Rikku was staring at her phone. Which had not rung all morning.
This was probably good, because wow, there had been too many calls last night, but it was also kinda weird, since she would have expected some people to have returned her calls, and nobody had.
At least she'd finished her letter.
A while back, you gave me some
text to translate. Except I didn't know if you actually wanted it translated or not, and I didn't know if I wanted to translate it, either. But here it is.
The phrasing is awkward in a few places, because Reno was still just starting to learn Al Bhed at this point. There are a couple of references I'm not following, but they might mean something to you.
I don't think you want to read it, but that's your decision, not mine.
I'm charging you for this. Expert translation services aren't free. So here's my fee: pick up the phone and give Reno something to do. He's going stir-crazy lately from sitting still too much.
Included on a separate piece of paper was the full text of Reno's message. She had translated it faithfully -- Tseng would never know the difference, and she could have changed some minor details to keep them private, but if she was sending it, she might as well send the whole thing. He was right, they were going to have to trust one another sooner or later, and here was a good place to start.
She sealed the envelope and set it on her desk. She'd drop it in the mailbox tomorrow, before class.
Now, to figure out whether she should try calling people again.
(Expecting one, can be very open before that, but Reno's thread will be last, chronologically, please!)