you live all alone here?" Jensen asked, looking back to the house.

Jared shrugged. "What's wrong with that?" he asked.

"It must get lonely." Jensen lowered his gaze, as if he were embarrassed to have said it.

Instead of replying, Jared snorted and started towards the house. Jensen followed him to the front door, and as Jared started to unlock it, he glanced over his shoulder.

"You look like you're having second thoughts," he said with a smirk.

Jensen gave a playful grimace. "Well," he said, "You know I can't stand you and all."

Laughing, Jared pushed open the door, and stepped inside, reaching for the light switch. As Jensen followed him into the large foyer, he tossed his keys onto the small table by the door. He glanced at Jensen who looked like he was trying to hide his awe.

Still strangely self-conscious, Jared started down the hall towards the kitchen, Jensen following. Jared wondered if maybe they should've went to Jensen's place instead.

"You have dogs?" Jensen had noticed the bowls on the floor.

"Yeah," Jared answered, thinking fondly of his other babies, Harley and Sadie. "They're at a friend's house now though. She's taking care of them for me because I was in Pennsylvania until today." His dogs kept him company most of the time, made him feel a little less apathetic when he couldn't see his family.

"What was in Pennsylvania?" Jensen asked curiously.

"A signing," Jared answered with a shrug.

As they both fell silent, Jared went to the refrigerator, and he pulled out a bottle of beer. Using the bottom of his shirt, he twisted the top off of it, and tossed it onto the island counter. He kept his eyes on Jensen as he took a swig of the beer, and as he swallowed, he held it out to the older man.

After a pause, Jensen reached over and grabbed the bottle. Jared smirked as Jensen tilted the bottle back and drank after him.

"Let's go upstairs." Jared took the bottle back and set it on the counter.

Jensen seemed to think about this for a moment, then nodded. Grinning, Jared grabbed one of Jensen's wrists, and he started to lead Jensen from the kitchen, back down the hall. As they climbed the stairs, Jensen looked around with interest, though kept his expression neutral -- probably for Jared's sake.

When they reached Jared's bedroom, Jared turned to Jensen and pulled them together roughly, bending his neck forward and crushing his lips to Jensen's. Something sharp was poking him in the chest, and keeping his mouth against Jensen's, he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out his sunglasses. He tossed them to his right, not caring where or how they'd landed -- he'd get a new pair.

He slipped his arms around Jensen's waist, holding them together, and Jensen's tongue brushed against his bottom lip. Unable to keep from smiling into the kiss, Jared opened his mouth, and Jensen's tongue slid between his lips. As Jensen explored Jared's mouth with his tongue, his hands went to Jared's waist, fingers squeezing slightly at Jared's hips.

Jared moved his tongue against Jensen's, kissing him deeply. A noise stirred in the back of the older man's throat, almost unnoticeable, and Jared ran his hands up Jensen's sides, curling his fingers into the material of his polo. Jared was grinning as they pulled apart.

He started moving backwards, pulling Jensen with him, and Jensen smiled at him, his eyes dancing with the excitement that Jared felt himself.

"I'm gonna be honest," Jared said. "I've been thinking about this since I met you -- since you opened that pretty little mouth of yours."

Chuckling, Jensen brushed his lips lightly over Jared's. "As much as you do get on my nerves," he said, "Me too."

Jared grinned again as they reached his bed, and let go of Jensen. He reached up and swiftly started to unbutton his shirt. Jensen's eyes followed Jared's fingers, and they seemed to darken with lust. Still smiling, Jared shrugged out of the shirt, dropping it to the floor. Jensen's gaze was hungry as it moved down Jared's body, and Jared had to fight the urge to flex.

"Impressed?" he asked.

Jensen shrugged his shoulders. "Getting there."

With a small laugh, Jared grabbed Jensen's shirt once more, and turned so that he could shove the older man onto his bed. As Jensen landed in the middle of the mattress, Jared went quickly to the nightstand beside the bed frame. He jerked open the bottom drawer and found what he was looking for with no trouble.

He crawled into bed with Jensen, passing him another grin, and he held up the single condom and bottle of lubricant. He wiggled his eyebrows slightly.

"Hope this isn't too big for you," he said playfully.

Not responding -- letting the roll of his eyes speak for him -- Jensen stole the items from Jared, then set them aside. He pushed Jared onto his back, and climbed over top of him. As their mouths met this time, they kissed almost desperately. The first time had been experimental, they'd been testing the waters, but this kiss meant business.

Jensen's hands moved up Jared's bare sides and stomach, then across Jared's chest as their lips moved in rhythm with one another's. Jared grabbed and squeezed Jensen's ass through his jeans, sucking lightly on Jensen's tongue as it invaded his mouth. As a small noise welled in Jensen's throat again, Jared put one of his legs between Jensen's, and pressed his thigh against Jensen's crotch.

He almost laughed when Jensen rolled his hips slightly, grinding against his leg. He grabbed at the bottom hem of Jensen's shirt, and started to tug it upwards.

"Get this damn thing off," he said playfully against Jensen's mouth.

With a smile, Jensen helped to pull the polo off, and he tossed it quickly to the floor. He was even more toned than Jared had originally thought. His shoulders were broad, his waist thick, and Jared let his gaze follow every line and cut of the older man's torso. If only all sports writers looked like this.

One of his hands absentmindedly moved down the middle of Jensen's chest, and Jensen took in a deep breath. Jared looked back up to Jensen's face to see that Jensen was blushing again, in the way that had become so endearing.

Jared wrapped his arms around Jensen's neck, then pulled him down again, pressing his lips to Jensen's once more. As they kissed and sucked at one another's lips, Jared could feel Jensen's fingers messing with his belt buckle. In no time, Jared found himself shimmying out of his jeans; Jensen pulled them off one leg at a time, along with Jared's shoes, and tossed it all to the floor. Pausing for just a moment, Jensen hooked his fingers on the waistband of Jared's boxers.

Jared lifted his hips, and in one swift motion, Jensen pulled them off. His eyes slowly took in Jared's full form, his cock which had wasted no time in starting to harden, and when his gaze returned to Jared's face, Jared smiled.

Leaning down again, Jensen caught Jared's lips with his own. One of his hands slipped between their bodies, and as his warm fingers wrapped around Jared's erection, Jared's breath caught in his throat. As Jensen started to pull on Jared's dick slowly, fingers tight, Jared reached quickly to undo Jensen's jeans.

He moved his mouth away from Jensen's, trailing it along Jensen's jaw and to his collarbone. He kissed and bit at the smooth skin there, and Jensen continued to pump his cock, his hand gliding swiftly and easily, aided by the slickness of Jared's pre-cum.

Rather than pull Jensen's dick out, Jared slipped his hand down Jensen's undone jeans, cupping him firmly. Jensen made another grinding motion with his hips, and Jared bit at Jensen's shoulder roughly.

Sitting up slightly, Jensen nudged Jared's legs apart, and slid between them. He leaned over Jared and grabbed the small bottle of lube. He let go of Jared's cock, but then moved one of Jared's hands to it; getting the picture, Jared started to stroke himself. He smiled up at Jensen as the older man opened the bottle.

Jensen then squeezed some of the clear liquid onto his index finger, and lowered his hand slowly. Jared lifted his hips, positioning himself, and he almost gasped when the tip of Jensen's finger touched him, the lubricant cool against his skin. As Jensen started to spread it around Jared's hole, Jared's anticipation made him start fisting his dick faster, heat building inside of him.

When Jensen pressed his finger against Jared's hole, started to slip it into him, his gaze locked on Jared's face, gauging the reaction. Jared pushed his hips down slightly, trying to pull more of Jensen's finger into him.

"Come on," Jared said with a grin, breathless as he pumped his cock. "Don't pussy out on me now."

Jensen mirrored the grin, before pushing his finger completely into Jared. Jared involuntarily winced just slightly, but wiggled his hips a little, trying to get used to it. Jensen started to move his finger in and out of Jared, twisting it slightly, and Jared couldn't help but watch, his body moving in tune with both Jensen's movements, and his own.

When Jensen added a second finger, it was a little unexpected, and Jared let a noise escape him. Jensen smiled at him, though it looked somewhat smug, and he started pushing his fingers even quicker into Jared, working him to get him ready.

But Jared was already there.

"Okay," he panted. "Get on with it -- fuck me. Now."

He could see the way his words affected Jensen, and he flashed a grin. Jensen's fingers left him, and then he pulled his own cock free from his jeans. Jared was actually a little impressed. Jensen grabbed the condom Jared had pulled out, and he tore it open with his teeth. As he rolled it smoothly onto his cock, he glanced at Jared thoughtfully.

"Roll over," he said, picking up the bottle of lube once more.

"Are you gonna take control of me, Mr. Writer Man?" Jared asked sardonically.

Coating his dick in the lubricant, the only thing Jensen did was repeat, "Roll over."

Grinning, Jared obliged, turning over on his hands and knees. He glanced over his shoulder impatiently, and Jensen moved closer to him. Jensen grabbed one of Jared's hips, holding him there, and he held his own cock in his other hand. He guided himself to Jared, and as the head of his dick prodded at Jared's hole, Jared held his breath.

Jensen eased into Jared, who clutched at the bedspread and gritted his teeth. Now holding Jared's waist with both hands, Jensen pushed his hips forward -- not too fast, but definitely not slow. A noise left Jared as Jensen buried himself to the hilt, and Jensen paused for just a moment.

When he pulled his cock out, he gave one of Jared's hips what could only be called a reassuring squeeze, and Jensen started to thrust in and out of Jared, momentum building with each passing moment. Jared started bouncing his hips backwards to meet Jensen's thrusts, and Jensen let out a small groan, fingernails digging into Jared's hips. Jared bit his bottom lip as he dropped his head forward some, his hair falling into his eyes.

After a few moments of near silence, their heavy breathing and the bed's slight creaking the only exception, a small ache stirred in Jared's left wrist. Inwardly cursing the familiar twinge of pain, Jared tried to shift his weight off of it. When it didn't help, he paused and repositioned himself; staying on his knees, he switched from his hands to his elbows. The ache in his wrist dulled slightly, and he was able to return to the situation.

Jensen's movements faltered slightly, and using his tight hold on Jared's waist, Jensen lifted Jared's ass higher into the air, bending Jared's back a little more. He then all but slammed himself into Jared, and Jared's grunt was one of both pain and surprise.

One of Jensen's hands left Jared's waist, moving to one of Jared's shoulders, Jensen kissed at the back of Jared's neck.

"This is what you need, isn't it?" Jensen asked gruffly.

He gave another rough thrust, fingernails biting into Jared's skin, and Jared almost cried out. He nodded his head quickly.


Jensen drove his cock deeply into Jared again, the pain lacing with pleasure.

"Not so arrogant anymore, are you?" Jensen asked next, breath hot on Jared's ear.

Jared slipped his right arm beneath his body, and he grabbed his dick again, starting to pull on it quickly. Jensen's lips and teeth moved over Jared's neck and shoulders, and he rammed his cock into Jared again.

A sudden and immense pleasure raced through Jared's body, and he groaned loudly -- Jensen had hit his prostate. Jared's hand sped up slightly, white heat seeming to dance in his veins, and he stroked himself quickly as small, almost animalistic noises left his throat.

Knowing what'd just happened, and obviously able to see the kind of reaction Jared had to it, Jensen's movements slowed just slightly, so that he could concentrate more on what he was doing. He angled his next thrust into Jared, and by a stroke of luck, his cock hit Jared's sweet spot head-on. And then he held it there.

Jared's whole body gave a lurch, and his fingers tightened around his own dick, a final pump of it being the straw that broke the camel's back. He was practically able to feel his balls draw up, and with a low cry, he started to come, emptying himself onto the blankets beneath him.

Behind him, Jensen started to move again, only instead of pulling his cock out of Jared, he kept it there and started to grind and rock his hips, twisting them slightly and rolling against Jared. His hands were tight on Jared's hips again, and Jared felt like that was the only thing that was keeping him upright at the moment -- his body was still buzzing and shaking slightly from his climax, and he could've collapsed were it not for Jensen.

It wasn't long after that Jensen reached the end of his rope as well. His whole body seemed to give a great shudder, and then with a deep, guttural-sounding noise, Jensen came.

When he pulled out of Jared, he moved off of the bed, and stood, reaching up to rub at his face. He glanced around, then pointed over his shoulder at the half-open door in the corner.

"Bathroom?" he asked, breathlessly.

Jared nodded, rolling over onto his back, and not caring about the sticky bedspread. As Jensen went to the master bathroom, Jared sighed heavily and grabbed his left wrist, squeezing at it slightly, the pain having stuck around instead of leaving. He made a slight face, still holding his wrist, and he wondered if maybe he should finally get it checked out.

Thinking about his father, he shook his head, and let go.

When Jensen returned to the bed, having thrown the condom away, the two curled up and in no time were well on their way to passing out. It was different for Jared, to have someone staying the night at his place like this -- usually he kicked everyone out after he got his jollies.

But Jensen was different, Jensen wasn't like everyone else.


♥ jensen ackles/jared padalecki, ※ (j2) gimme danger, - real person slash

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