Fanfiction // Real Person // `Heart of Summer` [01/??]

Jan 30, 2008 00:29

Title: Heart of Summer [01/??]
Fandom: Real Person Fic - Actors
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Rating: This part? PG16
Summary: Jared get's in trouble with his parents and is sent to his aunt and uncle's farm for the summer, where hard labor is expected to shape him up. Also staying at the farm is Jensen, a man who's been working for Jared's uncle for a few years.
Note: Writing this on a whim -- the idea of it excited me so much I couldn't stop for anything, even bathroom breaks (but I eventually went). Hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: AU, slash, masturbation, sexual content, bottom!Jared (some still eventual).
Disclaimer: No harm, no foul -- would I be here if I owned these boys?
Words: 4103

o n e

To say Jared Padalecki couldn't believe what was happening would've been an understatement. As he stood in front of the rumbling bus, bags under his arms, he could only gape at his parents with a raised brow. Sure, they'd been threatening and threatening him with this story, but surely that was just a trick parents used -- this was all some sort of warning, right? His father made a face at him, expression clearly saying, 'Well? Aren't you getting on the bus?'

"You're serious about this?" He asked, voice cracking out of surprise.

His mother rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Jared," she said, "We gave you a chance to clean your act up and you didn't."

"I didn't make it worse!" He exclaimed, the unruly teenager in him pretty pissed if he could say so himself. "I mean, come on, this is insane."

Seventeen-year-old Jared just couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that his parents were sending him to some backwater Oregon town for the summer. He'd gotten into a little trouble with the police, just some minor itty-bitty driving violations, and they'd started packing up his bags and telling him he would spend some time with his Aunt Trudy and Uncle Mike. Instead of lazing about at the pool with his friends in beautiful California this summer, he'd be working hard on a farm. A farm. Jared on a farm. It just didn't compute in his mind.

"No," his mother said, rolling her neck for exaggeration, "The way you've been acting has been insane, Jared. Bad grades, no job and now you're getting into trouble with the cops? Not to mention all this drinking and partying you've been doing isn't good for a boy your age. You're lucky we aren't doing more to punish you."

"More?" He asked. "How can my punishment get any worse than this?"

"Jared," his father spoke up, "Would you like to me to answer that question for you?" It was his, 'Roar-I-Am-Dad tone, and even Jared could admit that he knew when he'd been beat.

The teenager dropped his gaze with a heavy sigh. "No," he answered. "But Oregon?"

Instead of answering, his mother pulled him into a hug. "Look, honey," she said. "We love you -- that's why we're doing this. You'll understand soon that this is a way better punishment than anything else we could've done -- it's your aunt and uncle for Pete's sake."

"Yeah," Jared said moodily, "But I haven't seen them since I was eight. You know, when I fell off that horse."

Just saying the word 'horse' made Jared want to shudder. Ever since that incident he'd had a fear of those beasts -- could you blame him though? He didn't discuss this fear with very many people of course, but it was probably the reason why his stomach had a knot in it. Maybe Uncle Mike had gotten rid of the horses?

"Well now's your chance to make peace with the horse race," his mother joked lamely, unable to help herself.

His father laughed, and the two looked at each other like they'd just made the best joke in the entire world. Jared rolled his eyes, face heating up some. His mother noticed and quickly sobered, before hugging him again.

"Remember to call us, Jared," she said.

"Yeah," was all he said.

"Don't worry, son," his father said as he started to trudge towards the door of the bus. "A summer of labor will do you good, you'll see."

Half-tempted to flip his father off, Jared only nodded and climbed up into the dimly-lit bus. So maybe getting sent to a relative's wasn't the end of the world, and it wasn't like he'd be too far away. Oh yeah, but he wasn't allowed to take his car, because his parents had taken it away from him. Fucking Oregon on a fucking farm with fucking horses. He almost shuddered again, stowing his bags above his seat.

As he sat down with another heavy sigh, he pulled out his cellphone, noticing that he'd missed a call -- Chad of course. As the bus driver called for the last riders to board, Jared quickly dialed his best friend's number.

"They were really serious!" He exclaimed when Chad answered.

First Chad laughed, then said, "Well, they were pretty pissed, Jare."

"Dude, just side with me on this one," Jared said. "We're gonna go a whole summer without seeing each other because of that stupid cop." The cop could've just given him a warning, but no, he had to get Officer Bastard that night.

"Well hey," Chad said, "Can I still use your pool?"

"No," Jared said, grumpily.

"Who knows, man?" Chad asked. "Maybe you'll have...a good time...?"

"Thanks for trying," Jared said dryly, "I highly doubt it. Watch -- it'll probably be a town full of old folk and cows."

"And horses," Chad snorted.

"Not funny," Jared said. "I can't believe you don't even care about this."

"No, I do," Chad quickly said. "One of us has to be optimistic about this, right? Maybe you'll meet some ass up there."

"I don't like cowboys, thank you very much," Jared said. "I'll take a surfer boy over them any day." Jared and Chad had met through the Gay Straight Alliance at their high school, a small group of teenagers either confused about their sexualities, or very much open. While Chad was still floating through the bi-curious phase, Jared's meter had went straight to gay. "I just wish this wasn't happening."

"Yeah," Chad agreed with a heavy sigh. "This was gonna be a great summer. Now what the hell am I gonna do with my time?"

"Get fat," Jared said. "That'd be a hilarious surprise for me when I came back."

"Oh ha ha," it was Chad's turn to be dry. "I hope you have fun shucking corn and skinning chickens."

Jared paused -- would he really have to skin chickens? As if reading his mind, Chad laughed again.

"Hey, Jare," he said, "If you had to choose between just touching a horse and skinning a chicken, what would it be?"

"It would be kicking your ass," Jared said. "Maybe I can get you to come visit -- then you can see how scary horses can be."

The ride seemed to last forever, when in reality it was just a few hours, and it was around three in the afternoon when Jared climbed down from the bus and looked around. His uncle was supposed to be picking him up, but so far he hadn't arrived yet. As he plopped down on a bench, trying to ignore the burning sun, he pulled out his cellphone again -- he'd told Chad he'd call him when he arrived.

But the worst had happened.

"No service?!" Jared exclaimed so loud that people turned to stare.

Flushing just slightly, Jared cleared his throat and averted his gaze. Leaving his bags on the bench, he stood up and started to move around some, glaring at the small screen of his phone as if willing it to get service.

"Son of a bitch," he muttered, pocketing it again. Well, this was just great.

"Jared, that you?"

He turned and tried to past a smile on his face at the sight of his uncle, a tall stick of a man with copper-colored hair and a broad neck. He seemed genuinely pleased to see Jared, and Jared felt just a little bad that he didn't have the same enthusiasm.

"Hey, Uncle Mike," he said. "Long time no see."

"You got that right, pal," Mike said, pulling Jared into a one-armed hug. "Look at you though, never woulda thought that scrawny kid could grow into this."

"Heh, me neither," Jared said shortly.

Mike seemed to admire his nephew for a moment, before he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, let's get goin' then," he said. "These your bags?"

"Yeah," Jared said, then quickly added, "But you don't have to -- I can get them --"

"Nonsense, nonsense," Mike said, hoisting both bags over one shoulder. Then, with a very cheesy and very uncle-like smile, Mike started to lead Jared towards the parking lot. "I'm drivin' my friend's truck," he said conversationally as they walked, "He's tryin' to fix up mine right now, had to take it apart completely."

"That'," Jared offered weakly as they stopped at a large black pick-up.

As Mike pulled away from the bus stop, Jared slouched in the passenger seat, watching with bored eyes as scenery passed. His uncle talked away merrily, bringing up random things that Jared would answer in the least amount of words, and all Jared could think about was how much this summer was going to suck.

Despite how long it'd been, Jared had been able to remember the way Mike and Trudy's house had looked -- and it hadn't changed at all. As Mike parked the monster of a truck in a dirt drive-way, Jared gazed out over the large fields on either side of him. No neighbors in sight -- they could've had a hell of a house here, get an in-ground pool and polish the place up a bit. One hell of a party palace, for sure.

The house was dark compared to the brilliant light outside, and as Jared entered through the front door after Mike, he squinted and tried to make out what was around him. Everything still looked the same, almost like he'd stepped into a memory -- it even smelled the same too, like old people. His aunt, Trudy, came rushing out of the living room, where the obvious sounds of a television could be heard, and she all but choked Jared as she pulled him into an embrace.

"Oh, Jared!" She exclaimed in the way aunts are wont to do. "How've you been, boy?"

"Okay, I guess," he answered. Then he remembered his manners. "How about you?"

"I've been wonderful," she gushed. "My, how you've grown."

"Sprouted up outta nowhere, eh?" Mike gave her shoulder a light shove, the two of them laughing.

She looked Jared over once more, before glancing at Mike. "Well, show him his room -- I bet he's dying to rest after the trip."

Before Jared could think of a response, Mike was guiding him to the creaky staircase. He was led upstairs, passed the light blue-decorated bathroom, and Mike opened up a door to reveal a nice-sized room. It had its simple pieces of furniture -- a twin-sized bed, a wooden desk and chair, a dresser against one wall. By the white-curtained window was an old-fashioned wing chair, and Jared tried to be impressed, as Mike was very excited.

"It's great, Uncle Mike," he said. "Thanks. For everything." That last part had been hard to say, but he managed to make it sound truthful.

"No problem, Jared," he said, dropping the bags on Jared's new bed. "It's just nice to see you again. Now, you know where everything is, pretty much -- we hate change."

Jared nodded, then tried to sound casual. "Would you mind if I used the phone?" He asked.

"Knock yourself out, kid," he said. "It's in the kitchen."

And with a last grin, Mike slipped out of the room. Jared looked around the plain room, sighing inside -- this was going to be one long ass summer. He walked to the window and opened the curtains, squinting at the bright sunlight that came in. At least the view was pretty, even he could admit that.

After unpacking, Jared wandered downstairs. Trudy was in the living room, knitting away and laughing at the old sitcom she was watching, and she immediately offered to make Jared something to eat.

"Uh, no," Jared said awkwardly, pointing down the hall, "No thanks. I'm just gonna use the phone."

"Okay dear," she said brightly, "Remember to call your mom."

Jared pretended that was actually going to happen and went to the kitchen. They had one of those cream-colored phones with the curly cords stuck on the wall, so vintage, and Jared grabbed it lazily. After checking for a dial-tone, he quickly punched in Chad's number, leaning against the wall. As he listened to the ringing, he felt something brush up against his leg and he looked down.

A charcoal-colored cat was rubbing up against him and he felt himself smile -- he liked cats, but his mother was allergic. He crouched slightly, running his fingers over the soft fur.

"Hey kitty," he said. "When'd they get you?"

"What?" A voice said in his ear, and he realized Chad had answered when he'd been distracted with the cat.

"Oh, hey, it's me," Jared said, straightening. "My cell isn't working, so I'm using their phone."

"So besides the fact that I like it when you call me Kitty, is it horrible?" Chad asked, a grin in his voice. "Tell me you're already wishing you were dead."

"How do we remain friends?" Jared asked. "You're just loving this torture aren't you?"

"Pretty much," he answered. "So what's up?"

Jared started to answer, but the back door opened, and he found himself at a loss for words. A guy that he'd never met before entered the kitchen, seemingly not even noticing Jared, and he walked towards the fridge. This isn't what rendered Jared speechless however, it was the fact that this man was shirtless and covered in sweat. And buff, definitely buff.

He had dark hair, lightened naturally in some spots by the sun's rays, and he had a harsh jaw bone with defined cheeks. His jeans were hanging low on his hips, hugging him like a second skin, and Jared felt like he'd never seen something quite so nice -- this dude beat surfer boys any day. The stranger, still not looking towards Jared, pulled out a pitcher of lemonade and started to pour himself a glass. Jared finally couldn't take it -- he had to know who this son of a bitch was, and why no one had mentioned him.

Forgetting Chad was on the other line, Jared hung up the phone and his hands went to his hips. "Who are you?" He demanded.

The man glanced at him, halfway through chugging his glass of lemonade, and he arched a brow almost professionally. "Who the hell are you?" He countered smoothly.

Before Jared could answer, Mike appeared from the hallway, whistling to himself. He noticed both of them in the kitchen and grinned brightly, slapping Jared on the shoulder.

"Jared," he said, "Meet Jensen --" he gestured towards the fine specimen, "-- he's been working for me and your aunt for a few years now, he lives with us. Has the room right across from yours, actually."

Jared felt like he'd been kicked in the gut, slapped in the face, and then knocked to the ground. No one had said anything about living across from another man -- completely unrelated and totally good-looking man at that. He was actually quite ticked off that everyone had just failed to mention him.

"Jensen," Mike was saying, as the shirtless stranger leaned a hip against the counter, wearing a smirk. "Meet my nephew Jared."

"The one who fell off ol' Starla?" Jensen asked.

Jared's face practically exploded like a volcano, and he inwardly groaned. Starla was the horse who'd forever scarred his life, and he couldn't believe that Mike had been so open about this with some random guy.

"That's the one," Mike answered jovially.

Jared glanced up just as Jensen's gaze moved over his body -- it was slow yet subtle, and it made that special part of Jared twitch just slightly. Then Jensen turned his smirk back to Jared's face and nodded.

"Nice meeting you," he said, tone saying anything but.

"You too," Jared bit out.

"How's the truck coming, Jensen?" Mike asked, stepping away from Jared.

The two started to talk about a truck Jensen was working on, and Jared realized that the black thing he'd rode in had been Jensen's. He stood there, contemplating running away to his room, but he waited it out. Eventually, Jensen said his goodbyes and slipped back outside.

"Nice guy," Mike said, going to leave again. "You'll be working with him this summer -- I'm sure you'll get along great."

"Me too," Jared lied.

As if on cue, as soon as Mike left the room, the phone started to ring. Glancing at the charcoal cat, which now sat on the kitchen table watching him, Jared slowly picked up the phone.

"You've reached the eighth layer of Hell, how can I help you?"

"Dude, you hung up on me," it was Chad.

"Yeah, sorry," Jared said. "Some douche came into the kitchen and distracted me."

"Who is he?" Chad asked curiously.

"I don't know," Jared answered. "Friend of my uncle's apparently, been working for him and living here."

"What's he look like?" Chas asked.

"Ugly," Jared lied, trying to convince himself mostly. "Real ugly."

As his conversation with Chad switched directions, the other boy obviously uninterested in ugly guys, Jared couldn't help but think about Jensen. The way the sweat glistened on his body, how smooth his skin had looked, the way his hipbones poked out from the top of his jeans. This was going to be a long summer indeed.

Yeah, so Mike and Trudy had mentioned their brat of a nephew was coming to spend the summer with them, but Jensen Ackles had just liked how angry the kid got when asked who he was. He'd secretly been hoping Jared would turn out to be a cutie, as working for Mike -- as nice as the man was -- could get quite boring. Needless to say though, Jensen was very pleased with his gift.

Holding onto the shower wall for support, he gave himself a few more strokes before orgasming, coming into his sudsy hand and letting out a hushed curse. No better way to unwind after a day of hard's work then taking a nice warm shower and jerking off right? He couldn't help thinking about Jared either, the kid was pretty, what could he say?

Speeding up the rest of the shower so he didn't use too much hot water, Jensen climbed out quickly. He did feel kind of bad for the way he'd smart-assed Jared in the kitchen, and there wasn't any way he'd be able to get in his good graces with an introduction like that. After dressing, Jensen decided to pay the California kid a visit.

Jared's bedroom door was open, and as Jensen stopped outside of it, he saw the teen lying in bed, flat on his back with his hands under his head, glaring at the ceiling. You would've thought this was the worst day of his life. Jensen shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and leaned against the door frame, clearing his throat.

"Hey Jared," he said in a low tone. "I just wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier. We got off on the wrong foot, kinda."

"Don't worry about it," Jared said, briefly glancing at him. "I'm not gonna be here for long, believe me."

Jensen could've laughed -- from Mike's half of the conversation with his sister, Jared's mom, a few days before, Jensen'd gotten that she was quite serious about this. Jared would be staying whether he wanted to or not.

"City boy -- forgot," Jensen said. "Well, I feel like I owe you something for me being a jackass. Let me take you into town and show you around."

"What, in your horse and buggy?" Jared asked in a very pitiful tone.

Jensen had to laugh now, and Jared glanced at him with a raised brow. "I'm a countryman," Jensen said, "Not Amish."

And Jared actually cracked a smile -- he had dimples, who'd have known? He really was pretty. Jared didn't answer however, turning to look back up at the ceiling.

"You can take me up on my offer," Jensen continued, "Or you can stay here and mope around -- I have to say I'd go with the former."

About five minutes later, Jensen was grinning very smugly as he led a suddenly shy Jared out to his black truck. Mike and Trudy had seemed to think showing Jared around was a marvelous idea, and they couldn't have been more enthusiastic about it. Jensen kind of wished Jared had that kind of excitement.

"It won't be that bad here," Jensen said as he drove towards town. "Nice and peaceful one you get used to it."

"I don't really want to get used to it," Jared mumbled, watching through his window like an abused puppy.

"You always such a crab-apple?" Jensen asked.

Jared glanced at him, looking somewhat surprised that Jensen had just insulted him, and he put on his haughty face. "Maybe it's just 'cause I don't like you," he said stiffly.

"Hey, you agreed to come with me," Jensen said, grinning at him.

"Only so I wouldn't have to sit around and do nothing," Jared wasn't so good at lying. "Now I wish I'd gone with the latter."

"Oh cool down, you big baby," Jensen said, "I'm only teasin' ya."

"Well, don't," Jared said. "I'm really not in the mood."

"You in the mood for Dairy Queen?" Jensen asked him, side-glancing him.

Jared's brow furrowed. "Uh...what?" He asked.

Jensen gestured ahead towards the restaurant -- it was the first thing you saw when coming to town, that and the gas station across the street. Jared glanced at it, before making a slight face.

"No thanks --" he started to say.

"Boy you haven't eaten anything since you got here," Jensen said. "I can hear your stomach growling over here."

And with that, Jensen pulled into the Dairy Queen parking lot. Jensen decided this would be the perfect time to get to know Jared, so as the kid nursed a sundae rather self-consciously, Jensen waited. He'd found that the best way to get to know someone was to wait for them to start talking first, rather than bombard them with questions. He didn't have to wait long.

"Why do you work for my uncle?" Jared asked after a while.

Jensen finished his milkshake and set it aside with a sigh. "Came into town a few years ago, no place to stay," he answered. "Your uncle's a nice man -- I took him up on his offer."

"Do you like what you do?" He asked next.

"I'm good at it," Jensen answered.

"I won't be," Jared said suddenly. "I don't know why I had to come here."

"Why did you have to come here?" Jensen asked, giving Jared the nudge to open up.

"My parents were pissed at me," Jared answered. "I got a few Ds, had a few parties, drank a few drinks. And then this bastard of a cop totally got me in trouble."

"What were you doing?" Jensen asked.

"I was driving my friend's car, we were both kinda drunk and I didn't have my license," Jared answered, as if this happened every day. "Pulled me over for speeding and decided to throw in everything else -- I was like, a block away from home."

"So your parents sent you here?" Jensen asked.

"My dad thinks a summer of farm labor is gonna improve me," Jared scoffed. "A freakin' farm."

"Farms do still exist," Jensen said playfully. "You sound incredulous."

Jared smiled again, looking down at his ice cream. "Just a little disgruntled," he admitted. "I miss my friends, my cell doesn't get reception up here. It's bull."

"It won't be that bad here," Jensen said again. "Just give it a shot."

"Easier said than done," Jared replied. His face suddenly darkened. "When did my uncle tell you about Starla?"

Jensen bit his lip to keep from grinning, turning to look out the window they were seated near. "A while ago," he answered. "Starla was dying and Mike seemed to think that you falling off of her was one of the best memories ever."

"Starla's dead?" Jared asked, and despite his previous irritation, he seemed genuinely surprised.

"Horses don't live forever," Jensen answered. "Why? Ain't like you would've went near her anyway, right?"

His cheeks pinkened. "Well, probably not," he answered. "But I just...didn't expect it."

Jensen was liking this kid. A lot. His shaggy hair, dimples, puppy eyes -- and most of all the blushing. He gestured towards the table.

"Your ice cream's melting," he said. "Don't be wasting my money."

He was going to like this summer, and he really hoped it was a long one.


[x] I apologize if this idea's been used before, I've never seen it. Let me know what you guys think. :D

♥ jensen ackles/jared padalecki, ※ (j2) heart of summer, - real person slash

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