Postbox: Jeremy Job 2006 (3/?)

Jul 20, 2011 16:47

Title: Postbox [Jeremy Job 2006: 3/?]
Author: sionnach-ayame & stardoll
Fandom/Pairing: Inception | Pre-Inception, Arthur/Eames
[this part] Approx. Word Count: 2,161
Disclaimer: Inception? Not ours.
Rating: PG
Summary: Preliminary interviews happen.
Eames' Player: stardoll
Arthur's Player: sionnach-ayame
[this part] Occurs: January 10th, 2006

<< The Jeremy Job (2006): 2/?

LOCATION: Green Door Studios, Studio D
DATE: January 10, 2006
TIME: 12:45pm


Arthur walked onto the set of Studio D and took a look around. He had a headshot of the young woman known as Sasha Lords and hoped that amongst the hustle and bustle of people, cameras and lights, she would be easy to find.

"Mr. Chambers, I presume? You're running behind. You'll need to change quickly so we can start on time."

Arthur pursed his lips and confronted the brunette woman walking toward him in a silky, black robe and garter set. "Sorry? I'm here to speak to a Ms. Sasha Lords."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "What can I do for you, Mr. -- ?"

"Delahey. Arthur Delahey," he answered. "Is there somewhere that we can talk privately?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Delahey, if this is about Jenna - I'm afraid I can't be much help. I only worked with her in a few films and we weren't very close. She was professional and competent. I looked up to her." She paused. "All I know is, she's working at Red Light as a director and seems content. I say good for her. She deserves it. If you'll excuse me, I need to find my --"

"Sorry, I'm late! Just need to change and I'll be ready to start!"

"You have five minutes, Mr. Chambers!" Sasha placed her hands on her hips and turned back to Arthur with a rueful smile. "I'm sorry I can't be more help, Mr. Delahey. If you want more information, you'll have better luck with Ricky Holmes or Jenna herself. Now, if you'll excuse me --"

Arthur nodded and gave her a smile. "I'll be in touch if I have further questions, Ms. Lords. Thank you." She was the second person to mention Ricky and Jenna - first Jeremy, now Sasha - in the same sentence. This was certainly something to look into further.

* * *

LOCATION: Green Door Studios, Studio B
DATE: January 10, 2006
TIME: 1:24pm


“So, you have some questions for me?” Marilyn asked, making no serious attempt to cover up the moment she stepped off the set. She reached for a short, satin robe draped carelessly over the back of her black canvas chair and smiled warmly at Eames, although her eyes said otherwise.

“A few, yes...although we could have arranged to talk later,” Eames said. He turned his eyes up toward the ceiling and jammed his hands into his pockets. Fantastic. Avoid eye contact and look suspicious. But if he didn't avoid eye contact then he would be tempted to stare. It was a lose-lose situation.

Marilyn laughed shortly and after slipping into the robe, she tied the belt loosely around her slight frame. “Jeremy told me that two P.I.s were going to want to speak to me. Why, who knows. What we do is perfectly legal here.”

“No, none of those types of questions, that's fine,” Eames said quickly. Might as well get this over with. “It's regarding Jenna Anderson - ”

“She started working for Red Light six months ago,” Marilyn said.

“Yes, but - ”

“Other than that, I can't help you. She just left,” Marilyn said, crossing her arms. “We might have done a video together years ago before she quit acting, and we might have gone out to lunch a handful of times, but Jenna and I were in no way close. Jenna and Ricky, on the other hand? They were close. Talk to him if you want to know more about why she left.”

Eames nodded quickly. He wanted a cigarette more than ever at this moment. He cleared his throat, then blurted, “And you don't know why she left?”

“Were you not listening? She just left. I came in to shoot one morning and she was gone. It came as a surprise to me, because I thought she was happy working here. Then again, she really didn't speak to me.”

“Jeremy said - ”

“She only produced two of my last films. I wasn't required to be in the room with her while she was working her magic.”


“Is that all, Mr...?”


“Is that all, Mr. Eames?” Marilyn asked, tapping a foot impatiently. “Seriously, talk to Ricky. He could help you far better than I could. Now, if you don't mind, I need to shoot a scene.”

* * *

LOCATION: Green Door Studios
DATE: January 10, 2006
TIME: 2:34 p.m.


“...and I'm hoping after this film I can begin to withdraw from the adult film industry. My fiancée and I...well, we're both actors, and - funny story, really - there's a certain semblance of shame in working in the industry...” Ron Siffredi rambled, his threads of conversation changing so quickly it was almost difficult for Arthur to keep up. Arthur shook his head.

“That's great, fantastic really, but about Jenna Anderson?” Arthur interjected, wanting to cut straight to the point.

“Jenna? Oh, Jenna!” Ron said, his eyes brightening. “Fantastic girl. Produced a few of my films, including one my fiancée and I did together. The one where we met,” he added with a smile.

“And that's all?” Arthur asked, hoping to avoid yet another conversation about Ron and his fiancée.

“Essentially!” Ron said enthusiastically. “I wish I were better help, Mr. Delahey, but I didn't work closely with Jenna. She was out of everyone's league. Won many AVN Awards back in the day, and by the day I mean only a few years ago, she's only five or six years older than me. Anyway, she's certainly well-versed in the industry, and hardly wastes her time with the likes of us. Not even an AVN on my own shelf!” He bobbed his head enthusiastically. “I'm sorry, as I said, I wish I were more help, but Jenna and I were in two different worlds. Say, have you met my fiancée yet? Lovely gal, truly lovely, she's slated to make one more film before she officially retires.” Arthur shook his head.

“No, no...thank you...I'm fine. Thank you. And thank you for your help, Mr. Siffredi.”

“Ron!” Ron said happily. “Call me Ron! And it was certainly a pleasure!”

* * *

LOCATION: Green Door Studios, Conference Room
DATE: January 10, 2006
TIME: 4:46pm


Without even opening his mouth, Ricky Holmes came off as cocky and arrogant. Rumors were he was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it. He sure gave that impression now. Ricky gave Arthur and Eames a smug smile, with his feet propped up on the table and his hands resting behind his head.

“I don't know how I can possibly be of any help to you two, but go ahead and try your best,” Ricky said, his eyes drifting over Eames and Arthur before finally settling on Eames.

It was astonishing. Arthur had only been in Ricky's presence for mere minutes and already he was grinding his teeth in irritation. It of course had nothing to do with the fact that Ricky's eyes had barely left Eames after Ricky had deemed them worth enough for his undivided attention.

"What was your relationship with Jenna Anderson like, Mr. Holmes?" Arthur asked, as business-like as possible.

"Professional," Ricky said breezily. "Any other questions? Because I've a busy schedule to keep. I'm nominated for an AVN Award for best actor, and you don't get that for sitting on your bum. But you wouldn't know what any of that means, would you?"

No, he got that for lying on his back or being fucked against a wall, didn't he? While Arthur truly wanted to say that out loud, he refrained. But only just. Instead, he ignored the crack at their profession and concentrated on what mattered. "Professional," Arthur drawled, disbelievingly. "According to some, you're the one to talk to when it comes to Ms. Anderson. I doubt they'd say that if it was merely professional."

"Oh?" Ricky asked, eyebrow cocked. "So now you know all there is to know regarding the industry? I'm certainly glad to know that. Anyway, our relationship was professional. She produced my work, but production was never her cup of tea. She wanted more." He smiled smugly. "Is that all?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow in return. "I didn't say that, did I? But, you must have had some sort of conversation with her that went beyond the limits of professionalism. After all, you knew she wanted more from her work. Not something that just is spoken about in a professional setting."

He looked at Eames to see if his partner would back him up or had anything to add.

"Whatever she may have said to me, she said to me in confidence, you know, between friends," Ricky said coolly. He shifted his gaze to Eames. "Don't you agree, Mr...?"

"Eames," Eames said quickly. "And unlike doctor-patient and priest-parishioner confidentiality there are no statutes of confidentiality between friends."

"You wouldn't know," Ricky said. Eames snorted.

"This is an investigation, and if you would be so kind as to cooperate..." He turned his attention back to Arthur and quirked his brows, signaling the man to back him up.

Arthur watched Ricky through the whole exchange. Each and every word he spoke with contempt and condescension grated on Arthur's nerves.

"We would be much obliged," Arthur finished Eames' train of thought. "So if production wasn't exactly her calling, what did she want to do? Did she tell you as much?"

"She might have," Ricky said flippantly as he examined his fingernails. He frowned and turned his attention back to the two men before him. "I don't was awhile ago. Didn't she go to Red Light to direct?" He paused, and then grinned. "A producer wanting to be a director? Who would have thought?" He tilted his head to one side, then asked, "If it's so important to speak to Jenna, why can't the both of you go and see her? Why drill me?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow and filed Ricky's answer away in his mind to write down once they were finished talking to him. "How long before she left Green Door do you remember discussing it with her?" he asked. "And we're 'drilling' you because we were told you were the closest one to her. That you worked with her the most."

"I don't remember," Ricky said lazily. He pulled a cell phone from his pocket and flipped it open, eyes intently focused on the screen inside the clamshell. He clicked through a menu, aware that he was making Arthur and Eames wait before he folded his phone back into his pocket. "Jeremy told you to talk to me, didn't he? Tell Jeremy if he wants to talk to Jenna, he needs to talk to her himself. He acts like he owns her." He shook his head. "News flash - he doesn't."

"Oh? You think so?" Arthur asked. From the way Jeremy was talking earlier, Arthur found what Ricky said to be unbelievable. "All he said was you would have more information about Jenna and her motivations to leave Green Door. Why do you feel she left?"

“Were you listening to me?” Ricky asked, irritated. “Promotion! She was never going to be a director here! So she split. Is that answer satisfactory, Mr...?”

So the bastard did have an emotion other than ego and superiority. "It depends, is there anything else you aren't telling us?"

Ricky smiled.

“Well, I told you what you need to know, correct Mr. No-Name? So, if there is anything else you don't wish to ask me, I consider our meeting over. Wouldn't you agree?”

Arthur smiled.

"We'll be in touch, Mr. Holmes."

“Wait!” Ricky said, pushing himself up out of his seat. He pointed at Eames. “Mr. Eames, can I speak to you for just a second while your friend Mr. No-Name waits outside?”

Eames cast a long glance at Arthur.

Arthur raises an eyebrow at Eames before he nodded.

"I'll be outside," he said.

* * *

Eames crossed his arms and stared Ricky down.

“What did you want to ask me?” he asked. Ricky smiled and strode to Eames.

“I'm sorry, I got worked up because I'm running on a deadline and I don't appreciate being interrogated for no serious reason,” he said smoothly. “Can I apologize?”

“You need to apologize to my associate, not me,” Eames said. Ricky closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

“I understand,” he said simply. “But can I apologize to you?” Eames shrugged.

“If you're sincere about it, I can't say no.”

“Can I also give you my number?”

Eames blinked. Where did THAT come from? Of course, he wasn't blind to Ricky's leering from across the table, but it took balls to be so bold.

“What if I say no?” he asked.

“Can't you take it and do what you will with it later?” Ricky asked, his eyes pleading. Eames sighed.

“I don't see why not.”

* * *

The Jeremy Job (2006): 4/? >>

[2006] postbox, [2006] job: jeremy, [2006] january

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