Highlander (10) - Children

Apr 17, 2007 10:42

Author: the_tome aka dragon_within
Claim: Joe Dawson
Prompt: Children
Rating/Warnings: None
Word count: 195
Disclaimer: Oh how I wish they were mine.

Excerpt from the journal of Joe Dawson:

One thing I discovered about Immortals is that they aren't able to bear any children. For whatever reason, the genetics which cause Immortals to be immortal, also causes them to be sterile. Now, it's been awhile since I studied biology, and I do remember that there are certain animals that when they reproduce, (like a horse and a donkey), their offspring are sterile. It has something to do with the number of chromosomes they have.

Immortals supposedly have the same number of chromosomes as mortals, but so far I haven't found any evidence to prove or disprove this. Apparently, no one has done an autopsy on the corpse of an Immortal. (Handwritten scribble on the side: check the records of Asclepius)

Since Immortals are incapable of bearing children, then mortals are the ones giving birth to the Immortals. Is Immortality, then, a genetic defect? Is there a mutated gene that attacks chromosomes in order to cause a child to be born with the possibility of becoming an Immortal? Immortal children come from mortal parents, so there has to be something! I'll need to talk this over with Ian.
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