[Dated Feb 14]

Jan 19, 2010 00:33

For the last week, Ellie had finally gotten to the point where she admittedly didn't want to do much but rest. Just going to do normal things became more exhausting than they used to, and she was more than ready for it all to be done with. Devon was incredibly helpful through it all, dealing patiently with her when even she knew she was irritated at everything and taking it out on him.

It was around nine in the morning when Ellie had been sitting with Chuck in the kitchen area. He'd actually just been about to leave when it happened. At first, Ellie's heart dropped a little when she realized she was pretty sure her water just broke. For all the preparation for the moment, faced with it now, she was at a loss of what to do for one brief moment. Chuck must have noticed her expression, and he probably regretted asking what was wrong.

Chuck yelling at the doctors to boil water immediately wasn't exactly the most calm environment for her. She had to eventually help him focus, because at this rate, no one would go get Devon for her. He'd seemed wary about leaving her, but was eventually convinced she wasn't going to spontaneously birth the baby in the five minutes it took for him to get from their suite and back.

If it'd only be that easy.

Chase eventually arrived as well, as he'd agreed to be the one to help birth the baby. What followed after was six hours of painful waiting, followed by the even more painful period of actual pushing. It was a smooth and fairly uneventful birth, but that didn't mean it wasn't one of the most painful experiences of her life. She was pretty sure she'd nearly broken Devon's hand with how hard she'd been squeezing it.

All of it was worth it, though, for that single piercing first wail of her daughter. Even though she still ached - which was to be expected, of course - nothing else mattered once Madeline was safely cradled in her arms. She was surprisingly alert, seeming to be taking in what little surroundings she could see.

After Chase finished up the preliminary check up of the baby and Ellie fed her her first meal, she finally felt things settling down. She was all smiles as she gently touched her daughter's cheek, unable to stop smiling even if she wanted to.

She was more beautiful than she could have ever imagined her. It was hard not to be overwhelmed by it all.
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