Challenge 241: Back to School

Jul 26, 2020 21:00

It's back to school for this challenge, where you have to feature a different school subject in each icon! I've put some examples below the cut. Just to be completely clear, you need to feature 7 different subjects in your set, 1 for each icon, and they don't need to be from the selection below, but they need to be real school subjects (unfortunately, Defence Against the Dark Arts doesn't count!)

painty, frames, different art styles

alisea_dream | crazycordy |jsfunction

lighting, dramatic moments, bold colours, costumes

jsfunction | second_love |setentpet

& drink

blossombunny | naginis |sietepecados

maps, places, coasts, volcanoes, weather, environment

hyacinthos | pamkips |tardis_mafia

vintage, historical eras, prominent figures

jsfunction | lady_turner |violateraindrop

featuring any language that isn't your native one(s); feel free to do multiple icons if you want to different languages

juanxyo | laurels |pamkips

words, letters, quotes, text textures, books

angelamaria | hispadme |theladymorgan

numbers, geometry, equations, measurements, symbols

boxed | lemonzter |sietepecados

musical notes, instruments, musicians/bands, song lyrics

absolutelybatty | adriftingsea |sietepecados

Physical Education
any sport or physical activity

nightbulbs | rashiea |rizbef

Religious Studies
religious quotes, iconography, themes, deities

starkwars | violateraindrop |wickdshy

feel free to split into biology, chemistry and physics; molecular drawings, equations, plants, etc.

nightbulbs | valeyvo |xafirah

design, IT, futuristic tech

laurels | neatmonster |xafirah
[RULES+TAGS]» you have to post seven icons fitting the theme

» your icons must be new, made specifically for this community

» your icons must fit lj standards

» post your icon in a new entry and tag it with "challenge 241" and your username like this "#novindalf"

» you may change your icons whenever you want before the deadline

» DEADLINE for this challenge is Sunday 9th August, 8:00 PM (GMT)
» please, include this code in your entry (you only need to paste your links in and remove the one space here -> ) :