Apres Ski | Playing Doctor | Locked to blondblitzer

Dec 11, 2011 01:15

As she made her way down the long stretching corridor, Amelia glanced out of one of the windows she passed, glad to be inside and warm in the wake of the fresh snow currently falling outside. Still, it was good weather for those who had travelled to the lodge in order to enjoy the winter activities, taking to the slopes and having a good time. Of ( Read more... )

series: final fantasy x, series: slayers

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blondblitzer December 11 2011, 02:05:35 UTC
The colder weather like what you found on this mountain wasn’t exactly Tidus’ favorite kind of weather, but he didn’t hate it. It allowed for him to do things like snowboarding down the side of a mountain. Where else could he do something like that? He’d had fun doing just that since he arrived here the previous day. But spending as much time as he did on the mountain, accidents were bound to happen. He took a pretty bad spill on a particularly icy patch of area near the ski lift and twisted his ankle ( ... )


healsforjustice December 11 2011, 02:16:29 UTC
Hearing the confirmation she could come in, also unable to recognise the voice she heard due to the muffled sound. Still, she didn't dwell on the matter, taking the key card and swiping it through the slot, waiting for a click so she could push the handle down and open the door stepping inside.

She had only just lifted her gaze as she walked in, having been busy putting the card and notebook back in her pocket, before her eyes widened at the sight of a familiar individual lying on the bed nearby. If not for her concern on realising he was the one who had been hurt, she would have been more embarrassed that, yet again, he had to see her in a uniform that, while not too bad, still brought up certain implications.

"Tidus," she managed, before snapping out of her haze. She wasn't going to be much use if she started getting upset. At least he wasn't seriously hurt, that was what mattered. Relaxing once more, she approached the bed, offering a sympathetic smile. "We really need to stop meeting like this don't we?"


blondblitzer December 11 2011, 03:09:12 UTC
Tidus blinked a few times when he saw just who it was. And not only that..what she was wearing. Him seeing her dressed up like she was was never a good thing. Well, never a good thing if she wanted to try to get some work done on this day.

He smiled to her. “I don’t know, it doesn’t really seem all that bad to me.” Honestly he didn’t think he would be bumping into her on this little vacation of his, but it wasn’t a bad thing. There hadn’t been one time so far that he didn’t enjoy himself when they ran into each other.

“So you are the doctor that they sent up here to look after me? If I knew you would be sent to me, I would have gotten hurt sooner.” If he had just known she was here, he would have went out into the resort just to seek her out.


healsforjustice December 11 2011, 03:20:01 UTC
Inwardly, she did have to agree with him. She never did have any regrets in regards to their meeting up. Even so, she wasn't about to actively try anything, not that she needed to. Fate just seemed to have a way of bringing the right circumstances for them in that regard. Still, there were more important things to think about right now, like his injuries.

Flushing, as per usual with him, she perched herself on the edge of the bed, leaning over to inspect the ankle that had been hurt. Despite that, she probably would have been flattered to know he would have wanted to see her. "Don't say that, I certainly wouldn't want you to do yourself harm because of me. I don't think seeing me is worth that much." she insisted, her tone half teasing and half serious as he pressed her fingers against his skin, checking for swelling. "What happened to you anyway?"


blondblitzer December 11 2011, 07:29:37 UTC
“You really don’t realize now much seeing you means to me.” He said with that smile still upon his face. But he would avoid hurting himself just to see her, she didn’t have to worry about that.

“I was about to get on the ski lift to go back up to the top of the mountain..but..I kind of slipped on a patch of ice and twisted my ankle when I was landing.” By now it might look a little swollen.

“I should have been paying closer attention to where I was going, I know.” He felt sort of like an idiot for letting it happen now. But what with all the fun he was having, it slipped his mind that little patches of ice like that could form and that someone could easily hurt themselves if they aren’t too careful.

“How did you wind up here, anyway?”


healsforjustice December 11 2011, 10:31:51 UTC
All Amelia could do was blush at that remark, though still rather happy to hear such a thing judging by her expression. She couldn't deny she was glad to see him too, despite the cirumstances. With that in mind though she could at least be of use in helping him get better ( ... )


blondblitzer December 11 2011, 11:59:20 UTC
Tidus looked down as she placed her hands over his ankle. When he saw them start to glow, he figured out what it was that she was doing. He had almost forgotten that she was capable of magic. Though he listened to her story as she told it. She was doing all of this just to help people again. Though with her expertise and what she could do, she was probably magic better at taking care of people than the other doctors and staff that they had here.

“You really are going to have a different job every time we encounter each other, aren’t you?” Though he obviously couldn’t complain. She knew just how much he enjoyed seeing her dressed up. Even now when he was hurt, that hadn’t changed. He felt relief after she finished doing what she was doing, but when she stood up, he reached over and grasped her hand gently.

“You don’t need to go right now, do you?”


healsforjustice December 11 2011, 12:40:56 UTC
"It seems that way." she giggled, knowing that he wasn't about to protest at the outfit. She did wonder why this was what the lodge had gone with, but it was likely that, being a place for tourists, they wanted everything to be a bit on the fancy side. Unless medical staff had to go out in the snow, where they needed more practical clothes, they were to dress in something more flattering.

"And every time I end up in clothes like this, and get more attention than I would like at times." she shook her head lightly. While she didn't mind with Tidus, she did feel a bit irked when people would stare, or sometimes more, which was annoying when she was just trying to do her best to help people.

Feeling his hand hold onto hers, she looked back down at him, blinking before giving her head another small shake. "You're my last stop for today actually. I was just going to go home, since I had nothing else to do." she replied, already smiling slightly in guessing that an invitation to stay was coming.


blondblitzer December 12 2011, 04:28:42 UTC
Well, she was a beautiful girl. Whenever she wore something like that, she stood out far more than she did in regular clothes. So of course she was going to draw attention to herself. That, and he doubted he was the only guy that had a thing for girls in uniform.

“Well..if you really don’t have anything else to do today..why don’t you stay here with me for a bit longer?” He knew it must have been obvious that he was going to ask her to stay, but still he couldn’t resist asking her. Though he had only asked her to stay today, it was likely that he would want her to stay much longer than that. He knew that she would have to leave sometime to take care of other power, however. That wasn’t something that he would want to interrupt in the slightest.


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 11:18:42 UTC
While she did often draw attention to herself at home, it wasn't for her looks. Most would gawp and sigh at her behaviour whenever she acted up in the name of justice, so she still wasn't used to people staring due to finding her attractive. With Tidus, at least she knew and trusted him, knowing he respected her. In other cases she had come close to throwing punches at people.

"If you insist, I'd be happy to Tidus." she smiled, seeing her assumptions were correct, and was pleased she had been right. Holding his hand tight, she moved to sit down on the bed again, already wondering of how he intended to pass the time, though she knew she would find out soon enough. "Is your ankle feeling better then? I don't want you to force yourself to move around too much because of me if it's still a little sore."


blondblitzer December 13 2011, 10:01:12 UTC
How would they pass the time indeed. There were a plethora of ways that they could do it. There was no doubt about that. He rubbed the back of her hand lightly with his thumb as he held her hand. “I do. You should know by now that I can’t just run into you without trying to monopolize all of your time.” He released her hand and then scooted to the side a bit to make room on the bed so she could lay down next to him.

“If you’ll really let me, I plan to keep you here all night long.” One of these days, he was going to have to let her catch him in a costume or uniform and see if she had a similar thing for it. Though he nodded his head a bit to her question. “It does. I think your magic touch plus the meds I was given make for a great combination.”


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 17:58:04 UTC
Even with what usually happened between them, Amelia never jumped to any assumptions. Needless to say, she couldn't help but flush a bit as he spoke, though didn't hesitate on shifting to lay beside him, still propped up and half sitting though. After all, he needed to space more than her, being the injured one. Still, Tidus was still being treated in a way, considering the right angling only emphasized how snug that uniform fit around her curves.

"I'm glad to hear that. Since I'm here anyway, you can just ask if there is anything else I can do to help." she smiled, only somewhat aware of the invitation that could be read into those words. After all, Amelia was still a bit on the naive side, and was never really so bold as to offer anything like that outright. Still, Tidus did seem to have the ability to bring out a slight mischievious streak in her. She didn't feel so bad teasing, since he did the same, though she was also well aware, no matter what did happen, he wasn't just interested in her for the sake of sex.


blondblitzer December 14 2011, 05:03:53 UTC
Being able to get her that way was a skill he was happy to have. He was just happy to know that she even had a side to her like that. He shifted a little closer to her when she slid onto the bed with him. He found her hand again and held it gently. “Well..you know that is quite an offer, Nurse Seyruun.” He said in a teasing voice. “There are a lot of things I could have you do if you are truly willingly to help in anyway that you can.” Though of course he would never have her do something that she didn’t really want to do.

“I think..a kiss from you might help me feel even better than I do right now. Do you think you can give me one of those? OR are nurses not allowed to?”


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 09:07:52 UTC
She let her fingers lace with him, despite any embarrassment at his teasing words. He might have only been playing along, but it still succeeded in getting her worked up. Needless to say, she had no reason whatsoever to deny him, not that she wanted to, and so chose to go follow his lead.

"I don't know if there are any rules against it. But since technically I'm a healer, not a nurse, I don't think there's any reason I can't. It is to make you feel better." she smiled, readjusting before bending her head to kiss him softly on the lips, slow and sensual to start out.


blondblitzer December 14 2011, 09:53:34 UTC
Tidus smiled against her lips when she kissed him before slowly returning it. And that was true..even if there was some rule against it, she wasn’t a nurse. She was a healer. He brought his other hand up a bit and placed it onto her cheek as they shared this sweet little kiss together. If he was feeling bad, he truly believed that this kiss would have been enough to make him feel better. He let his eyes slowly fall shut and he tilted his head a little to the side before pressing a bit further into the kiss.


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 09:59:50 UTC
While logic might have stated just a kiss was unlikely to do much, it wouldn't be for a lack of trying on Amelia's part, in her hope that the gesture did do him some good. On feeling his hand on her face, her arms soon wound around him, responding to the kiss as things gradually began to build. Pressing up close, she slowly hitched one leg up against him, rubbing gently as her skirt lifted, revealing more of her thighs.


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