May 12, 2010 10:57
Man, everybody seems to be popping back up! *exicted* So, to celebrate, who's up for a party? A birthday part of DOOM, that is. XDD
It's Iori's b-day on the 15th, and though he doesn't want a party (the spoilsport XP) he's still getting on since Noriko's such a nice and dedicated gf. She's planning on inviting all their friends from school and throwing a surprise party down by the beach. Since she doesn't know most of the DD, tho, she'd like to ask Miyako's help for inviting those friends. And if Miya helps out, she might just invite everyone including Takeru and Micheal. (Okay, so she probably won't invite Ken, put Takeru could always drag him along?) And then some closure drama might happen, since all DD parties seem doomed to fail in horrible, yet epic ways.
So, whatcha think? Anyone up for it?