HEAVILY EDITED. Thank you to kimi_no_tsuki. I owe you both of my lungs and kidneys. :)))))))))))
What the hell, LJ thinks the post is too large.
ARASHI Glorious Days
デビュー10周年記念座談会は、国立3Daysコンサート のウラ話から、メンバーのプロデュース企画など盛りたくさん。60分間ノンストップトークで1万字を超えたスペシャル座談会だよ!さらに、意外な飛び入りゲストも!?
In this discussion commemorating their 10th debut anniversary, from a behind-the-scenes talk of their 3-day Kokuritsu concert, there are a lot of plans to produce the members and so forth at the prime of their lives. It's a special symposium where the 60-minute nonstop talk exceeded 10 000 characters! Furthermore, there are unexpected guests who take part in the spur of the moment!?
The photoshoot for the cover and the symposium planning take place at the same time. In having food delivered from an Italian restaurant in the spare time during the photoshoot, they have a tough time ordering Leader's "Salty Tomato Pasta," Sho-kun's "Dry-cured Ham and Mushroom Pasta," Aiba's "Dried Mullet Roe Pasta," Nino's "Margarita Pizza," and Jun-kun's "Tomato and Mozzarella Pasta.". It seems that their choices are appropriate for them. Incidentally when their stomachs had been filled, they decided to have the discussion during the time of the photoshoot set change!
Part 1
Behind-the-scenes Kokuritsu talk
The opening day's event where Sho-kun's acrophobia attacked
Then, the custom! Please decide who will take on the role of facilitator through Janken.
一同 OK!いくぞ!最初はグー、ジャンケンポン!
All: OK! Let's go! Saisho wa guu, janken pon!
This time it's decided that Nino will take control as a result of the Janken game. He gave an amazing war cry that went, "Ah~~," but is it lucky? Unlucky? What kind of war cry was it?
二宮 テーマはパート3まであるけど、全部オレが進行をやるんだよね。
Ninomiya: The themes are up to 3 parts, but I'll be the one to advance them all.
櫻井 (さりげなく)よかったぁ。
Sakurai: (casually) Alriiight.
二宮 じゃあ、行きましょうか?国立競技場、3 days...1日目、どうでしたか?
Ninomiya: So, shall we go for it? Kokuritsu Kyougijou, 3 days...How was the first day?
松本 本当に天気がよかったね。夕陽が沈む時間演出とかもきれいだったし、気持ちよかったよね。
Matsumoto: The weather was really good. The sun setting during the production was beautiful, and the mood was great.
二宮 そう、天気には恵まれたよね。
Ninomiya: That's right, we were blessed with fair weather.
松本 (天気予報では)1日目は曇りだったんだっけ?
Matsumoto: Was (the weather forecast) on the first day cloudy weather?
櫻井 確か、2日目が雨だったんじゃない?初日の予報は?
Sakurai: If I'm not mistaken, wasn't it rain on the 2nd day? What about the forecast on the first day?
二宮 雨ではなかったと思う。
Ninomiya: I think it wasn't rain.
松本 もともと3日間とも、予報ではあまりよくはなかったんだよね。
Matsumoto: From the start, all 3 days' forecast weren't that good.
相葉 1日目は昼間から超暑かった!
Aiba: It was so hot on the first day since the daytime!
二宮 前日にリハーサルをやったんだけど、まだ(フィールドには)芝生があった状態だったよね。
Ninomiya: We had rehearsals the day before, but the lawn (in the field) was still there.
相葉 そうそう、ステージがなかったもんね、ふふふ。
Aiba: So it was, so it was, the stage wasn't there, fufufu.
櫻井 スタッフはすごいですよね。
Sakurai: The staff is really amazing, right?
二宮 感動ですよ。翌日、競技場に着いたら芝生が椅子になってた。早いよね、スタッフ寝ないでセッティングしたって。
Ninomiya: It was moving. Because the next day, when I arrived at the stadium, the lawn had been replaced by chairs. They were so fast, the staff didn't sleep and were setting things up.
松本 早いって言うか、どれだけの人が関わっているかだよ。
Matsumoto: They were fast or rather, it's a matter of just how many of them were concerned with it.
二宮 やっぱり、なんと言っても初日...。
Ninomiya: Still, whatever you say it's the opening day....
櫻井 初日でいちばんつらかったのがエア白菜だね(笑)。(「アレルギー」という曲で、野菜のオブジェを持って歌う演出なのに、翔くんは何も持たずに歌い踊るというハプニングが)
Sakurai: The most difficult thing in the opening day was the Chinese cabbage (laughs). (The incident where they were holding vegetable objects in the performance of the song "Allergy" , and yet Sho-kun was singing and dancing without holding anything)
相葉 楽しそうだったけどな(笑)。曲の最後に僕と一緒に野菜を投げる振りがあったじゃない?
Aiba: But you seemed to be having so much fun (laughs). Didn't you pretend that you were throwing a vegetable with me at the end of the song?
櫻井 は~い。
Sakurai: Ye~s.
相葉 あそこ、完ぺきに僕と一緒に(エアで)投げる振りをしてましたよね(笑)。
Aiba: That, he pretended to throw (an air vegetable) together with me (laughs).
櫻井 必死のアピールです。
Sakurai: I was trying really hard not to look bad.
大野 あとで写真を見たら、みんなこの曲のとき超笑ってたよ。
Ohno: When I looked at our photos afterwards, everyone was laughing a lot during that song.
櫻井 何度も言うけど、だれも気づいてくれない時間がいちばんつらかった(笑)。最初、松潤と目があって、野菜を持っていないことに気づいてくれたから、オレの恥ずかしさが軽減されたけど、だれもメンバーが笑っていない間、ひとりでやり抜く時間が結構つらかった(笑)。
Sakurai: I say it often, but it most difficult before anyone took notice (laughs). At first, Matsujun had his eyes on me and noticed that I wasn't carrying a vegetable so my embarrassment was reduced, but when none of the members were laughing, it was really hard when I was trying to do it all by myself (laughs).
相葉 ホント、最初、気づかなかったよ。
Aiba: Really, in the beginning, I didn't notice.
二宮 オレはね、潤くんが笑ってるのを見て、すげえ、楽しそうにやってるなぁって見てた。
Ninomiya: As for me when I saw Jun-kun laughing, I just thought wow, he sure is having a lot of fun.
櫻井 どれだけ「アレルギー」が大好きなんだった(笑)?
Sakurai: Was that how much he loved "Allergy" (laughs)?
二宮 だから、オレもちゃんとやらなきゃ!って...。
Ninomiya: That's why I was like, I have to do it properly, too!....
相葉 そうそう、初心を忘れないようにってね(この演出はデビュー間もないころの演出で、初めてみたファンも多い)
Aiba: Right, right, you made sure not to forget the naive ones. (Since this production had not been done since the time of debut, a lot of fans saw it for the first time)
二宮 だね。潤くんはあんなに笑顔でやってるんだからって思って見たら、野菜を持ってない人がいた(笑)。
Ninomiya: I did. I thought of it since Jun-kun was laughing to that extent and when I looked, a person wasn't holding a vegetable (laughs).
大野 オレは(フォーメーションが)縦位置になったときに気がついた。まぁ、スタッフが忘れたのかなって思ったけど、そうなの?
Ohno: I noticed when I was at my position in the vertical (formation). Well, but I suppose the staff had probably forgotten, isn't it so?
松本 じつはオレがいるほうに翔くんが持つ野菜があったのよ(笑)。
Matsumoto: To tell you the truth, the vegetable that Sho-kun was supposed to hold was on my side (laughs).
櫻井 そうなんだぁ。
Sakurai: Is that sooo?
相葉 投げてあげればよかったね。
Aiba: You should've thrown it to him then.
櫻井 オレの中ではイントロからスローモーションだった...。スタッフがオレに気づく...持ってない...下を見る...ない!オレ、停まる(笑)。
Sakurai: It was all in slow motion from the intro for me.... The staff notices...that I'm not holding one...they see that below me...there's nothing! I stop (laughs).
二宮 曲が流れる。
Ninomiya: The song goes on.
櫻井 オレ、踊る(笑)。
Sakurai: I dance (laughs).
大野 (受けて笑う)。
Ohno: (laughs at him).
相葉 (感じ方は)そんなにゆっくり、だったんだね。
Aiba: It was (a feeling) of so much slowness.
櫻井 もうさ、エアに関してはやり続けたからね。エアギター、エアキーボード...(「Gの嵐!」のワンコーナーで、楽器を持ってる振りのアクション)。
Sakurai: You know, we've already kept doing things in relation to air. Air guitar, air keyboard...(in a corner of "G no Arashi!", they act as though they're holding musical instruments).
相葉 エアドラマね。
Aiba: Air dramas.
二宮 エアボーカルも(笑)。あと、ハプニングといったら翔さんのワイヤーが...。
Ninomiya: Air vocals, too (laughs). After that, if we mention another incident it's Sho-kun's wire....
櫻井 (フライングで移動するはずが、空中でストップしたのは)ジョークです。MCでオレが高い場所が苦手って話をしてたから、その流れをくんでのスタッフの臨機応変なジョークなんです!
Sakurai: (He was supposed to move while flying, but he stopped in the air) It was a joke. During the MC we were talking about how weak I am when it comes to high places, so the staff went along with that flow.
二宮 ジョークじゃないですから(笑)。
Ninomiya: But it wasn't a joke (laughs).
櫻井 あら、そう(笑)。
Sakurai: Ah, right (laughs).
相葉 あれってさ、ホントに怖かったの?
Aiba: That, were you really scared?
櫻井 (小声で)あのね、動かないほうが怖いんだよ!どうなっちゃうんだだろうって。内心、これ、お客さんが退場するまであのままだったらどうしょうって、相当いろんなことを考えた(笑)。
Sakurai: (low voice) You know, it's scarier when you're not moving! I wonder how it will end. That was in my mind and I was like, what will I do if I stay this way until the guests leave, I was extremely thinking about all kinds of things (laughs).
相葉 そうだよね。動かないんだもんね。
Aiba: That is so. It's because you're not moving, right?
櫻井 (終演になり)「今日はどうもありがとうこざいました。それではAブロックのみなさんから...」のアナウンスが始まったら、オレ、どうしたらいいんだろうって(笑)。
Sakurai: If I start the announcement (after the performance) by saying, "Thank you very much for today. Well then, from everyone in the A block...," I'll wonder what would be the best thing to do (laughs).
大野 そうだよね、動かないままだったら大変だよね。
Ohno: That's true. It's terrible if you'd stayed unmoving.
松本 オレは翔くんのシンメ(トリー)だったから、翔くんの分まで頑張ろうって、ちょっとデカめに手を広げてみた(笑)。
Matsumoto: If I were symmetrical with Sho-kun, I would've tried extending my arm a bit and do my best to reach him (laughs).
櫻井 偉い!
Sakurai: Remarkable!
相葉 ホント、偉いね。
Aiba: Very remarkable.
櫻井 助かる。
Sakurai: I'll be saved.
相葉 フォローのし合いだね。
Aiba: You'll cover for each other.
松本 だって、シンメで翔くんを見たら(ワイヤーが)動かない。これは停まったなって。どうしようもないまま通り過ぎた。
Matsumoto: However, (the wire) doesn't move when I see Sho-kun symmetrically. He ends up staying there. There was no other way as it was so I passed by.
櫻井 もうさ、何回も何回もみんながオレの横を通り過ぎで行くのよ(笑)。オレも一緒に行きたいなぁ~って。
Sakurai: You know, over and over again, over and over again, everyone goes and passes by at my sides. I was like, I really want to go at the same time, too~.
二宮 あのアクシデントは画期的。せめて停まったのが真ん中だったらよかったけど。
Ninomiya: That accident is groundbreaking. But it would have been good if you had at least stopped in the middle.
相葉 そうそう、真ん中の位置なら絵的によかったけど...。で、最後は降りて...。
Aiba: True, true, it would have looked good in you had been in the middle.... Then, going down at the end....
松本 最高におもしろかったのが、翔くんが堂々と歩いてセンターまで戻ってきたこと(笑)。あれは相当おもしろい。
Matsumoto: It was highly interesting when Sho-kun had returned and confidently walked to the center (laughs). That was extremely interesting.
櫻井 宙づりのままいろいろ考えたのよ。みんなはもう本ステージにきれいに揃って並んでいるわけよ。オレはそこにどうやって戻ろうかと...で、結果、"客席にあいさつしながら歩いて戻る"だった(笑)。あのハプニングはオレだから成立したんだよね。MCからの流れもあったし。でさぁ、オレが飛んだ真下に「~宿題くん」のスタッフがいて大爆笑してた。指差して腹を抱えて笑ってた(笑)。
Sakurai: I was thinking about different things as I was suspended in midair. It's because everyone was completely present onstage and already lining up. I said, how will I go back there, then the result was, "I will greet the guests while walking back," (laughs). Therefore that incident happened to me. It was even from the MC's flow. Then you kno~w, when I was flying, the "~Shukudai-kun" staff were right below me and were laughing really hard. They were pointing at me and practically rolling on the floor laughing (laughs).
二宮 POTATOのコンサートメモに「翔くん衣装脱ぎ忘、潤くんが指摘」ってありますが...。
Ninomiya: In POTATO's comment memo it says, "Sho-kun forgets to take his costume off, Jun-kun points it out,"....
櫻井 あぁ、あれ?脱ぎ忘れじゃないです。目立ちたかっただけです(笑)。
Sakurai: Aah, eh? I didn't forget to undress. I was just showing off (laughs).
二宮 やっぱ、メンタル、強いわ。
Ninomiya: As I thought, your mentality is strong.
相葉 もうさ、何ひとつ認めない強さがあるね(笑)。
Aiba: He has the strength not to admit anything (laughs).
二宮 つまりは、目立ちたかったから脱がなかったんですね?
Ninomiya: In other words, you showed off so you didn't undress, right?
松本 まぁ、テンション上がってたってことだよね。
Matsumoto: Well, his tension had increased.
二宮 そういうことにしときますか!あとは、風船の演出がきれいでよかったよね。
Ninomiya: That sort of matter is solved! After that, the beautiful balloon production was great.
櫻井 2日目、国立の隣りの神宮球場で花火が打ち上げられるタイミングで、風船が空に上がっていったのはきれいだった。あれは絶妙だったよね!
Sakurai: On the 2nd day, in time with the launching of fireworks at Jingu Stadium which is next to Kokuritsu, the balloons rising to the sky were beautiful.
二宮 見る位置にもよるけど、聖火台の真後ろで打ち上がったから、きれいだった。
Ninomiya: It depends where you're watching from, the launching was right behind the Olympic flame platform so it was beautiful.
櫻井 あれも嵐の演出だよね(笑)?
Sakurai: That was also an Arashi production, right (laughs)?
二宮 もちろん。神宮さんにお願いしてね(笑)。
Ninomiya: Of course. We requested it from Jingu-san (laughs).
大野 すごい、花火が近かったね。
Ohno: It's amazing that the fireworks were near.
松本 聖火台の近くの席の人たちは、自分の目線と同じくらいの位置で花火が見られたんだから、超きれいだけど、若十、怖かったみたいよ。
Matsumoto: The people who were seated near the Olympic flame platform at about their own eye level. It's very beautiful, it looks frightening as well.
The 4 were shocked speechless in Matsujun's birthday surprise...
二宮 目線と同じ位置で、花火が見られるってなかなかないよ。で、大野さんは2日目、何かありましたか?
Ninomiya: It's not often that you are able to see fireworks at eye level. Then Ohno-san, what was there on the 2nd day?
大野 ...2日目、曇りだった。
Ohno: ...2nd day, it was cloudy.
櫻井 大野さんは天気のことばかり。
Sakurai: Ohno-san, that's only the weather.
二宮 気象予報士になりたいの?(笑)天気の話じゃなくて、コンサートをやったよね?
Ninomiya: Do you want to be a weather forecaster? (laughs) This isn't a talk about the weather, it's the concert we did, alright?
大野 2日目に(生田)斗真が来たっけ?
Ohno: (Ikuta) Toma went on the 2nd day?
松本 来やの3日目?違うか?
Matsumoto: Or he went on the 3rd day? It's different?
相葉 2日目?
Aiba: 2nd day?
大野 いや、初日だった。
Ohno: Iya, it was on the opening day.
二宮 相葉ちゃんは何かありますか?
Ninomiya: Aiba-chan, do you have anything?
相葉 2日目はね...じつは風間(俊介)が来てたんだよ。
Aiba: The 2nd day, huh...By the way Kazama (Shunsuke) came.
櫻井 だれも知らないんです。
Sakurai: I don't know anyone who did.
相葉 じつは来ていたんです。
Aiba: As a matter of fact he came.
松本 なんで知ってるの?
Matsumoto: How did you know?
相葉 "見に行ってた"って後で連絡があったから。
Aiba: It's because he contacted me afterwards and said, "I went to see you guys."
櫻井 普通にチケットを買ったの(笑)?
Sakurai: He ordinarily bought a ticket (laughs)?
二宮 ファンクラブに入ってんの(笑)?
Ninomiya: Did he join the fan club (laughs)?
相葉 あいつはオレらにあいさつにも来ず、顔を見ずにそのまま帰ったらしいよ。
Aiba: It seems that that guy came without greeting us, and instead of showing himself he went home as it is.
二宮 そう、あいつはそういうカッコよさを持ってますね。
Ninomiya: I see, a guy like that possesses coolness.
櫻井 あいつには美学が話まってるのよ。3日間を通して、先輩も後輩もたくさん見に来てくれたね。
Sakurai: And that guy has been talking about aesthetics. For 3 days straight, a lot of senpais and juniors came to watch.
二宮 そうだね。関ジャニ8も...。
Ninomiya: That's right. Even Kanjani8....
松本 関ジャニ8はだれが来たの?
Matsumoto: Who among Kanjani8 went?
相葉 錦戸、大倉、安田とか。
Aiba: Nishikido, Okura, Yasuda.
櫻井 そうなんだぁ。
Sakurai: Yeah.
松本 マルは?
Matsumoto: How about Maru?
大野 マルは来れなかった。
Ohno: Maru couldn't come.
櫻井 丸山は来てほしかったな。あと、V6の坂本(昌行)くん、(三宅)健くんも来てくれたよね。
Sakurai: I really wanted Maruyama to come. After that, (Masayuki) Sakamoto-kun and (Miyake) Ken-kun of V6 came as well.
松本 と、知念(侑李)と中島(裕翔)とか...。
Matsumoto: Also, Chinen (Yuri) and Nakajima (Yuto), among others....
櫻井 Kis-My-Ft2はメンバー全員来てくれたしね。まだ(東京)ドームもあるから、みなさん、ぜひ!お誘い合わせの上、どうぞ(笑)。
Sakurai: All the members of Kis-My-Ft2 came. We still have (Tokyo) Dome, so everyone, by all means! I'm asking all of you to attend, please (laughs).
二宮 相葉くんの弟も来たよね。(ステージ上から見ても)すぐにわかった。
Ninomiya: Aiba-kun's younger brother also arrived. (Even if I saw him from the stage) I instantly knew.
櫻井 オレなんて、一度見て、またその場所に戻ったもん!
Sakurai: Me, I saw him once, and I even went back to the same place again!
相葉 フフフ。
Aiba: Fufufu.
櫻井 ニノとも話したよね、弟くんは親父さんとまったく同じ...。
Sakurai: I was talking with Nino, right, about how Aiba's younger brother is entirely the same as his father....
二宮 フォルム(体型)なんだよね。
Ninomiya: It's their form (body figure).
櫻井 親父さんもそうなんだけど、"おお!頑張ってね"みたいな空気を出すのよ、弟くんがさぁ(笑)。"おお!翔くん、まぁ頑張ってよ"みたいな。こっちはシャカリキに歌ってるのに(笑)。*
Sakurai: It looks as though his younger brother has the same atmosphere as their father and says, "Oh! Do your best, alright," (laughs). Like he'll say, "Oh! Sho-kun, well, do your best." Even though I was trying my best to sing (laughs).
松本 リーダーは両親、来たの?
Matsumoto: As for Leader's parents, did they come?
大野 ...来てない。
Ohno: ...They didn't.
一同 (声を合わせ)来てないの!?
All: (altogether) They didn't come!?
大野 暑いからイヤだって。
Ohno: It's hot so there was no way they would.
一同 (苦笑しながらウケてる)
All: (Laughs sarcastically while accepting)
櫻井 らしい、かも。
Sakurai: It's typical of them, possibly.
大野 オレもびっくりしたけど。
Ohno: But even I was surprised.
櫻井 だよね。嵐を10年やってきての国立のコンサートなのに...。
Sakurai: It's [surprising] indeed. It's a concert for the 10 years that have come around for Arashi and yet....
大野 そう、今までのコンサートは全部見てるのに。たぶん去年の国立が相当暑かったんだろうね。
Ohno: True, despite the fact that they've watched all the concerts so far. It's probably because it was considerably hot in Kokuritsu last year, don't you think so?
櫻井 超、ウケる(笑)。
Sakurai: It's really funny (laughs).
松本 どっち?親父?
Matsumoto: Which one? Your father?
大野 母ちゃん!
Ohno: Mom!
松本 うちの家族、相当テンション上がってたよ!最終日だったから、雨と噴水でビショビショだったけど、最後まですごく楽しかったって。
Matsumoto: My family, their tension extremely went up! It was on the last day so they were soaked from the rain and the water fountain, but they said they had so much fun until the end.
二宮 うちの姉ちゃんも雨の日だったけど、いましたよ。
Ninomiya: My elder sister was also there even though it was a rainy day.
松本 姉貴は風邪をひいていたらしいんだけど、それでも最後までいてくれて、楽しかったって。うちの家族はね(と、笑いながら向かいにいるリーダーを見る)
Matsumoto: It appears that my elder sister caught a cold, but nevertheless she stayed until the end and said that she had fun.
櫻井 ええ話や(笑)。
Sakurai: That's a good story (laughs).
相葉 うちは親父は仕事で来てなかったけど、母ちゃんは来てくれたよ。
Aiba: My father was at work so he didn't come although my mom did.
櫻井 うちも家族はみんな来た。
Sakurai: Everyone in my family also went.
二宮 うちはおふくろが初日で、姉ちゃんが最終。リーダー、姉ちゃんは来たでしょ?
Ninomiya: My mother went on the opening day and my elder sister went on the final one. Leader, I suppose your elder sister came?
大野 いや...。親父も姉ちゃんも来なかった。暑いからかなぁ(笑)。
Ohno: She didn't.... My father and elder sister didn't come as well. It's because it's soo hot (laughs).
櫻井 ぜひドームには、来て。
Sakurai: By all means, they should attend the dome concert.
相葉 そう、空調が効いてるから(笑)。
Aiba: That's right, because there's airconditioning (laughs).
櫻井 なんならドームは冬たしね。そういえば昔、ニノのお母さんが差し入れてくれた梅干し、超うまかったな~。でもなぜか横浜アリーナで限定なんだよね。
Sakurai: The Dome Concert is in winter after all. Which reminds me, in the former days, Nino's mother would drop off dried plums and stuff, and they were soo~ delicious. But for some reason she only did that in Yokohama Arena.
二宮 そうだね。
Ninomiya: So it is.
櫻井 横浜でしかオレらはもらえない。
Sakurai: We only received them in Yokohama.
二宮 東京ドームでも一切なし。
Ninomiya: We never once received them anywhere else like in Tokyo Dome.
大野 うん、あの梅干しは横浜のイメージしかないね。
Ohno: Yeah, I only have the image of dried plums in Yokohama.
松本 じゃあさ、梅干しが欲しいから、横浜アリーナでコンサートをやる(笑)?
Matsumoto: Well then, since it's dried plums we want, shall we hold a concert in Yokohama Arena (laughs)?
二宮 じゃあパート1最後のテーマいくよ!潤くんがコンサート3日目の8月30日、めでたく26歳いなりました!
Ninomiya: Then let's go to the conclusion of part 1's theme! On the 3rd day of the concert which was August 30, Jun-kun happily turned 26 years old!
櫻井 よかったね。あの雨の中、お祝いだできて。
Sakurai: It was great, right? Under that rain, we were able to celebrate.
松本 うん。そのまま終わる可能性もあったわけだし...。
Matsumoto: Yeah. There was a possibility that it would end as it is and all....
二宮 まずオレら、潤くんより早く楽屋入りする予定が...。
Ninomiya: To start off, we had planned to enter the dressing room before Jun-kun....
櫻井 いちばん最初に潤くんが会場入りしちゃって...。もう、移動中パニックだよ。オレらが最初に着くはずが松潤が着いちゃったって(笑)。
Sakurai: Jun-kun was the very first one to get to the assembly hall....We were panicking on our way there. We were supposed to get there first, but then Matsujun was already there (laughs).
松本 へぇ。そうなんだ。
Matsumoto: Hee~. That is so.
相葉 4人で別の部屋に入って、"ああでもない、こうでもない"って考えてね。**
Aiba: The 4 of us went into a separate room and quickly discussed what we were going to do **
松本 それって奥の部屋だったでしょ?だれだったか、さりげなく、楽屋を出て行ったのは感じた。向こうでなんかやってんだろうなって(笑)。
Matsumoto: You guys were in the back room, right?" I noticed that someone just casually slipped out of the dressing room and I thought, they must be doing something over there (laughs).
櫻井 感づく瞬関ってあるんだろうな。
Sakurai: I'm guessing that it was a moment of apprehension.
相葉 そうだよね。
Aiba: That's right.
櫻井 気づいてないふりも優しさよ。
Sakurai: It's kind of him to show that he's not noticing anything.
二宮 そうだよね。
Ninomiya:相葉 ああいうときの打ち合わせって、なんか超楽しいよね。
Aiba: When we had that sort of arrangement, somehow it was quite fun.
大野 おもしろかったなぁ。奥の部屋から楽屋に屋る時、やけに不自然になっちゃうんだよね(笑)。
Ohno: It was soo amusing. When he went back to the dressing room from the inner part of the room, we were awfully unnatural (laughs).
二宮 わざと(潤くんと)しゃべんないの(笑)。今回は4人でスパンコールのついたキラキラのジャージをプレセントしたんだよね!相葉くんと仕事帰りだたは一緒に見つけて、あの派手なジャージを着こなぜる人は松本潤しかいないだろうと。
Ninomiya: We didn't chat (with Jun-kun) on purpose. This time the present from the 4 of us was a sparkly jersey with spangles stuck to it! I went home from work with Aiba kun, and when we spotted at the same time a flashy jersey we knew that the only person who could pull off wearing such a thing is Matsujun.
松本 で、そのジャージをMCのときにもらって、MC中に着て、アンコールでもう一度着た。
Matsumoto:> Then, when I received that jersey in the MC, I wore it during the MC and once again in the encore.
二宮 速攻、楽屋で乾かしてくれたね。
Ninomiya: Right away, you let it dry backstage.
松本 で、家に帰って、風呂場の乾燥室でマネージャーが乾かしてくれた。
Matsumoto: And then, when I went home, our manager dried it in the bathroom's drying room.
(マネージャ)ー 乾燥機に掛けると、あのキラキラが取れちゃうみたいです。)
(Manager: It seems that if you put it in the dryer those glittery things will come off.)
二宮 それは大変だ(笑)。
Ninomiya: That's terrible (laughs).
Part 2
The members will produce the members!?
Producing Ohno Satoshi's le~nient talk show
二宮 では次はあみだくじで、「あの人をプロデュース」ってテーマね。
Ninomiya: Well then next we're going to have a lottery, and the theme is, "I will produce that person."
櫻井 お!オレらの大好きなあみだくじだ。
Sakurai: Oh! We love lotteries.
相葉 じゃ、オレが書くね(と、イニシャルを記入した後、線をたどりながら)二宮くんはオレで、櫻井くんは松本くんで、オレは大野くんになりました。じゃ、だれから行く?
Aiba: So, I'll be the one to write (after writing their initials, while following a line), it turns out that it's me for Ninomiya-kun, Matsumoto-kun for Sakurai-kun, and Ohno-kun for me. Well then, who shall we start from?
二宮 "斬新な企画で"って進行表に書いてあるから、そのつもりで。じゃあ、オレからいくね。相葉くんだけじゃなく、みんないろんなことをやってるよね。...相葉くんはホームドラマもやってるし。
Ninomiya: It says here that it should be an "orginal project," sothat's the plan. So then, let's start from me. Something that not only Aiba-kun hasn't done, everyone has been doing different things. ....Aiba-kun does dramas and stuff as well.
相葉 昔、やらせてもらったね。(自発的に)マイガール、かな(笑)。
Aiba: In the former days, I got to do some, right? (spontaneously) My Girl, I guess (laughs).
二宮 そうだね、時代劇とかよりミュージカルだね。
Ninomiya: That's right, and more musicals than historical plays and such.
櫻井 あのさ、あんまり簡単に言わないほうがいいよ(笑)。
Sakurai: You know, you should say something that's not too simple (laughs).
相葉 ふふふふ。大丈夫!
Aiba: Fufufufu. It's alright!
大野 でも、じつは相葉ちゃんは、ミュージカルをやりかけたんだよね(「WEST SIDE~」で潤くんが演じたベルナルドは、相葉くんになる可能性もあったという)。
Ohno: However, as a matter of fact Aiba-chan has an unfinished musical (in "WEST SIDE~," Jun-kun acted out as Bernard, which was a possibility for Aiba-kun to become as well).
相葉 そうそう。
Aiba: Right, right.
二宮 なんだろう。斬新な企画でしょ?
Ninomiya: I wonder what it'll be. An original project, isn't it?
櫻井 相葉くんのベルナルド、見たかったなぁ。両手を挙げて足を高くあげる有名なダンスで絶対にコケそう(笑)。
Sakurai: I wanted to see it, Aiba-kun as Bernard. It seems that he'll absolutely fall in the famous dance where he has both hands up and he raises his legs high (laughs).
相葉 すいません、すいませんって。
Aiba: I'll be like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
二宮 いいじゃん。相葉くん、ミュージカルがいいんじゃないの?
Ninomiya: That's good, isn't it? Wouldn't it be great, Aiba-kun in a musical?
相葉 やったことないからなぁ。
Aiba: Since it's something I haven't do~ne.
二宮 それより、ミラクルを起こすんだったら旅番組だね。あなたはただでさえ、トーク番組であれだけミラクルを起こしてるんだから、旅がいいよ。「田舎に泊まろう」的なのがいい。
Ninomiya: Apart from that, he makes miracles so a travel program would be good. Since you make miracles under normal circumstances and in even in our talk shows, travel would be excellent.
櫻井 オレは松潤にコントをやってもらいたい。最近、ノリノリでコント系をやるよね?
Sakurai: I want to make Matsujun do a short story. The most recent one, you'll act in a high-spirited short play, alright?
松本 いいよ、やりたいね。
Matsumoto: It's fine, I want to do it.
櫻井 ハゲづらとか被ったりしてイメージを崩す的なさ。
Sakurai: We'll pull down your image and you'll wear a balding hairpiece and stuff
相葉 今まで嵐ではコントはないもんね。
Aiba: It's a short story that hasn't been done by Arashi so far.
櫻井 悪代官役で「越後屋、おぬしもワルよのぉ」みたいな(笑)。
Sakurai: The role will be something like an evil Edo-period magistrate who goes, "Echigoya, you're also sinful," (laughs).
松本 全然、大丈夫。やります!
Matsumoto: It's completely alright. I'll do it!
櫻井 おもしろいと思うよ。
Sakurai: I think it will be interesting.
松本 (10年前は)お笑いリーダーだったからね(笑)。
Matsumoto: (10 years ago) I was comic leader, right (laughs)?
二宮 10年前で軌道修正してよかったね。
Ninomiya: It was good that you've modified your 10-years-ago self.
松本 よかったんでしょうか(笑)。
Matsumoto: You think it was alright (laughs)?
二宮 よかったよ。じゃなかったら、相葉くんが「花より男子」をやっていたかも。
Ninomiya: It was alright. If you hadn't, it's possible that Aiba-kun would've been the one to do "Hana Yori Dango."
相葉 そうだよ。
Aiba: That's true.
二宮 あれ、デビュー当時、相葉さんは何リーダーでしたっけ?
Ninomiya: That, at the time of debut, what leader was Aiba-kun?
相葉 アイドルリーダー(笑)。よくわからないけど...。
Aiba: Idol Leader (laughs). But I don't understand it well....
櫻井 イメージがぼんやりしてる。
Sakurai: You have the image of being absent-minded.
二宮 じゃあ、逆に松本さんが櫻井さんをプロデュースするとして...。
Ninomiya: Well then, Matsumoto-san will in turn produce Sakurai-san....
松本 そうですねぇ。写真集を作ります。
Matsumoto: That is soo. He'll make a photo collection.
櫻井 脱いだほうがいいですか(笑)。
Sakurai: Should I take my clothes off (laughs)?
松本 う~ん(笑)。一応、僕も少しはカメラマンとして翔くんを撮りつつ、全体的にはアートディルクション的な役割で写真集を制作してみたい。
Matsumoto: Ye~ah (laughs). Tentatively, I'll be the photographer for a while and take photos of Sho-kun, and I want to try working on the entirety of the photo collection like with the art direction and such.
櫻井 (しつこく)脱ぎますか(笑)。
Sakurai: (insistently) Will I take my clothes off (laughs)?
松本 半ケツくらいでいいよ(笑)。
Matsumoto: It would be good to expose down to a part of your butt (laughs).
櫻井 でも、半ケツは「黄色い涙」で見せちゃったからなぁ。
Sakurai: But, I've already shown a part of my butt in "Kiroii Namida."
相葉 だから、全ケツだよ(笑)。
Aiba: Therefore, it's your whole butt (laughs).
二宮 そうだよ、全ケツ、全ケツ(笑)。
Ninomiya: That's right, your whole butt, your whole butt (laughs).
松本 翔くんはいろんなイメージがあるから、まだ見せてないイメージもあると思うのね。それを芝居とかで見せると、芝居のパターンになっちゃうから、写真集で世界観を作って、まだ見せたことのない翔くんの姿が見えたらいいなって。
Matsumoto: Sho-kun has different kinds of images so I think it's an image that he hasn't shown yet. When he shows that in plays and such, since it's in the pattern of plays, it will be great if Sho-kun's never-before-seen appearance is shown to the world through the production of a photo collection.
櫻井 はい。頑張りますッ。ちょっと楽しそうだなって思ってきた(笑)。
Sakurai: Yes. I'll do my best. I've come to believe it's something that seems a bit fun (laughs).
二宮 相葉くんじゃ大野さんを...。
Ninomiya: It's Aiba-kun for Ohno-san....
相葉 リーダーねぇ、何にしたらいいかな?(隣りにいるリーダーに)ねぇ、何をしたいの?そうだ!トーク番組の司会とかどうですかね?
Aiba: Leader, right, I wonder what would be good for him to do? (to Leader who's next to him) Hey, what do you like to do? Got it! How about hosting a talk show and stuff?
櫻井 オレ、それ見たい!「智の部屋」的な感じでね。
Sakurai: I want to see that! It will feel something like, "Satoshi's Room."
相葉 ルールル ルールルル(と、「徹子の部屋」のテーマソングを歌い出す)。どうよ、リーダー?***
Aiba: La~lala, la~lalala (singing the theme song of "Tetsuko's Room"). How about it, Leader? ***
大野 グダグダになっちゃうよ(笑)。
Ohno: I'll be so bad at it (laughs).
二宮 ねぇ、話してみたい人とかいる?
Ninomiya: Hey, is there anyone you'd like to talk to?
相葉 ねぇ、リーダー、話、好き?
Aiba: Hey, Leader, conversations, do you like them?
二宮 一対一で話すとか、どう?
Ninomiya: One-to-one talks and such, how're you with that?
大野 一対一?嫌いじゃないよ。
Ohno: One-to-one? I don't hate it.
櫻井 そうだよね。嫌いじゃないよね?
Sakurai: That is so. You don't hate it, right?
大野 でも、トーク番組で自分があまり興味のない人がゲストで来たら困る(笑)。
Ohno: However, I'll be stumped if the guest who comes on the talk show is someone I don't have that much interest in (laughs).
二宮 わかった。だから、斬新だと思う。自分がホストの番組なのに、ゲストだけがしゃべってる(笑)。
Ninomiya: I got it. I think it has to be original. You'll be the host of the TV program, however, it's only the guests who'll do the talking (laughs).
櫻井 そうだ、ゲストが、どうしたら大野さんを楽しませるか?って。
Sakurai: That's right. The guests will go, how can we make Ohno-san have a great time?
相葉 それいいね。ゲストと近い距離感でやろう。
Aiba: That's nice, right? He'll be close with the guests.
松本 屋台でトークとかいいよね。
Matsumoto: Talks at food carts and such would be good.
相葉 いいね!あとは車の中とか。
Aiba: That's great! After that on the inside of a car or something.
松本 免許を持ってないとダメだよね。
Matsumoto: It would be necessary to have a license.
相葉 ゲストが運転するの(笑)。
Aiba: It's the guest who will drive (laughs).
櫻井 そう、「智の車の中」って番組で、智は助手席なの(笑)。
Sakurai: Right, in the TV program "Inside Satoshi's Car," Satoshi will be in the passenger seat (laughs).
大野 で、たま~に、オレが後部座席にいたりしてね(笑)。
Ohno: Then, once in a whi~le, I'll be at the back seat (laughs).
二宮 で、運転席から話しかけづらい!みたいな。
Ninomiya: So, they'll be like, it's difficult talking to you from the driver's seat!
相葉 見てみたい。
Aiba: I want to try watching it.
二宮 最後は大野さんが二宮さんをプロデュースだよ。
Ninomiya: The last one is Ohno-san producing Ninomiya-san.
大野 ニノはなんでもやってるからなぁ。やってないのはミュージカルくらいじゃない?
Ohno: Nino's been doing e~verything. Isn't it that the thing he hasn't done is a musical?
相葉 丸刈りにもなってるしね。
Aiba: He's also shaved his head.
二宮 なにか斬新な企画をさ。
Ninomiya: Something that's an original project.
大野 ニノの実験とか...。
Ohno: Something like Nino's experiments....
一同 (同時に)どういうこと?
All: (at the same time) What kind of thing is that?
大野 ニノは船酔いがひどいから...。
Ohno: Nino's seasickness is severe so....
二宮 (隣りで怪訝な顔をしながら、笑いをこらえている)
Ninomiya: (next to Ohno, he's trying not to laugh while putting on a suspicious look)
大野 船酔いしたあと、どのくらいのテンションで...。
Ohno: After he gets seasick, with that much tension....
相葉 わかった、人体実験ね。
Aiba: I got it, human experimentation, right?
大野 そう、どのくらいのテンションで笑顔の写真が撮れるかをやる。
Ohno: Right, we'll do it to figure out if we can take a picture of him smiling with that much tension.
二宮 あのさ、大野さん、その企画のどこがおもしろいのよ(笑)。
Ninomiya: Excuse me, Ohno-san, what's interesting about that project (laughs)?
大野 まず、初回はそれね。
Ohno: First of all, we'll do that for the first episode.
櫻井 まずさ、タイトルを決めようよ。そうすると枠組みが見えるからさ。
Sakurai: To start with, decide on a title. If that's done the framework will be seen.
松本 そうそう、コンセプトは?
Matsumoto: Right, right, what's the concept?
大野 (必死で考えたあげく)「イヤがるニノ」じゃなくて、「イヤガリーノ」。****
Ohno: (after thinking about it desperately) If it's not, "Iyagaru Nino," it's, "Iyagarii No." ****
二宮 だったら、オレの名前ねぇよ。オレの名前が「リーノ」になっちゃうよ。
Ninomiya: If that's the case, it's noot my name. My name turns out to be "Riino."
大野 (狙いは)いつも不機嫌(笑)。
Ohno: (The aim) is for you to always be bad-tempered (laughs).
二宮 はい。で、1回目は船酔いでどんだけいい写真が撮れるかで、2回目は?
Ninomiya: I see. Then, the 1st one is just how good of a picture will be taken of me seasick, so what about the 2nd one?
大野 まず、1回目のオン-エアを見て"ああ、よく頑張ったなぁ。さすが、ニノだな"って感心する。で、2回目は...思いつかないから考えておく。
Ohno: Well, when you're seen on-air in the first one, people will go, "Ah, do your very best. As expected, you're Nino," and they'll admire you. Then, as for the 2nd one...it hasn't come to mind so I'll think about right away.
** "ああでもない、こうでもない" (Aa demo nai, kou demo nai) kind of literally translates to, "Not like that, not like this either." I think it isn't meant to be translated literally because, well, it basically just describes the action of pretending to do something and denying that anything's wrong or that you want something. It can be translated into a lot of things. It can be any reply to the question, "What're you doing?" or "What's up?" when you're actually planning to do something, just like in Arashi's case.
*** "徹子の部屋" (Tetsuko no Heya) is the first ever TV talk show in Japan. It was hosted by Tetsuko Kuroyonagi who is an actress, the author of a children's book, and a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
**** "イヤがるニノ" means, "Nino hates it," or "Hateful Nino," while "イヤガリーノ" means, "Hated things," and appears to be a pun out of Nino's name. :)