Nov 29, 2002 14:59
Freitag, Bournemouth flügenhaffen... OK, I'll stop with the German.
Yes, the fools let me back in the country (eventually, more of that later). Right, in order to keep this from turning into the Risk diaries again, I'll keep it brief.
Spent the weekend playing Warlord at an international tournament. Flew out Friday, four hour drive north at the German side (why is their country so darn big?). Got their, met up with the German guys who are really cool and got drunk whilst playing cards in town.
Saturday, did first proper tournament. Came 12th out of 40 - playing Sorscha. Could have done better. Weirdly enough, tournament was held in a climbing hall, with people on the walls all around us - odd.
Saturday night, went into town again for medieval style banquet. Pigged out, got drunk played more cards. Won Warlord quiz (I know too much!).
Sunday, came third in the world doubles championship. Quite impressed. French won it again (they won yesterday). Also, highlight of the weekend, last person to challenge the Dragonlord of about a dozen.
Slapped him down something chronic, no wounds inflicted on me - killed him first action turn two (probably fastest kill to date). Would love to say it was skill alone - but luck was with me all the way. As a consequence now own a card worth ~£550.
Flew home Monday. Supposeed to go Bournemouth before driving home. Fog in BOH, flew to Stansted instead. Wait at Stansted for 4 hours, bus to Bournemouth. Got home 2:30 - 3:00 in the morning.
Slept Tuesday.
Anyway, absolutely fantastic time, met to meet some great guys again and had a good time. Total cost of weekend worked out to be around the £200 mark (so, net profit then :-)). Hope everyone at Laura's affair had as good a time, apologies for absence.
What have I been doing for the rest of the week? Quite busy actually.
Wednesday I went and saw Bond 20. Not bad, better than the last two anyway. The technology in it is getting dafter and dafter - why can't we go back to Goldeneye when at least it was vaguely believable? Anyway, was quite enjoyable (well, it's non-Roger Moore Bond so I'm easily satisfied).
Alternate to going to see Bond was a colleague's leaving do - didn't really know him so couldn't be bothered. They're becoming too common now to go to all of them. Looks like between a half dozen and dozen will leave for up the corridor in QQ right after Xmas.
Mary Celeste round here.
Heard that Calendril's keeping the job, which is cool 'cos it ends a period of worry - well, until the next time the IT market crashes (hey, not everyone be Civil Servants with cushy job stability ;-)).
Also heard from the parental units that they're not being charged for my Broadband. Which is odd because neither am I - and one of us should be (reference nightmare of trying to get Broadband)! Still, free Broadband is free Broadband.
Only downer this week was that whilst I was away Wayne's (only Calendril's met Wayne, the Format guy) grandma died. She brought him up, so it's hit him hard - right after his viral infection as well. Not having the bext of months, not surprising he's not been around.
Right, time to start thinking about an Omega downtime before the deadline. Oh, yeah and this house warming I'm going to over the weekend...
See y'all around.