[Fic] AprilTwitfic...

May 13, 2010 00:42

I'm starting to hyperventilate about the finale tomorrow... thus, in order to distract myself I'm finally posting the AprilTwitfic I completed over at my twitter :oP  My brain has been dead today and my writing's been crap, so I'm posting previous stuffs to make up for my brain dying.

Some twitfic turned into twovels, and some turned into a series type thing.  Other prompts for twitfics turned into twabbles, so yeah. Various lengths/themes/genres apply.  All of them are Dean/Castiel (do you expect anything else from me?), but one (maybe two) hint at Sam/Gabriel.  Enjoy! :oD

3 Twitfics
Summary: Castiel isn't very patient...
Flat Tire
The first time Dean realizes Patience is not one of Cas’s virtues, they’re fifteen minutes away from Bobby’s, late for dinner, and he’s just pulled over with a flat tire.

“We’re late,” Cas snaps, staring at the offending tire.

“Relax,” Dean says, opening the trunk. “I just need to get the tire off and-”

The only thing left by the time the lightening disappears is a melted lump of rubber where the tire used to be.

“Dude,” Dean growls, inspecting the Impala for damage. “All we had to do was get the car jack.”

Summary:  Sam learns Castiel doesn't like surprises...
“I’m telling you, Sam. Cas doesn’t like surprises.”

“Dean,” Sam glances out the window to where Cas is sitting quietly on the porch with Bobby. “You’re the one always pulling pranks.”

Dean shrugs. “Yeah, but… Cas really doesn’t like surprises, dude. Trust me.”  He should try harder, but he’s curious to see where this will go.

Sam shakes his head, creeps quietly outside. A moment later, lighning flashes from the cloudless sky and the yelp Sam lets out is a sound Dean will never, ever forget. Before Dean makes it to the front door he gets a whiff of burnt hair.

“I told yo-” he calls, but Sam yells over his words, “Don’t say a damn thing!”

But no way is Dean letting him live this down.

Summary: After 5.16 - Dean recognizes something in Castiel...
Dean’s the last to enter the room, but one look at the six piles of smoldering ash, Cas standing rigid and stoic in the center, and Dean knows Cas mojoed their way out of this skirmish.

“What happened,” he asks regardless.

“Demons said something about God burning in Hell,” Sam mumbles.

Dean feels hope lighten his chest that maybe Cas has found his faith again and he looks to Cas for confirmation. But one glance at the blank expression Cas turns his way and that hope dies. Cas disappears with the flutter of wings, and Dean knows, better than anyone, that the act of violence doesn’t really solve anything.

Summary:  Dean hires a dog-walker after breaking his leg.  Adventure with Castiel the dog-walker and Zep the German shepherd ensues.
This one turned into it's own little 1,100 word monster... so you can find it here.

Angel Day:
1 Twitfic
Summary: Cas buys Zep a present (Human!AU related)

“Oh hell no.”

Zep’s tail only wags faster, shaking the wings attached to her back, the halo strapped to her head.

“I thought it was cute,” Cas explains

1Series of related twitfics:
Word Count: 683
Summary: Dean finds he has a surprise waiting for him after his hunting job is over...

Angel 'Verse
Dying isn’t like Dean thought it would be.

Dean thought he’d be used to dying, he’s done it enough times. But this time is different. The difference, he thinks, might be the fact that he goes peacefully this time, and he managed to make it to year 79. But one minute he’s lying in bed, and the next he’s standing in light. And he feels strong and looks down and sees the body of his 31 year old self.

“Dean.” And that’s a voice he hasn’t heard in almost fifty years. It physically hurts to hear it.

Dean turns around, takes a moment to just look. Relief floods through him that Cas looks like Cas, like the Cas he’s always known and dreamt about for the past 50 years. Same blue eyes, unruly hair, slouched, tense figure. Only this time there are huge black wings shifting anxiously behind him.

Dean smiles. “Still dragging around that damn trench coat?”

“You’re shitting me.”

Castiel sighs. “Dean, this is no joke.”


Castiel watches as Dean turns on the spot, trying to look over his shoulder at the wings arching high over his head.  Dean exudes annoyance, puzzlement, and, Castiel holds back a smile, curiosity.

“So the new rule of heaven is that everyone gets wings?” Dean asks.

“No, Dean.”

Dean stops spinning on the spot and opts for staring at Castiel.  “Excuse me?”

Castiel’s wings flex behind his back, and Dean takes a step closer.  He’s not stupid enough to think Heaven is a happy-go-lucky place, not after his last romp up here, but he still knows Cas better than he knows anyone, Sam excluded, and Castiel is nervous.  It’s not what he’d hoped their reunion would be like. Not by a long shot.


“You’re special.”

Dean pauses before letting a smile show.  “Geeze, Cas. Took you long enough to admit it.”

Castiel’s eyes dart away for a moment, despite the huff of amusement he gives.


Dean feels his heart sink.

“If you say God has work for me, Cas, I’m going right back down to Earth.”

“So God made me an angel,” Dean states.


“Because he thinks I’m tough shit.”

Castiel’s wings shift restlessly against his back. Dean stares at them, tries his hardest to keep his own wings from reaching forward, stilling Castiel’s movements with a touch.

“He was pleased with your actions, your choices, during the Apocalypse.” He looks up, catches Dean’s eye. “And after. He thinks your example would be… beneficial to the Host.”

“And… what happens to Sam?”

Castiel pauses,. “He still has a few years left on Earth.”

“Good.” Dean nods.  “That’s good.”

“You never mentioned the perks, Cas.”

Castiel joins Dean at the edge of the cloud. Looking down, he can see the bustle of a town’s midday traffic, the shadow of a mountain looming over the town and blocking out the bright sunlight.

“I’ve never really looked before,” Castiel says. “Not until after the Apocalypse.” He pauses, his gaze turning to Dean, who’s smiling at humanity beneath him. “Not until you.”

“So let me get this straight.”

Castiel watches Dean’s wings flap once then press close to his body in comfort.

“Heaven’s apparently been worked over, I’m given a pair of kick-ass wings, and I get to spend eternity with… with you?”

Castiel nods, his eyes softening. The distance between them grows smaller as Dean takes a step forward.

Dean smirks. “And you chose holy tax accountant form for the rest of forever?”

“Forms have no meaning up here,” Castiel says.  “That hasn’t changed.”

“So it’s all an illusion.” The words are hard to get past the sudden tightness in his throat.

Castiel’s wings finally reach forward then, completing the action they’ve both been holding back, and for the first time since Dean’s arrival he feels like things might be okay. The feeling’s solidified when Castiel’s wings slide gently against his, wrap tightly around them both as Castiel closes the last distance between them and rests his forehead against Dean’s.

“No,” Castiel sighs, his eyes sliding shut. “This is no illusion.”

Short "fic" from related Twitfics
Word Count: 412
Summary:  Dean (and Sam) discover the perks of Cas's wings...

Cas has a habit of moving too close when they're forced to share a bed.  On numerous occasions, Dean's woken to a face pressed into his neck, Cas's legs entangled with his. Instead of arms wrapped around his waist, there are wings. Giant & warm & covering Dean from head to toe It's strange, at first, the way they exude their own preternatural heat & move in sync with Cas's steady breathing. Stranger still is the morning Dean realizes he's cold without them.

Dean watches Sam order his fifth cup of coffee.

“I’m not pulling over if you gotta piss,” Dean warns.

“Shut it.”

“What’s with you?”

Sam groans and puts his head in his hands. Last night's hunt hadn't ended until 4 am. By the time they’d gotten cleaned up and into bed, the sunlight was streaming in the windows of their motel room, which just happened to face east.

“Next time we book a motel, we’re making sure the curtains can actually still be defined as curtains,” he mumbles

“The curtains were fine. Stop being such a girl.”

Sam looks up, glares at his brother. “I don’t have an angel lending out wing-service, Dean.”

And yeah, one of the perks of having an angel as your bedmate was that wings were pretty much impenetrable when it came to early morning sunlight.

Despite the fact that Dean wakes to complete darkness, the clock on the bedside table reads 10:18 & he knows it’s morning. He stumbles out of bed, biting back a curse when he stubs his toe on the edge of Sam’s bed. But Sam doesn’t notice the disturbance, and his snores continue to stutter into the room.


Cas’s voice leads Dean to the window. Cas is standing rigid by the window, right wing outstretched and covering the entire frame. Dean chuckles as he steps in close, wrapping his arm around Cas’s waist and pressing a kiss to the angel’s shoulder.

Cas relaxes with the attention, his arms encircling Dean’s waist as his free left wing curls around Dean.

“We should just buy a blackout screen for princess over there,” Dean mumbles as he starts to drift off.

Cas’s breath is warm against Dean’s ear as huffs a laugh. “There are other options.”

“Hey,” Dean’s voice goes low in warning. “No sharing.” He presses closer to Cas.

Cas smiles. “I can always ask Gabriel if he wouldn’t mind.”

“Mm… sounds good.” Dean’s head snaps up. “Wait, what?”

Short fic, Word count: 258
Summary:  Castiel joins Dean for breakfast and learns a thing or two about becoming more human...

Sunny-side Up
Dean kept a close eye on Castiel next to him. Cas had zapped in from Cas-only-knows-where just before the brothers were leaving to get some breakfast and hit the road again. Nothing more than a glance and Dean’s “Hey, Cas” were exchanged, and Cas had joined the brothers for breakfast.

Like usual, Cas had ignored the menu, simply sat and stared - at Dean, at the people walking by, it didn’t matter.

Unlike usual, Cas was hunched over the table, and soon after the waitress brought their orders, Dean looked over and saw Cas frowning.


Castiel looked up from Dean’s plate.

“You okay?”

Castiel nodded, but Dean noticed his fist clenched low on his stomach.

“Hey-” he moved slightly closer until he felt the warmth of Castiel’s leg press against his own.  A strange, gurgling noise had him halting his movement.


“I-”  Castiel’s fist clenched tighter, closer to his stomach.  “This body has become a nuisance.”

Dean nodded, turned back to his plate, and wordlessly pushed his plate of sausage over to Cas.  It took a moment, until after the waitress brought the second round of coffee and the sausage had gone cold.  But Castiel’s hand eventually came up, hesitatingly grasping the fork.

“It’s not all bad,” Dean said as Sam got up to use the bathroom.  His hand slipped under the table, rested against his own knee.  But his knuckles rested against Castiel’s leg.  Castiel didn’t reply.  After a moment he swayed slightly closer to Dean, knee pressing against Dean’s touch.

“No,” Castiel said.  “Perhaps not.”

2 related longish Twitfic
Word count: 266
Summary:  Dean and Castiel's (mis)adventures with parenting...

Parent's Guide To...

Dean hums in response, trying to navigate through the crowded street.

“I don’t think Papa likes the city.”

Dean looks up at his daughter.


Dean feels Sara shift in his arms where he’s holding her against his side and look over his shoulder.  Dean turns and sees Cas nearly a block back. He’s glaring at a vendor, pointing to a pair of boxers that read “Hell’s Angel,” and Dean knows that look in the angel’s eye.

“What did I tell you, Sara?” he growls as he pushes back through the crowd before Cas gets really worked up.

“Count to ten,” Sara recites. “And Papa’s still a crazy angel.”

Dean forgets sometimes that Castiel can still go all “heaven’s wrath” when he wants to.  This time, however, is not one of those times.

“We talked about this,” Castiel says, and Dean pretends he’s not trying to sink into his chair.

“Talked about what?”  Because honestly? Dean has no idea what Cas is going on about.  He had come home from work to find Cas in the kitchen, glaring at the phone.  He was still waiting for an explanation.

“Sara’s teacher called today,” Cas says.

“About what?”

Cas’s eyes narrow.  “Sara has picked up your habit of… twisting the English language.”

“Uh… right.  What she say?”

“Son of a bitch!” Sara’s voice pipes up from the kitchen doorway. Dean can’t help but smile when she starts giggling at Castiel’s reaction.

“Dean,” Castiel warns.

“Oh, come on,” Dean groans. “That’s tame compared to- Sara,” he turns to his daughter to avoid Castiel’s narrowing gaze. “No bad language.”

Longish Twitfic
Summary: Dean learns of Castiel's possessive streak...

“Dude, it’s freezing out.” Cas’s eyes, if possible, narrow even more. “Come on,” Dean complains, but shrugs out of the trench coat anyway. Castiel snatches the trench away, slides it on as if it’s something he’s always done - the one smooth, seemingly natural movement Dean’s seen on him - and damn it all to hell if Cas isn’t smiling as he runs his hands down the jacket’s sides into the pockets.

“Remind me to teach you that humans share,” Dean grumbles, but takes it back as soon as Cas’s eyes slide to the Impala.

Angst Fic
Twitfic inspired by 5.18...

“What do you think hurt more to lose,” Gabriel breaks Dean’s silent vigil over Castiel. They are the first words the archangel has spoken since popping in and dumping a fallen angel on Bobby’s couch. “The Faith he was born with, or the Faith he chose to believe himself?”

Shortish fic, kind of a response of sorts to Hammer of the Gods (this one has hints of Sam/Gabriel)
Word Count: 502
Summary:  Sam's long since learned Dean deals with pie...

Dean was overcompensating.  The signs were obvious.  Pushing the speedometer up the extra five miles per hour, checking his phone way too often, babbling to Sam when they passed the fifth “vacancy” sign on the highway.  And, the latest development, eating way too much pie.

As for Sam, well… he liked to throw himself into his research.  But ever since the massacre of the gods and Gabriel’s demise, he found research just wasn’t cutting it.  More often than not, he found the words on the page blurring together, as if they just didn’t want to come together to make any sense.

The door to their latest motel room banged open, accompanied by the crinkling of bags.  Sam looked up from the latest attempt to learn more about the Horsemen and raised an eyebrow at the two plastic bags Dean carried.

“Don’t tell me you bought more.”

“What?”  Dean tossed the Impala’s keys onto the table beside Sam before going to the kitchenette and scrounging up two forks.  “A man’s gotta eat.”

Sam shook his head, watched as Dean sat down across from him and dragged one of the pies out of the bag.

“Diabetes is a real issue, Dean,” he said.  “Not some myth.  You know that, right?”

“Go screw yourself.”

Sam just shook his head.  The tearing of cardboard broke the silence around them, was exchanged for the soft breaking of crust and the scrape of the fork against the bottom of the aluminum pie tin.

“You know he’ll come back, right?”

Dean kept his eyes firmly on the pie in front of him as he shoved a forkful into his mouth.

“I’m sure Cas is-”

“Whatever, Sam.”  Dean sat up and perched his elbows on the table.  “What you find with research?”

Sam ran a hand through his hair.  “Uh, not much.”

Dean’s fork paused halfway to his mouth.  “Not much?  You’ve been sitting here for three hours and all you have is a ‘not much’?”  His hand fell to the table.  “What’s with you lately?  Ever since that hotel and Gabriel you’ve been… moping.”

“I have not.”

“Yeah, you have.”  Dean finally got the forkful of pie into his mouth.  “Listen, it sucks about Gabriel.  The guy was a douche, but at least he bucked up at the end and helped out.  He could have been at least a part-time ally, but the guy didn’t even help out with Cas and-” He stopped, and Sam heard him take in a deep breath.  Sam’s hand curled tightly over the edge of his book.  “It sucks, but at the end of it, he probably would have just run off and left us to deal with whatever mess he drudged up anyway.  Damn angels.”  The last words were punctuated by a vicious stab to the pie.

Silence settled around them again, broken only by the hum of the air-conditioner and the scrape of Dean’s fork against the pie plate.

“Yeah,” Sam sighed. “I guess.”  And he reached out for the unopened pie. 

twitter, fic: twitfic, fic: dean/castiel, fic: supernatural, fic, dean/castiel, supernatural

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