Title: No Such Thing as a Two Night Stand
Rating: NC-17
Kyle McLaren/
Craig Rivet (San Jose Sharks)
Word Count: 2801
Author's Notes: Written for
ophidiae for
zdarovyeh's "fic for Avon Walk for Breast Cancer donations" (for my personal fundraising effort) offer. Does that even make sense? At any rate, finally paying up on this one. I hope it fits the
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Comments 31
I love this. I love their dominance struggle, I love how both of them want it and neither of them wants to get in, I love that they'll actually come to physical blows about it, and it all seems so real and natural to me.
And I love where it's going there towards the end, where what started as something sexay and oh-so-hot is becoming Complicated (tm). Delicious stuff. Mmmmm.
I think it just needs some dark chocolate sauce to make it complete.
Thank you. For reading it and helping me get the right edge and for inspiring me to write it in the first place. I'm really happy with it, and I'm so glad you liked how it came out. These two are a hell of a lot of fun to write. And it's your fault I'm writing them. So, indebted. Hee.
That's about all I can manage at the moment...
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