I didn't sleep for this. Why. This pairing is too much for my heart. GUH.
Yuri Chinen x Satoshi Ohno
Portraits, Fishing, Souvenir Photos...
Let's hang out together, the two of us
ーOh-chan & Chinen's Memories Albumー
Does-things-at-his-pace Ohno, and nervous-looking Chinen who treats him as an admired senpai from a little while back. They draw portraits, fish for toy fishes, and are given the freedom to take photos with an enjoyable atmosphere. Even Chinen gradually relaxes. The fun conversation is completed.
I was incredibly tense in drawing Ohno-kun's face!
知念 今日の撮影は、おもちゃのお魚がいっぽい釣れましたね(笑)。
Chinen: In today's photoshoot, we went fishing for a lot of toy fishes (laughs).
大野 うん、予想以上に(笑)。知念くんから釣るコツも教わりました。
Ohno: Yep, it was more than what I expected (laughs). I even got some fishing tricks from Chinen-kun.
知念 僕、みんなに自慢します。大野くんと釣りに行っちゃったって。
Chinen: I'll boast it to everyone. That I've gone fishing with Ohno-kun.
大野 いいよ。でも本当に行ったら、知念くん船酔いしちゃうんじゃない?
Ohno: That's fine. But if we go for real, won't Chinen-kun end up getting seasick?
知念 え...どうなんですかねぇ。あんまり船に乗ったことないから、酔うのか酔わないのかもわかんないです。
Chinen: Eh...I wonder how I'll be then. I haven't been on boats that much, so I don't know if I get seasick or not.
大野 実際に釣りに行くとしたら、10時間ぐらいは船に乗るよ。
Ohno: If we assume that we're currently going to fish, we'll ride the boat for around 10 hours.
知念 えぇ!?それじゃ日焼け止め塗らないとダメですね。
Chinen: Eeh!? Then it would be necessary to put on sunblock.
大野 塗っても効かないよ(笑)。
Ohno: It won't work even if you apply some on (laughs).
知念 大野くんも釣りを始めたばかりのころは船酔いしたんですか?
Chinen: When you had just started fishing, did you get seasick, Ohno-kun?
大野 いや、最初からしなかったよ。知念くん、どうかなぁ(笑)。乗ってから最初の30分で酔わなかったら大丈夫だと思うけど。ま、いつか一緒に行こうね。
Ohno: Nope, right from the start I didn't. Chinen-kun, I wonder how it'll be for you (laughs). But I think it's alright if you get seasick in the first 30 minutes after getting on a boat. Well, let's go together someday.
知念 はい、行きたいです。大野くんとは何度か一緒に撮影したことあるんだけど、今日も緊張しました~(照)。でも以前より少し慣れたかな?もっともっと対談したいです。で、いつか一緒に連載できたらいいな。
Chinen: Yes, I would really like to go. I've had photoshoots together with Ohno-kun for how many times, and yet I got all tense even today~ (gets shy). But I wonder if I've grown a bit more accustomed to it compared to before? I want to have more and more conversations. Then, it would be great if we can have a serial story together someday.
大野 できれば複数の雑誌でね(笑)。でも、今日は普通に話せてるんじゃない?
Ohno: If we could, in several magazines (laughs). However, aren't we talking normally today?
知念 確かに今日はいつも以上に話せてるかも。うれしいです!だって大野くんと話すのは、バラエティ番組で話すより難しいと思ってたから...。
Chinen: We're certainly not talking more than we usually do. I'm so happy! It's because when it comes to talking with Ohno-kun, I think it's more difficult to talk to you in variety shows....
大野 アハハハ。なんで!?
Ohno: Ahahaha. Why!?
知念 緊張するから(笑)。でも、今日の大野くんはいつもより話しやすいオーラが出ている気がしました。
Chinen: It's because I get nervous (laughs). However, I felt the usually-easier-to-talk-to aura radiating from Ohno-kun today.
大野 以前は話しやすいオーラがなかった!?(笑)緊張しないのは、今日はあんまり周りに人がいないからじゃない?
Ohno: My aura before wasn't easy to talk to!? (laughs) As for not being nervous, will it not be that bad today if the people around us leave?
知念 確かに!以前対談したときは、10人ぐらいの大人に囲まれてた。
Chinen: For sure! When we had a conversation before, there were about 10 adults surrounding us.
大野 そうそう、2人一緒が初めてだからって、みんなが興味津々に眺めてたよね(笑)。まるで記者会見だったもん。
Ohno: Well, well, the two of us were together for the first time, so everyone was gazing at us with much interest (laughs). It was just like a press conference.
知念 それに比べると今日はユルい!
Chinen: Moreover, they're comparing my shakiness then with today!
大野 確かに緊張感ないかもね(笑)。今日は一緒に絵も描いたじゃない?オレ、知念くんが描く絵をずっと見ていたい。いろんな絵を描いてほしいよ。「あれ描いて」「これ描いて」って言いたい。ずっと笑っていられる気がする。
Ohno: There's certainly not a feeling of tension (laughs). Didn't we also draw pictures together today? I've always wanted to see drawings that Chinen-kun made. I want you to draw all kinds of pictures. I want to say, "Draw that," and "Draw this." I feel that you'll make me laugh all the way.
知念 アハハ。それはどういう意味で?
Chinen: Ahaha. In what way will those be significant?
大野 そのおもしろさが知念くんの"絵"なんだよね。(桜井)翔くんもこういうタッチなの。すごくおもしろいよ。
Ohno: It will be that interesting quality of Chinen-kun's "drawing." Even a touch such as that of (Sakurai) Sho-kun. It's very interesting.
知念 わかりました!じゃあ僕はピカソ方向に向かいたいと思います。
Chinen: Got it! Then I think I want to go towards the direction of Picasso.
大野 うん、いいと思う(笑)。
Ohno: Yep, I think that's good (laughs).
知念 大野くんの絵はさすがだなって思いました。絵ってこんなにうまく描けるもんなんだなぁって、あらためて思った。だってちゃんと人の顔になってますもん。
Chinen: Ohno-kun's drawing turned out just as I expected it. All over again, I thought of how he's able to skillfully draw pictures that way. He can do even people's faces properly.
大野 でも、この絵はちょっと幼くなっちゃった。知念くんに弟がいたら、きっとこんな顔だと思うよ(笑)。
Ohno: But, the drawing ended up being a bit young. If Chinen-kun had a younger brother, I think it would mostly likely be his face (laughs).
知念 僕は技術が足りなさすぎました。違う人になちゃった。だって今日の取材では絵を描くって聞いて、プレッシャーでしたもん。行くのためらうぐらい。
Chinen: My lack of skill was too much. It became a different person. When I heard that we're going to draw pictures in today's info collection, I felt the pressure. To the extent that I hesitated in going.
大野 そんなに嫌いなの!?
Ohno: You hate it that much!?
知念 ホントにダメなんですよ~。ただ描くならいいんですよ。でも大野くんを描くっていうのがプレッシャーでした。
Chinen: It's something I'm really no good at~. It's okay if it's just drawing. But it was the idea of having to draw Ohno-kun which pressured me.
大野 でも知念くんの絵はこのままでいいよ。知念くんの味が出てるもん。もしもっとリアルに描きたいっていうなら、何か教えられるかも知れないけど...。
Ohno: But it's fine to have Chinen-kun's drawing as it is. Since Chinen-kun's style comes out. If you want to draw more realistically, however, perhaps I'll be able to teach you something....
知念 え~そういうの、すごく緊張する!技術とか教えてもらうの、僕はすごく緊張するんですよ。だからアクロバットもひとり練習しましたもん。
Chinen: Eh~something like that, it makes me very tense! When I'm taught skills and stuff, I get so nervous. That's why I practiced acrobratics alone.
大野 あ、似てるかも。オレも独学のほうが好きだから。絵も独学だし。どんなことでも自分なりのやり方があるから。話は変わるけど、知念くん、さっき試験勉強してたじゃない?学校も仕事も両方とも頑張るのって大変だよね。今日も帰った試験勉強するんでしょ?
Ohno: Ah, I'm the same. It's because I like self-studying more. Drawing and the like is self-study, too. No matter what kind of thing I have my own methods. It's another story but, Chinen-kun, weren't you cramming for exams some time ago? Persisting in both school and work must be quite difficult. Will you be cramming for exams when you get home today?
知念 はい。たぶん、まだ一年生だからいい点数を狙うつもりで頑張ってると思うんですよ。そのうちだんだん気がゆるんできちゃう気がします。
Chinen: Yes. Probably, since I'm still a first year high school student I think of doing my best with the intention of aiming for good marks. I have a feeling that sooner or later the motivation could waver.
大野 あぁ、でもそれでいいよ(笑)。
Ohno: Ah, but you're good because of that (laughs).
知念 ただ、赤点取ったら学校に呼び出されるらしいんですよ!
Chinen: It's just, it seems that when you get a failing mark in school they're going to call for you!
大野 えぇ!?それはイヤだね。
Ohno: Eeh!? That's unpleasant, right?
知念 はい、それがすごくイヤだから、逆に頑張れる気がしてます。
Chinen: Yes, that's immensely unpleasant, so conversely I feel that I'll be able to persist.
大野 じゃあ頑張れ!(笑)オレが知念くんぐらいのころは何してたかな。確か京都に劇場があって、16から18歳までは京都に1年行って、3か月東京にいて、また京都に行ってって生活を送ってたな。
Ohno: Then do your best! (laughs) I wonder what I was doing when I was about Chinen-kun's age. If I'm not mistaken at a theater in Kyoto, I stayed in Kyoto for a year from when I was 16 until I was 18 years old, for 3 months I was in Tokyo, then I was staying and leading a life in Kyoto again.
知念 へぇ、京都かぁ。東京は修学旅行でぐらいしか行ったことないです...。
Chinen: Hee, Kyoto~? We haven't gone for field trips anywhere but around Tokyo....
大野 知念くん、93年生まれだよね?
Ohno: Chinen-kun, you were born in 1993, right?
知念 はい。
Chinen: Yes.
大野 オレは94年に事務所に入ったの。
Ohno: I entered the Jimusho in 1994.
知念 お~!!そう考えると、大野くんが事務所に入ったころ、森本(龍太郎)くんはまだ生まれてないです。
Chinen: Oh~!! When I think about it, around the time that Ohno-kun entered the Jimusho, (Ryuutarou) Morimoto-kun wasn't born yet.
大野 そうかぁ。(苦笑)。でね、自分が事務所に入ったころに知念くんが1歳かと思うと、すごく不思議に感じたの。
Ohno: Is that soo. (bitter smile). Then you know, when I think of Chinen-kun being a year old at the time that I entered the Jimusho, it's quite a marvelous feeling.
知念 すご~い!僕はそのころまだジャニーズなんて、まったく知らないです。
Chinen: Ama~zing! At that time, I was yet to completely know about things like Johnny's.
大野 当だり前だよ(笑)。
Ohno: Obviously (laughs).
知念 アハハ(笑)。僕がジャニーズを知ったのは4、5歳。5、6歳の幼稚園の誕生日カードには「ジャニーズに入りたい」って書いてあるんですよ。最近見つけて、うわ~って思いました。
Chinen: Ahaha (laughs). I knew about Johnny's when I was 4, 5 years old. When I was 5 or 6 years old there was "We want you to be accepted in Johnny's" written on my birthday card. When I came across it recently I thought, "Uwaa~."
大野 書いたことは覚えてないんだ?
Ohno: You didn't forget what was written?
知念 はい。でもかなった、みたいな。
Chinen: I didn't. But it came true, it seems.
大野 すげぇ!
Ohno: That's great!
知念 僕は幼稚園のころから大野くんにあこがれてたんですっよ!
Chinen: I've admired Ohno-kun since I was in kindergarten!
大野 うそ!そのころって、オレはまだJr.じゃなかった?
Ohno: No way! At that time, wasn't I still a Junior?
知念 いえ、幼稚園の年長だと思うんですけど、「感謝カンゲキ雨嵐」か何かを僕が歌っていたら、周りの子たちも「知ってる!」って盛り上がりましたもん。
Chinen: No, I think it was the seniors in kindergarten, but when I sang "Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi" or something, the kids around me went, "We know that!" and got all excited.
大野 よく覚えてるね~。そうか嵐がデビュー10周年で知念くんが15歳だから、幼稚園でもおかしくないのか。
Ohno: You remember it well~. So if Chinen-kun is 15 years old at Arashi's 10th debut anniversary, then it's not ridiculous even if it's kindergarten.
知念 嵐の1stシングルも買いましたよ!ケースの中に握手会のチケットが入っていて。でも"静岡だから行けない!"って思ったの覚えてますもん。
Chinen: I even bought Arashi's 1st single! There was a ticket to the handshaking event inside the case, but I remember that I thought, "It's in Shizuoka so I can't go!"
大野 へぇ(感心)。
Ohno: He~ (admires).
知念 エヘヘ。事務所に入った今でこそ、尊敬する先輩って言ってますけど、その前はただのファンでした(笑)。
Chinen: Ehehe. Now that I've joined the Jimusho for sure, I say that you're a senpai I respect, but before I was just a fan (laughs).
大野 ありがとう(笑)。そういえば、質問も考えてきてくれたんでしょ?
Ohno: Thank you (laughs). That reminds me, do you have anything, even like questions for me in mind?
知念 はい。質問していいですか?
Chinen: Yes. Is it okay to ask you questions?
大野 いいよ~。
Ohno: Alri~ght.
知念 ではまず、釣りと絵以外に何かしていることはありますか?
Chinen: Then to start off, is there an activity that you do aside from fishing and drawing?
大野 ひとり散歩。
Ohno: Taking walks alone.
知念 僕も歩くの好きですよ。嵐の「Dream "A" Live」の東京ドームコンサートのとき、友達と四谷で待ち合わせしてたんですけど、渋谷から2時間かけて四谷まで歩いちゃいました。
Chinen: I also like walking. When it was Arashi's "Dream "A" Live" Tokyo Dome concert, I was supposed to meet up with my friend in Yotsuya, but I walked from Shibuya to Yotsuya which took 2 hours.
大野 マジで!?じゃ、今度一緒に散歩に行こう!
Ohno: Seriously!? Then, next time let's go take a stroll together!
知念 ぜひ!あの...もうひとついいですか?バラエティ番組での大野くんは、ONなんですか?それともOFFなんですか?
Chinen: Certainly! Um...Is it okay to ask another one? Ohno-kun who's in variety shows, is it your ON self? Or is it your OFF self?
大野 なんでそこが気になったの?(笑)
Ohno: Why was that on your mind? (laughs)
知念 なんか、大野くんひとりだけ時間がゆっくり流れてる気がして...(笑)。それとコンサートのときのソロ曲とのギャップがありすぎて気になりました。
Chinen: Somehow, I feel that when it's just Ohno-kun alone time flows leisurely... (laughs). I'm concerned about the gap between that and when you're doing solo songs in concerts.
大野 そっか。一応、ONのつもりではいるんだけど。知念くんはバラエティ番組をやっているときに耐えられないぐらいの睡魔がくることない?
Ohno: I see. For the meantime, I intend to be in ON mode. Isn't there a time for Chinen-kun when you're doing a variety show and you can't stand it when sleepiness comes?
知念 いえ、ないです(笑)。たぶん緊張感があるからかな。
Chinen: No, there's none (laughs). It's probably because I'm all nervous.
大野 VTRとか見ているときに、眠くなったことないの?
Ohno: When you're watching VTRs and stuff, don't you get sleepy?
知念 若干...。カメラに映ってないときに眠くて涙をこらえるときはあります。
Chinen: There are some.... There are times when I can't put up with the sleepy tears when the camera isn't on me.
大野 オレはVTRを見てるときに、すごい睡魔に襲われちゃうことがあって。そういうときは耐えられないから寢る!
Ohno: When we're watching VTRs, I'm assaulted by a huge amount of sleepiness. There are such times when I can't resist it anymore so I lie down!
知念 ギャハハハ(爆笑)。寝るって!!
Chinen: Gyahahaha (roar of laughter). You lie down!!
大野 ちょっと寝れば復活するから...って、ユル~い話をしてるうちに終わりの時間になっちゃった。そうだ、今度釣りに行ったら、魚の写真を送るよ。あと、住所を教えて。そしたら「お.ま.た.せ」って魚を届けてあげられるじゃん?
Ohno: If I lie down just a bit I'll be restored so...then, while I'm speaking slo~wly it will be the end of the time. It looks to me that if I go fishing, I will take a picture of the fish. Later, give me your home address. Then shall I say, "Thank. You. For. Waiting." and give you a report regarding the fish?
知念 OKです!
Chinen: OK!
大野 知念くん、素直だよね。今回は独学派って似てる部分も見つけられたし、楽しかったよ。最後に説明書は読む派?
Ohno: Chinen-kun, I'll be honest. This time when I discovered the similar part about us being self-study people, I enjoyed it. Lastly, are you part of the group who reads printed instructions?
知念 読まない派。たとえゲームでも必殺技とか、自分で一生懸命探します。
Chinen: I'm in the group that doesn't read. For example, special moves in games and stuff, I figure it out by myself with utmost effort.
大野 うん、読まないのも一緒だ(笑)。
Ohno: Yep, we're the same in the no-reading thing as well (laughs).