Highlander (5) - New Page

Apr 03, 2007 15:58

Author: the_tome aja dragon_within
Claim: Joe Dawson
Prompt: New Page
Rating/Warnings: None
Word count: 333
Disclaimer: Oh how I wish they were mine.

Joe sat at his desk and stared at the journal in front of him. He'd just been assigned to his first Immortal, and while he was excited about the prospect, he also realized that he really didn't know what to do. He thought about all of the journals he'd read in the past. Some of them were nothing more than a few lines here, a few dates there. Names of Immortals beaten in combat with the date of the Quickening beside them. There were others that were so intimate in details, Joe couldn't help but wonder how the Watcher knew everything about his/her Immortal. Ian had always told him that Watchers did not get involved, but just how many of them adhered to that strict rule?

He stared off into space, thinking about the Immortal to whom he'd been assigned. What did he know of him? Not much, really, considering that his previous Watcher had not been that diligent in keeping records. And, unfortunately, he couldn't ask the man, or woman, since that person had recently passed away. That was the one true failing of the Watchers Council: they were mortal, their charges were not.

What would he want known of him, if he were an Immortal? Joe pondered the question. There would definitely be things he'd want kept private; his experiences in Vietnam came to mind, as well as his own father's death. But there were other things that he didn't care if the entire world knew, like his love of the blues. Joe laughed, then. Oh, to be an Immortal and able to play the blues for the rest of his existence.

He decided then, that he would treat his charge the way that he would want to be treated. Names, dates, certain events and circumstances, yes. How many people he bedded... no. That just wasn't something that needed to be known.

Joe smiled then, his mind made up. He turned to a new page and began writing.


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