Title: Epiphany: Donna Ackles
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: Approx. 6K
Warnings: Outsider POV. Angst. The use of derogatory terms and mentions of violence and suicide. Miss Piggy again. This fic is an interlude for The Courtship of Jensen’s Co-Star, and it would help if you’ve read that first, but then again, that was a non-AU story, so I’m sure you can
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Comments 15
It doesn't make it up for what she did to Jensen, it doesn't excuse her behaviour, but I guess... I can... understand. To a certain extent. It's just sad to see the result of someone letting his fears and guilts rule his life and morals.
It's very well done, Thank you, sweetie, you're the best.
Your writing, as always, was gripping and wonderful, and these glimpses into what each boy's momma thought about them and their relationship was both heartwarming and of course heartbreaking respectively. I absolutely loved it and am eagerly awaiting whatever else you might have in store for us in this verse!
Thank you for making my day with these two pieces of awesomeness. :) ♥
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