Title: Fair Game | Foul Play
Written for:
spn_cinemaMovie Prompt: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 67,000
Warnings: The improper use of the Harry Potter Universe, up until The Deathly Hallows, so at least some prior knowledge of the movies and/or books is required, but if you have a wild and crazy imagination, and can suspend your disbelief, you can probably wing it. That said, what rock have you been living under? Heh! Anyway, Jensen is only two years older than Jared here; they, and almost every other actor mentioned are from the UK for the purposes of this story. You know, like in the movies only…different, so Britishisms abound! Character death (canonical for Harry Potter characters and very minor otherwise). Hence, I should probably also warn for angst. And schmoop. Because, you know, this is me writing this.
This Author, upon thinking that Bertie Bott was a diabolical genius. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki - and the rest of the world probably, both Muggle and Magical, given time and thoughtful reflection - would likely concur. Because life isn’t fair, is it? It’s full of foul people and foul things always mucking up your best laid plans for success and survival. And don’t even get me started on love, mate! Because suddenly you have all these, Merlin forbid, feelings, sneaking up on you when you least expect it, knocking you about and getting you addicted before love shatters you, ruining you for anyone else. But if you don’t risk life and limb for it, then what’s the use in living? Where’s the fairness in that? Quidditch, on the other hand? That’s fair (barely) because there are rules and regulations (technically) and clear winners and losers (you catch the snitch, you win; easy-peasy, right?) and one bloke doesn’t suddenly rise from the dead and try to take it all over just to win the World Bloody Cup! Voldemort; let’s just blame everything on him, the stupid foul git. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll just help myself to another one of these beans… Blimey. Bubotuber Pus. Or perhaps, Petrol. So not fair, but I’m a glutton for this sort of punishment… Oh! Roly-Poly Pudding! Yum! Hmm. Maybe fair is what you make of it, and I s’pose that’s the moral of this story. One more for the road? Ah. Troll Bogey. Should’ve quit while I was ahead.
Chapter I, Part i |
Chapter I, Part ii | |
Chapter II, Part i |
Chapter II, Part ii |
Chapter III, Part i |
Chapter III, Part ii | |
Chapter IV, Part i |
Chapter IV, Part ii |
Chapter V, Part i |
Chapter V, Part ii | |
Chapter VI, Part i |
Chapter VI, Part ii |
Chapter VII, Part i |
Chapter VII, Part ii |
I should probably start off by saying that I have never written for the HP fandom, and I’ve never been tempted to read its fanfic, with the exception of a few Snape-centric stories ages ago because I have a rather unhealthy obsession with Alan Rickman in full Snape regalia. That, and his bloody sexy voice.
With this story, it was nice, for once, to give in and let my British schooling come through in my words, so cheers for that. Overall, it was a delight to write and I loved having Brit!Boys running around in my head doing very adorable and honourable and naughty things to one another. As usual, when I write, the major theme is love and it always will be, but it was fun to give love a magical twist.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. No, really. I must’ve enjoyed writing it because when I sent my draft in to the mods, I had 7K words and I was thinking I’m halfway there. Now? I have over 67K. How does that even happen? Where do these words come from? My mind is obviously a deeply mysterious place. Or I’m just a bit nuts and hopped up on codeine, because did I mention that I broke my leg while writing this? I’ve been laid up in bed typing; it’s all I can do really. Never have I wished more fervently for a bone-mending potion of some sort.
All the ‘artwork’ was created by me (please don’t judge, I’m just doing it because it’s fun and I’m OCD like that). I don’t own any of the images used here; I just played with them. Some of you might be reminded of a certain baseball-themed story when you read this; it’s completely intentional. I promised myself that I will return to Jays2 as soon as I’m done with one last challenge fic, and this time, I mean it.
I have to apologize for one thing, though. This story is meant to have seven parts. But because of LJ’s posting limits, I had to split each part in two. Hopefully it won’t matter too much.
So go read!
Enjoy the ride!
And if you snag the PDF, please don’t forget to come back and tell me what you thought!
Comments = Love!
First off, I’d like to thank my wonderful beta
asher_k who, as always, is lovely and patient and just a doll to put up with my complete inability to write anything short. Anyway, babe, I don’t know what I’d do without you always just a click away. Love and hugs, darling!
Thank you also to
honscot for stepping in at the last moment to give this a read through and keep me from having a nervous breakdown, because that is what I do. I am so grateful to have your keen eye watching out for me. Cheers and hugs, love!
To the mods at
spn_cinema, this is always such a fun challenge and I’m so happy to participate! Thanks for all your hard work!
Disclaimer: Fiction, not fact, except for the parts that are canon in Potterverse, if you can call those facts. The words belong to me, but not the fictional characters (although I’ll take Severus Snape for mine own any day), or the images contained within, or any of the real people, and certainly not Jensen and Jared (I wish, though. Often and with all my heart).