Treasure, Ahoy!

Jan 20, 2007 14:21

Rikku was having a GREAT DAY. But then every day was a great day! And EVERY DAY HAD TREASURE.

You just had to find it! You just had to look for it! You just had to dig through other people's pockets and purses and grab it!

And now seemed like a great time for that! First the common rooms, then town, then the world! TIME FOR A TREASURE HUNT!!!

Rikku did a few loop-de-loops just out of sheer joy. It was adventure time!

And adventure meant: TREASURE.

[OOC: Establishy goodness! (Also open if anyone wants to flag down the crazy girl.) Rikku is now her Kingdom Hearts 2 incarnation, i.e., an insane 5-inch-tall treasure-hunting chibi fairy. (WHY is Rikku a chibi fairy in KH2, you may ask? NO ONE KNOWS. I suspect crack.) It's time for petty theft!]

being stupid again, treasuretreasuretreasure, fandom's weird again: chibi fairy rikku, very merry!

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