Apr 28, 2006 15:06
So here's something totally random that I thought would be amusing. |D
If you have any questions about any of my characters, feel free to ask here~
This includes basic canon info but is more geared towards like . . . motivations, specific camp behavior, past events, anything else you can think of, really. "Why does Chisame do this?" "Why does Tomo act that way around them?" "Why does Chao not want the barrier to come down?" (>D) etc.
This is more to fulfill any curiosities rather than a forum for concrit, but feel free to use it that way too. "Why the fuck would Tomo DO THAT like you did last night?" XD And I'll do my best to answer! It'll also help me work out motivations and such into words because sometimes what the hell not even I know what's going on. . . . You should probably forget I said that. 8D
So if there's anything you want clarified about Chisame, Eva, Chao or Tomo, ask away! ♥
EDIT due to events in the chan, I shall clarify that questions about retarded injokes or dirty stuff are okay--god you guys are all perverts. 8D