Apr 02, 2010 00:36

Respect other players
Harassing and insulting other players is absolutely not allowed.

Talk it out like big kids.
If you have an issue with another player, we expect you to make an effort to talk to them about it. If they don't answer or are rude or dismissive, then bring the matter to a mod and we will deal with it.

Subjects which are triggering are the only exception to this.

Bigotry is not allowed
No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Your character may hold these views if it is IC for them but everyone involved must keep a clear IC=/=OOC line.

No powergaming or metagaming
Your character is not invincible or omniscient. They will make mistakes.

Don't abuse the NPC system
Relatedly, don't use the NPCs to powergame or metagame either. Basically if you can't do it with your own character, you can't do it with them either.

Do not drop important threads you signed up for.
If you signed your character up for a thread or log that effects the entire game, we expect you to tag them at least once a day until the thread/log is finished. These threads will be clearly labeled as such both in the signup and in their actual execution.

If a real life issue suddenly comes up, please notify the mods ASAP, giving us permission to handwave the end of the thread so the rest of the players are not stuck in plot-stasis.

Try not to museterbate
That is, don't give your own characters close relationships with each other.

Keep a clear line. Your character's opinions and personalities are not yours. Other people are not their characters either.

Don't screw around with the voting system
When voting on game decisions, don't falsify votes, attempt to bribe others into voting your way, etc. If it'd get you kicked out of office in real life, don't do it here either.

Activity requirements
We require your character post in or start a log or make a network post once per month. Please tag your entries! We will be using character tags to determine activity checks. (Generally, we won't worry about activity checks for you if you're on hiatus through that time.)

game info

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