Slave To Love: Chapter Two

Dec 09, 2016 13:21

Jared huffed on the back of a whine as his brain very evilly and unwillingly dragged him from slumber and up into consciousness. It was still dark, pitch black when he first, and finally, opened up his eyes, until they adjusted to the lack of light. He didn’t know why the fuck his body was waking him in the middle of the night. He threw his hands out and then he froze when his right met something solid, soft and warm. He looked down, Jensen’s white fur standing out even in the darkness, which Jared stroked through lightly with his fingers.

The Alpha was facing away from him, head down near the end of the bed, and he’d left a respectable amount of space between them. Too much. In Jared’s opinion. But he didn’t close the distance, just kept stroking his back gently, in time with his breathing, not wanting to wake him up. Wondering how long exactly Jensen had been lying there. The why didn’t really matter as much as the fact that Jensen must have wanted to be beside him. And Jared had drifted back off to sleep with a smile on his lips.

When Jared awakened the following morning, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment when he discovered Jensen no longer there. By the time he had relieved himself, brushed his teeth and gotten dressed for work he’d half convinced himself that he’d somehow dreamed up the whole thing himself. Jensen was already in the kitchen by the time Jared got down, “Morning,” he smiled as he poured himself some coffee.

Jensen was sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal, newspaper spread out across it, “Morning.”

Jared had watched him for a moment as he pulled the spoon from his mouth, and the brush of his eyelashes down onto his freckled cheeks as he blinked. The sexy lines of his nose that drew the eye down to his insanely plush lips. They had freckles too. Two of them, nestled in his bottom lip. Jared still couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to notice Jensen’s freckles, but his eyes were just so captivating, he could hardly blame himself for not being able to look away.

Jared jumped a little when Jensen’s voice pierced his daydream, and he blinked, his brow scrunching, “What?”

“I said, aren’t you going to be late for work?”

Shit. He checked his watch before glancing up at the clock on the wall, “Fuck. I better-” and he gulped down a big mouthful of coffee, the porcelain clinking hard against the countertop when he set it down as he started to head out of the kitchen, pausing when Jensen spoke and he turned back to him.

“You want me to drive you? Then you could at least eat something on the way.”

“No. Thanks, Jensen. But I’ll manage, you don’t have to-”

Jensen just smiled, “Okay. If you’re sure,” and Jared was hit with a sudden urge to ask him about being in his bedroom, when Jensen said, “Have a good day.”

“Right. You too,” Jared said with a half twitch of a smile and a nod as he finally moved, snagging his keys, coat and briefcase on the way to the door, and calling back over his shoulder, “See you later,” before he closed the door behind him.

He glanced at his watch again. He’d never been late a day in his life. Shit. It wasn’t exactly a big deal and he wasn’t even all that late. It was just a point of pride, but once he was in and had a second coffee, and a donut -if he’d known who had brought them he would have kissed them- he was fine. The rest of the day going off without a hitch.

And he’d almost completely forgotten about his night time visitor until that night in his bed when he roused from unconsciousness at god knows what hour to find the white wolf stretched out next to him. And it happened again the next few nights too, and every morning when Jared woke up for real, Jensen would be gone. So, on Friday when he woke up he made a decision; it was time to talk to Jensen.

He didn’t want the Alpha to think he had to sneak around. If he wanted to sleep in Jared’s room, then he should do so freely. So, Jared had extended him an open invitation to do just that while they were watching tv. Jensen had seemed a little embarrassed at being caught, the tips of his ears turning pink, and he hadn’t said anything back, Jared had told him it was okay if he didn’t, the offer still stood.

And when Jared did turn in for the night, he left his door open. He hadn’t even turned down his covers yet when Jensen -in wolf form- hopped up onto the bed. Jared didn’t ask about it.

After two weeks of eating practically nothing but cereal and take out Jensen couldn’t take one more day of it. He was going to have to get them real food. He’d gotten dressed for going out and had just walked back downstairs when the doorbell chimed. It was a parcel, which just so happened to be their laundered clothes. Jared had sent their clothes out to be washed by someone else, when there was a perfectly good laundry room in the house.

Made him suspect that Jared had had cleaners in over the weekends while they were away. And Jensen really didn’t like the thought of that either. Strangers handling and rifling through their personal belongings. Doing things that they were perfectly capable of doing themselves. That Jensen could be doing.

Jared had ruffled a little when Jensen talked to him about letting all those people go. And Jensen understood, he knew Jared didn’t want him to feel like he had to do things that fell under the slave duties umbrella. But Jensen wanted to do those things, taking care of their home, and he liked making meals for Jared. For them both. He liked having something to do. Having someone to take care of. He’d hated being kept in the facility, in every sense of the word. And he wasn’t going to be kept by Jared either.

They were partners. Soulmates. They were supposed to be a team and Jared had immediately conceded when Jensen had reminded him of that.

“You’re right,” he’d huffed a little with a smile, “You’re right. I’m sorry, Jensen. This is just-”

“I know. I mean, I understand,” Jensen smiled too, “And thank you.”

Jensen breathed as quietly as possible, back pressed to the wall just outside the living room door. Listening. Jared’s parents had arrived unexpectedly. Zero warning. Just before Jared was due in from his work. Jared hadn’t told them about Jensen, or getting an Alpha at all. And they were pissed. Had asked to speak to their son alone when Jared finally arrived. But Jensen had lingered in the hall, unable to tear himself any further away from the Omega.

“How could you do this? Are you completely out of your god damn mind? Our son. With a slave!”

Jared had been pissed too, “I’m not treating him like that! Are you trying to say he’d be better off there than here?”

“It’s the principle, Jared. Padaleckis do not condone slavery! Our ancestors drew up the bill for equality.” A bill that was never passed, if it ever existed, that story got ever more grandiose every time it was told. Jared was pretty sure it was just a bunch of guys arguing round a table. And those in favour of integration had lost.

Jared wasn’t going to get into that argument again, not right then, “He’s my soulmate.”

“Oh, not with this nonsense again. There’s no such thing!”

“You’re wrong. Mom. Dad. I love you both. And I’m glad that you made it work and that you love each other. But I feel sorry for you, that you’ve never felt what I feel. How I felt when I first saw Jensen. He’s the one. My one. And I want to start a family with him.”

That was when Jensen stepped in, he could feel the ire in the air. Jared’s parents were about to tear into their son, but not if Jensen could help it. Jared’s parents had fallen silent when Jensen entered the room. He squeezed Jared’s arm, pressing his lips to the nape of Jared’s neck, before he stepped in front of him, taking hold of Jared’s hand behind his back to comfort him.

Jensen had never really wanted kids. Didn’t want to risk having an Alpha and having them go through what he had to go through, what his parents had gone through. Not that he really had a choice in the matter. He knew why Jared had wanted an Alpha. But he didn’t like feeling Jared in pain, being so upset. Or that Jared’s parents could suggest that Jared would be anything other than the beautiful, loving man he’d come to know.

“If you’re not staying for dinner, then I’d like to kindly ask you to leave.” Jensen had offered them the chance to stay when he’d opened the door to them, but they had insisted that that wouldn’t be necessary.

They had looked stunned for a moment, but then they just left without saying another word.

Jensen had squeezed Jared’s hand tighter when the front door snapped shut.

Jared seeming to be at a loss for words, “Jensen, I, you, why did you-”

Jensen had kept their fingers locked as he turned to face him, pulling Jared in as he pushed himself up onto tiptoes to kiss him, their lips touching for the first time, “You’re my Omega.”

If Jared wanted to have a baby with him then Jensen couldn’t deny him. He’d just have to hope like hell that they had a Beta or an Omega. If they had an Alpha, Jensen would just have to take the baby and run.

Jared was still overwhelmed by how safe and calm Jensen had made him feel. And how he stood up to his parents, saying what Jared couldn’t. And when Jensen had kissed him again, for the second time, Jared jumped up into his arms, legs wrapping around Jensen’s middle, as he swept his tongue across Jensen’s lip. Jensen took a firm hold of Jared’s legs as he backed them up to the couch and fell down into it when his legs hit it, Jared straddling his lap, grinding down into him as the kissing intensified.

“Jared. Wait. Stop,” Jensen’s hands still so tenderly caressing Jared’s back, unwilling to stop touching him now that he’d started.

Jared pouted a little, “What? Why?”

“Dinner,” Jensen said quietly, “I need to check the oven. Switch it off. Then if you want we can-”

“No,” Jared said just as quietly, leaning forward to touch their foreheads together, “You made me dinner. We should eat it.”

Jensen smiled when Jared pulled back, “You still have to let me up.”

“Right,” Jared said, both of them perfectly aware that Jensen could quite easily move him if he wanted to.

Jensen pressed their lips together more softly this time and then Jared climbed off of his Alpha, sliding back onto his feet. Jared held out his hand to help Jensen up and then followed Jensen into the kitchen to watch as he plated up their meal.

They ate in the dining room and shared a bottle of wine. And afterwards, once the dishes were loaded into the machine, Jensen had snuggled up with Jared on the couch.

Jared had been idly playing connect the dots with the freckles on Jensen’s forearm, not really paying any attention to the tv screen, “They’re not bad people, you know.”

Jensen took a hold of Jared’s hand, “Never thought they were,” giving it a small squeeze, “But they were upsetting you.”

Neither saying a word while they shared a long glance, Jensen’s eyes taking a downward turn when Jared cupped his cheek, “I never wanted you as a slave. I just wanted you.”

And Jared dropped his hand when Jensen started to turn his head. But Jensen didn’t say anything. It was probably stupid of him to expect him to. But he didn’t move or tense up either. Just kept Jared in his arms. So Jared was putting that in the good column.

Jensen didn’t doubt that Jared loved him, or that they were soulmates. Although it had scared him at first, he felt it the same as Jared. But it didn’t change the fact that he was still bought and paid for. That he had a collar around his neck. That society would refuse to recognise their love. They had never made such declarations to each other. And there was still a small part of Jensen that wasn’t so sure they should. But the thought of anyone else laying claim over Jared’s heart made his own heart ache so heavily.

The Alpha tightened his embrace instinctually. Possessively. Kissing Jared’s temple as he pulled him closer. They didn’t have sex that night, but Jensen had still padded through to Jared’s room, jumping up on the bed, settling in closer to Jared than he had been given to. Jared’s hand warm on his snout before he scratched behind his ears, and Jensen had let out a happy little rumble of a growl, something akin to a purr. Jared’s scritches lulling him into sleep.

Ever since their surprise visit from Jared’s parents everything between Jared and Jensen had seemed a lot more intense. And Jared had been finding it even harder than usual to try and keep his hands and lips off of Jensen. Getting so close and not following through? It had Jared on edge. Kissing Jensen had been everything and more than Jared had ever built up in his head. And damnit, he wanted more. And if the increase in all the lingering glances and touches were anything to go by, Jensen wanted more too.

So, when they got away that weekend to Jared’s cabin, their cabin, to go for their weekly wolf run they had been particularly boisterous with one another as they played. Jensen taking the pinning a lot more seriously, he hadn’t let Jared win once, and he kept him pinned down longer, licking and nuzzling the tender side of his throat. Jared had tipped his head backwards to give Jensen fuller access. Submitting to his Alpha gave him a deep sense of inner peace.

And when Jensen was done with that he’d nip playfully at Jared’s ear, nudge under his muzzle with his own to get Jared back up to play again, chasing through the trees. And they went on that way right into the late afternoon, when the sun was beginning its descent. They collapsed down together, Jensen changing back into human form first, seconds before Jared followed suit. The two just lying naked together in the dirt. Wiggling about to get closer.

Jensen started to laugh, such a wondrous, beautiful sound, and it was infectious, got Jared caught up in it too. And then Jensen was kissing Jared, getting on top of him and they started to grind into each other, dicks rubbing together. They moaned into each other’s mouths. Kissing and licking and nipping and sucking. Fuck it was almost too much. Jared hadn’t had sex with another person in such a long time, he got wet really quickly, Jared sensing the exact moment that the smell hit Jensen, “Fuck, Jared.”

Jensen knelt up, not wasting any time in spreading Jared’s thighs and he just slipped right inside him in one thrust, made Jared cry out, “Fuck.” Jared’s dick sandwiched between their bellies as Jensen fucked him with a much steadier pace than Jared had expected. But fuck it was good. Better than. Jensen wasn’t fucking him like he needed to prove something, stake his claim, he was fucking him like he knew Jared was already his. And Jared was Jensen’s.

They didn’t knot -Jared wasn’t in heat and he was still on his birth control and suppressors, heats were unbearable when you didn’t have an Alpha to take care of it and you really didn’t want to be an unmated Omega without suppressors, they were insatiable and not in a cute way. So, you had to take the pills to regulate it, if you didn’t want it interrupting your work- but Jared had still felt a sense of completeness when Jensen had come, buried deep inside him. Jared’s come coating their torsos. And they stayed down in the dirt for a while after they were done.

Jensen and Jared had walked back to the cabin in wolf form, it was quicker that way, and it was much too cold to chance in -naked- human form. Switching back when they got to the cabin porch and they headed straight in to take a shower together, no fooling around, just gentle caresses as they soaped each other up, not wanting to be separate for even the span of a shower. And once they were in the bedroom Jared tugged Jensen down on top of him before he could wolf out again.

Jensen let out a small sigh, but he didn’t move to roll off of Jared, just shifted so that their eyes were level, and he ran his fingers through Jared’s hair, “Thought you wanted to sleep?”

“I do. Like having you on top of me,” Jared slid his hands up Jensen’s back, “Have you always slept in wolf form?”

Jensen shrugged, “Ever since I got collared. It’s more comfortable that way.”

Jared didn’t know what to say to that, but Jensen went on after a brief silence, so he didn’t have to.

“That first night. I cried so hard. My mom…she was crying too. She’d been crying the whole day, probably since before I even got up that morning. Before they took me to that place…She came through to my room, told me to change and she held me, just kept stroking my fur ‘til I fell asleep.”

Jared had nearly been in tears himself, and he squeezed Jensen a little tighter. He had never really thought about Jensen having lived anywhere before the facility. And just the thought of Jensen having to go through that? Jared wished he could take the damn thing off him. But the collars were monitored tracking devices. Tampering with them in any way was a federal offence. Jared would be fined and imprisoned and Jensen would get taken away to one of those nasty breeding facilities. Or sold off to someone else for hard labour. Somewhere where he would definitely be treated like a slave. It was all equally dehumanizing. And it didn’t bear thinking about.

Jensen’s tongue dragged across his cheek before Jared realised his Alpha had transformed. And Jensen snuggled up closer to Jared’s chest, Jared getting his arms around him, and he laid his head down on Jensen’s back.

Jensen had been in the middle of watching his favourite cooking program when there was a knock at the door. He hit pause as he got to his feet. The hair on the back of his neck prickling as he registered her scent, he’d had the window open, knowing exactly who she was before he’d even checked out the window for the car. It was Jared’s mother.

He blew out a heavy breath before going to the door, “Mrs. Padalecki, I’m sorry, but Jared isn’t here.”

“Actually, I came here to see you.”

Jensen’s eyebrows shot up at that.

“I wanted to apologise. Could I come in?”

Jensen crossed his arms over his chest, brow furrowed as he thought it over, and he bit his lip before he nodded his assent, taking a step back to let her pass. He knew it wouldn’t be in Jared’s best interest to push her away. He followed her into the living room, “Did you want something to drink?”

“No. No, thank you,” she said with the barest twitch of a smile, “Jensen, on behalf of myself and my husband, I want to say sorry for how we treated you the other night. That is not how we like to conduct ourselves. We were just-”

“Shocked?” Jensen provided, and he understood that, how could they not be?

“To say the least. But that is no excuse. No matter how aghast and bewildered we are with Jared’s choices-”

“With all due respect, ma’am, if you’re just going to insult your son, then I don’t want to hear it.”

“No. You’re right. You really do care for him, don’t you?”

“I do. And you do too, or you wouldn’t be here.”

Mrs. Padalecki bowed her head at that, clearly still at odds with her beliefs and with her son’s actions.

“I hope you’re not worried about how he treats me. Because he’s a good man. You raised him right.”

“But how could he-”

“If he hadn’t. I’d still be a slave. Just somewhere else. To some other person.” To someone not his soulmate. “You know him. And I think you do know why. You just don’t want it to be true. I think you were hoping it would just be a phase. That eventually he’d grow out of it and resign himself to settling. But that’s not who he is. He’s a believer.”

“Sounds like you are too,” she said with a small smile.

“So, how was your day?” Jared asked as he lifted his fork to his mouth. Jared liked to ask Jensen first before boring him -Jared’s word, not Jensen’s- with his work stuff.

So Jensen had been worrying about what exactly he was going to say all afternoon, how he should handle it. He bit his lip, deciding to wait until Jared had finished chewing. Jared’s brow drew together, worry creeping into his own eyes, “Jensen, what is it?”

Jensen licked his lip, scratching the back of his neck, he couldn’t lie to Jared, baldly or by omission, not when he’d asked him outright, “Your mom stopped by.”

“What? My mom-. She didn’t-.”

“Jay,” he said calmly, meaning to soothe, he could feel the bubble of outrage coming from the pit of Jared’s stomach.

“Did she-. If she said something to you-”

“Jay,” he said again, keeping an even tone as he took hold of Jared’s wrist, “It wasn’t like that,” his thumb brushing lightly over Jared’s pulse point, “She apologised to me.”

Jared took a deep breath, puffing his cheeks out as he let it go, “She apologised?”

“Yeah. Said she was sorry for how she and your dad treated me. And then we had a talk.”

“About me?”

“I told her she raised a good man.”

Jared snorted a little at that, “She hates me, doesn’t she?”

“She doesn’t hate you, Jared. She’s your mom. She just needs time to digest it. I’m not going to defend how they reacted, or how they chose to blatantly disregard your feelings. But it was kind of just sprung on them. I understand why you didn’t want to tell them. That was always going to be their initial reaction. Now we get to move past it.”

“What if they can’t?”

Jensen let out a small sigh, “If or when we get to that bridge. We’ll deal. But I really don’t think it’ll come to that,” he squeezed Jared’s wrist, “They love you, Jared.”

“Guess we’ll see.”

Jared knew it was kinda stupid, all things considered, but he had gotten this really overwhelming urge to take Jensen out on a date. Jensen had been making him all these incredible meals every day, not to mention everything else he took care of while Jared was at work, and Jared wanted to do something special to say thank you. To let Jensen know how much he appreciated him.

He would have loved to have taken him out to dinner, but the big problem with that of course was that there weren’t any nice restaurants that served Alphas. Or there were but Jared wasn’t going to have Jensen kneeling at his feet and eating off the floor like he was some sort of pet.

It was a dumb old archaic law that wasn’t even enforceable anymore, but it was still within an individual owner’s rights how much of a dick they wanted to be.

So Jared had decided that he was going to make dinner for Jensen. He’d downloaded a recipe from one of the cooking shows that Jensen was always watching. They’d been watching a few episodes together, and damn that chicken had looked good. It’d had Jared salivating, and Jensen had seemed to approve too, and he hadn’t balked when Jared had broached the idea with him.

Jensen had been sitting at the breakfast table, reading the paper and drinking his coffee. It had been a Saturday -and one of the rarer times when they had decided to stay home on the Friday- so Jared had been able to have a longer lie in. And he draped himself down around Jensen’s shoulders as soon as he entered the kitchen, rubbing his nose through Jensen’s bedhead. He could never get enough of Jensen’s scent. Jensen had tilted his head back to get a look at him, reaching back with his arms to wrap around Jared’s waist.

“You want to make me dinner?”


“Babe, you know you don’t have to, right? I already know how much you love me.”

“I want to.”

“Okay. Well why don’t we go to the market together and we can get your ingredients?”

Jared had kissed him and after he’d had some coffee of his own, they’d got dressed and headed out to the market, where Jensen usually got most of their food, he liked getting everything organic and fresh. Jensen always spoke so passionately about it. And it made Jared happy too, finally getting to meet the vendors, who were all very friendly with Jensen, and seemed excited to get to meet Jared too. Made him feel better and reminded him that there were other people who felt the same way he did.

As well intentioned as Jared had been, Jensen had ended up helping him in the kitchen anyway, because Jared had never actually ever cooked anything in his life that hadn’t been microwavable or that only required boiling water to be added. And he was much too worried about making something inedible to just wing it. So, Jensen was there to guide him and to make sure he didn’t burn the house down. He’d never felt so content as when Jensen would step in to direct his hands, covering them with his own to show him how to use the knife a certain way.

And he must have let a sigh slip at some point, because Jensen just laughed, giving him a playful swot, “Are you even paying attention?”

He hadn’t even realised he’d closed his eyes until he had to open them to Jensen’s smirking face, “Like you telling me what to do.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Now, come on, this dinner isn’t going to make itself.”

Jared had redoubled his efforts in concentrating, and the meal turned out pretty good if he did say so himself, though most of the credit really belonged to Jensen, Jensen wouldn’t hear it. Wrapped himself round Jared’s back when the Omega was doing the dishes, that he’d insisted on doing by hand, “Thanks, Jay,” and he’d kissed the back of his neck, “I loved it.”

The day after Jared and Jensen had made love in the woods, Jared had made an appointment with his doctor to see about coming off his meds. He’d known he couldn’t just stop taking them cold turkey. They were regulating and supressing his hormones. He didn’t want to think of what kind of mood swings he could have if he just stopped. It needed to be done gradually. And that’s what he had been doing for the past month and a half. He’d taken his last pills a few days ago. He’d already passed his scheduled heat date. And even though the doctor had told him there was likely to be some fluctuation in his cycle, it was starting to make him freak out just a smidge.

He didn’t know what he’d do without Jensen there to calm him. He really only needed to give Jared the simplest of touches, and the effect was immediate. And he’d already started making Jared food that was good for both fertility and pregnancy. Said he wanted to trial the ingredients before they needed them for real. Jensen never made a big deal out of it, but Jared knew he liked to make up his own recipes for things.

Jensen’s homemade lunches had become the envy of the office. Jensen liked to vary things up, so Jared never knew what he was going to get, unless he put in a special request. He had been pondering what Jensen might have put together for today, instead of concentrating on the meeting he was supposed to be a part of. He closed his eyes, head tilted back and he took a breath, ready to refocus when it hit him.

And Jared could have sworn he actually saw the air physically ripple around him as his temperature rocketed from ninety-eight point six all the way up to what felt like a thousand.


He’d forgotten what an uninhibited heat felt like, he dragged his palm across his face, and then swiped with the back of his arm as he very hastily started to loosen his tie. Everyone was staring at him. He needed to get out of there. Genevieve had gotten to her feet and not unkindly ushered him out of the room, “Gen-”

“Come on, let’s get you to your office, and I’ll call Jensen to come pick you up,” and she closed the door behind them, her hands firm on his shoulders as she sat him down on his couch.

“I’m sorry,” he sniffed a little, unable to keep himself still, pulling his suit jacket up over his head, even though it was open.

“Jared, it’s fine,” she said sincerely, though her brow scrunched when his arms got tangled up in his sleeves, “You do know that there’s an easier way to do that, right?”

Jared just pouted at her as she picked up the phone and he managed to stay still for almost two whole seconds before resuming his struggle.

“Shit,” Jared felt the small build of pressure between his legs and he pushed himself off the couch, sliding down onto the floor just as the slick dropped -soaking right through his boxer-briefs and his pants too¬- he didn’t want to stain it. As if it wasn’t humiliating enough. His breath shallow, ragged as he tried to push all his weight down into the floor so he wouldn’t writhe as much, while Genevieve was on the phone.

“Hello, Jensen. Yes…Oh he’s fine, he’s fine. But he’s going to need you to come get him…Yes. And I wouldn’t want to encourage reckless driving but-…Thank you. See you shortly.”

Jared shivered as more slick pooled in his now sopping wet boxers, “You don’t have to stay with me.”

Genevieve ignored him though, kneeling down beside him, and she untangled his hands before holding up a cup of water to his mouth, “Come on, you need to stay hydrated,” and he drank it down.

“Thank you,” he closed his eyes, “don’t like you seeing me like this.”

He pulled at his tie to loosen it off, and he really had to exert a lot of restraint to not rip his shirt open. He needed to not be wearing clothes right now, but he had to hold out, had to wait until Jensen got him home

“Well, next time you’ll be better prepared, know what days to take. And you’re hardly the first Omega in this office to come off their meds. Remember Addy last year? And don’t get me started on Misha.”

Misha was what you’d call a naturalist. He didn’t believe in taking medicine for things that biology could take care of itself. So, when Misha’s heat had been late one month, he’d ended up naked on top of the conference table for the whole office to see. Adrianne, like Jared, had gotten hit with her first post-meds heat right in the middle of a meeting, and Genevieve had taken care of her then too. As bosses went, Genevieve was amazing. And she did stay with him right up until Jensen arrived, had made him drink more water.

Jensen had thanked her, and then she’d left them to it. As soon as Jensen’s hands made contact with his skin he simultaneously felt relieved and needier all at the same time, “Jensen-” he’d whined, but Jensen had shushed him gently.

“It’s okay. I’m here,” Jensen took hold of his face, placing a kiss to his forehead, and then he was sitting Jared up to take off his tie, and unbuttoning his shirt for him, “Shh, you’re gonna be okay. This is just for the car.”

And Jared had been going to ask what, but then he felt the welcome chill of the cold compress as Jensen fastened it over his shoulder, and then he got wrapped up in a thin cotton sheet to cover his chest, and that would cover his sopping wet pants when he stood up.

“Hopefully that’ll hold you over. Now let’s get you out of here. Are you going to be able to walk for me?”

Jared had nodded, but Jensen had ended up carrying him out to the car anyway.

The journey home blurred by in his head and the next thing he was aware of was being surrounded by cold water in their tub at home in the master bathroom. Jared whimpered. Jensen was sponging his chest, “Hey, is that you back with me?” and Jensen’s hand was cool on his cheek, his fingers skimming around and under Jared’s chin to tilt his head up, “Hey, come on, Jay. Talk to me.”


Jensen gave a shaky sort of laugh and then he pulled Jared into a kiss, “Thank god,” running his hands back through Jared’s hair, and then pulled him into an embrace, “You scared me, man, thought I was losing you. Your temperature spiked so high.”

Jared shook his head, “Cold.”

And Jensen laughed again, “Alright, let’s get you out,” Jared’s legs felt very unstable when he got up on them, and he stumbled when he stepped down, the momentum of it slamming Jensen into the wall, but the Alpha still managed to keep them both upright, his arms strong and steady as they held Jared securely in place. Jared buried his face in the crook of Jensen’s neck and inhaled deep, his tongue slipping out and over the slightly salty skin.

“Hey,” Jensen said around a chuckle, getting his hands flat against Jared’s chest, pushing him back slightly so that they could look into each other’s eyes.

“Need,” Jared said simply, the full weight of the word engulfed in his voice, slick already dripping down his legs again as heat slowly returned to his body, Jensen’s scent taking over him, “Jensen, please.”

“Okay, Jay. I got you,” Jensen gave him a quick kiss, too quickly, Jared pouted, he needed more, but he let himself be guided out and into their bedroom. Only just registering that several towels had been laid out on top of their bed, before Jensen had him spread out on top of them, “Onto your side, Babe. It’ll be easier.”

Jared rolled onto his side immediately and lifted his leg, and Jensen laughed, voice still full of affection, stroking Jared’s thigh, “Just give me a sec. I still need to get undressed.”

Jared lowered his leg, the tremor starting up again as he waited, temperature climbing, a strangled cut-off whine tried to make its way from his body, but then Jensen was slipping in behind him, “I got you.”

Made Jared shiver more pointedly, back curving, as Jensen ran his hand along his thigh again to cup at the back of his knee and raised his leg, Jared grabbing hold of it too. Jensen shifted a little to get them aligned and then he pushed right in, all the way to the hilt, a moan of contentment leaving Jared’s lips as Jensen brushed his hair back from his throat with his other hand, to kiss over Jared’s pulse point.

Jensen got his arm in under Jared’s head, and Jared reached up to take Jensen’s hand as Jensen took a firmer hold of his knee as he pulled his hips back. Jensen’s cock slipping halfway out of Jared’s hole, dragging over his prostate, Jensen gave a few shallow thrusts to massage it, making Jared whimper.

“Please, Jensen, need more. Please.”

“Okay, Jay,” Jensen snapped his hips forward, pushing all the way back in. And then pulling all the way back out before he really gave it to Jared just the way he wanted it, his hips and balls smacking against Jared’s ass. Jared pushing back into the thrusts as much as he could, his hand from his thigh wandering up and back, leaving Jensen to hold him open, as Jared turned his head, pulling Jensen into a slightly sloppier kiss.

Everything narrowing in on sensations. Jared’s tummy fluttering when Jensen’s knot started to swell, breath hitching on every intake as the knot caught on his rim, and he cried out when Jensen finally locked into place. Jensen biting down hard on Jared’s shoulder, marking him up, as he filled Jared with load after load of his come, Jared’s muscles still spasming around him.

Jensen’s mouth turning soft as he pulled off, tongue laving gently over his claim. Jared hummed his pleasure as Jensen shifted them, wrapping his arms around Jared’s chest as he got onto his back. Running his hands down Jared’s front, fingertips skating around his nipples, circling his navel, and down to cup Jared’s balls, “You want me to help you with that?”

Jared’s dick was still hard, but he shook his head, even as Jensen drew his finger back up the shaft, smearing the precome at his slit, making Jared shiver, he didn’t care about that right now, “Later. After.”

Being so completely filled with Jensen, feeling how full he was, was all he needed right then.

Chapter Three

alpha!jensen, genre: mpreg, reversebang, warning: slavery, genre: kid!fic, omega!jared, genre: a/b/o, pairing: jensen/jared

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