55 Days of BtVS: Day 4

Mar 12, 2016 17:11

Had a busy day today and I'm just about to head out again, so with apologies, I will get to all the responses I owe tomorrow :) For now...

Day 4: Least Favourite Female Character

I literally had to go on IMDB to figure this one out because there’s not a single lady I don’t enjoy. I also feel like going for someone like Veruca or Halfrek would be a bit of a cop out too, seeing how few episodes they’re in, so I guess I’m going for Jenny Calendar.

Nothing against her particularly, but she was underdeveloped and ultimately existed solely to give Giles some mangst, which is always bleurgh. I also can’t help but associate her with the show’s repeated use of the G slur, so there’s that too. Sweet and had potential, but ultimately a bit meh.

Index of 55 days

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