Sing It Loud! | Wintertime | BYOAphro

Dec 07, 2011 04:21

The little cabin was out of the way; the only way to it was a half-hidden branch of the main path - though it was easier to see now, when there weren't so many leaves in the forest to hide it, only a dusting of snow. It wasn't hard to get there once you knew where to look, and in fact it was close enough that from the main path you could hear the ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f, series: slayers

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healsforjustice December 8 2011, 14:40:26 UTC
As per usual, Amelia had paid no mind to where she had been wandering, simply appreciative of the open space and some fresh air where she could train. Naturally the cold just brought more of a challenge rather than a hindrence, and so the princess had ended up having to heal her grazed knuckles due to the cold making them sting as she practised her punches against boulders. She had finished one hand and had just started on the other, before the sound of the guitar reached her ears. Ever curious, her boots crunched underfoot as she followed the tune, before seeing the cabin ahead ( ... )


onlysanechimera December 10 2011, 18:42:03 UTC
Zel smiled back at her, flushing just a little. He certainly hadn't expected Amelia to be listening. "No, not at all. I just didn't think anyone else would be all the way out here."

He noticed her holding her hand, though, and set the guitar down carefully before stepping down off the porch to come over to her. He couldn't help looking concerned, his mind running through the ways her hand might have gotten that way. "Are you alright, Amelia? It looks like you're hurt..."


healsforjustice December 10 2011, 18:59:32 UTC
"Well, I guess that makes sense, it is pretty secluded up here." she replied, eyes surveying the landscape, before the sound of his voice made her turn her attention back to the chimera.

She blinked, a little puzzled at first at his approach, only to realise what he was looking at, removing her hand to glance down at the marks across her knuckles. "Oh, that. It's nothing, just the result of a couple of hours training, I can fix it easily enough." she shook her head, preparing to mutter another recovery incantation. As per usual, Amelia didn't think much of the scrape, since she had suffered through worse injuries, many of which Zelgadiss knew of, so she didn't think it would cause much worry.


onlysanechimera December 10 2011, 19:15:56 UTC
Honestly, he'd been more worried about the circumstances than the actual scrapes - his mind had leapt to 'defensive injury,' which was never a pleasant thing to think of, especially in the hotel, between its tendency to draw powerful residents from across the worlds and the most likely motive for an attack. But if she'd just been training it was fine, though he supposed that meant she'd probably been punching rocks again. "All right, then. Though you know, if you wore gloves when you trained your hands might not get scraped up as badly."


healsforjustice December 10 2011, 19:31:51 UTC
It was a little surprising that she had yet to really find the need to hit someone, though she may just have been lucky in not running into the less pleasant residents. In any case, it was most likely anyone who did try such a thing would quickly regret it. She was aware of the risk though, hence still practising when she could.

"Maybe you're right, but I get the feeling they wouldn't last very long." she laughed sheepishly, healing over the scratches. After all, when she was able to put cracks in boulders, what chance did flimsy glove material have?


onlysanechimera December 12 2011, 04:57:42 UTC
"I suppose you're right. They have punching bags in some rooms - you could try those? I mean, considering they're part of the hotel, they probably grow back if you break them."

He smiled, taking her hand gently - though he made a bit of a face at how cold her hands were after training outside in this weather. "Either way, I'm glad you're alright. How have you been? And would you like to come in and warm up?"


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 11:38:37 UTC
"I'll have to look at that option, thank you for the suggestion." she nodded happily.

Even though a little surprised at him suddenly taking her hand, she was quick to lace her fingers with his, happy as usual to reciprocate the affection. She hadn't really noticed how cold her own hands were until pressed into his warmer ones, the princess looking rather a tad apologetic as she caught a glance of that look, not wanting to cause concern. "If you don't mind, I'd love to." she smiled, perking up again rather quickly as she followed him inside.

"Oh, I've been well enough, just dealing with the usual ups and downs. What about you Mr Zelgadiss?" she enquired, knowing if she listed all everything that had happened to her since she saw him last, it would take a while. Needless to say, she did try not to allow the recollection of how she had behaved the last time they met make her flustered.


onlysanechimera December 12 2011, 22:22:57 UTC
He smiled back at her, squeezing her hand gently as he pulled the door open, holding it aside for her. Once they were inside, he slipped off his shoes before lighting the fireplace with a Flare Arrow - it was showing off a little, but it really was easy. The cabin was surprisingly lavish, decorated in warm colors with a surprising amount of soft, plush furniture.

"I've been well enough. It's been fairly uneventful for me, really. I mean, considering where we are and all." He shrugged a little, turning toward a little kitchen in one corner of the cabin. "Can I get you anything?"


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 00:50:31 UTC
Amelia soon followed his example, pulling off her own boots, glancing around and taking in the warm, comforting atmosphere. She had to wonder a moment why he used a spell, but well, compared to what Lina might have pulled off to get a fire going, the Flare Arrow wasn't that out of place.

"Well that's good. I know you've been here a lot longer than me, so you deserve a break from some of this stuff much more." she replied, about to politely decline the off, not wishing to be a bother, before being stopped as she suddenly let out a small sneeze. Apparently the cold had gotten to her more than she had first thought.

"Um...maybe a warm drink wouldn't be a bad idea." she mumbled, a little embarrassed with herself.


onlysanechimera December 13 2011, 05:42:18 UTC
He really was just showing off, honestly. He was confident enough in his aim not to be afraid of setting something alight that he didn't mean to, and anyway it was convenient being able to light the fire from across the room, even if the old-fashioned way was probably a bit safer.

He frowned a little and nodded. "All right. Does tea sound good?" he asked, moving to go get some out.


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 08:55:47 UTC
Considering all she had seen of his abilities over the years, that confidence was very much justified. It wasn't as if they had needed to use magic a lot in the hotel anyway, so even the little actions could be considered practise of sorts, simply maintaining spells, at least she thought so.

Sniffling a bit, she nodded to him, settling down on the end of a small sofa, legs curling under her. "Yes, thank you Mr Zelgadiss." she replied, smiling back as she rubbed her arms, letting the warmth of the fire heat her up.


onlysanechimera December 14 2011, 01:50:03 UTC
He couldn't help wishing she hadn't spent so much time outside in the cold - he didn't want to see her get sick. Still, he didn't want to smother her, either, and he'd already made a suggestion about another place to train, so all he could really do was let the matter drop and help her get better if she did get sick.

Once the tea was ready, he brought a cup over to her before sitting down next to her with his own.


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 02:08:18 UTC
Even with the elements of the cold, Amelia tended to see it as a test of endurance rather than a sign to take a breather. After all, it would only make her stronger in the end. Considering the persistant streak her father showed, it wasn't that surprising how she behaved. Zelgadiss could at least be glad she hadn't quite reached the levels that Phil did when it came to stubbornly charging ahead, at least yet.

Taking the cup offered, she blew the steam away from the top of the mug before sipping the drink, appreciative of the warmth spreading through her. "Thank you for this. I'm sure this will stop any oncoming colds." she smiled, trying to reassure him he didn't need to fret over her.


onlysanechimera December 14 2011, 02:18:50 UTC
He was glad that Amelia could still be persuaded sometimes. As... difficult as dealing with her in a mood could be, Zel still preferred handling her to dealing with Prince Phil, especially in some of the situations they'd been in. Then again, Amelia and Phil both often showed themselves to get through difficult situations simply by being too stubborn to actually die - which he was very grateful for.

He smiled back at her as he sipped from his own cup. "Well, that is the idea." And they both knew that he would be there to take care of her if she did get sick, well enough that he didn't need to say it.


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 02:33:11 UTC
It could never be made sure of it was just dumb luck or not, but nothing seemed to be able keep down Amelia, or her father. Perhaps it was due to the times they both had to pick themselves up due to inner family conflict, but neither of them had the will to quit, even facing the worst. Hopefully that would well in how Seyruun would be ruled in the future.

"It still means a lot though, thank you." she replied, leaning a bit closer to plant a grateful kiss on his cheek. She could appreciate the meaning behind the words, and even in the secluded location, she simply wished to show how thankful she was. Amelia was just generally affectionate anyway, though maybe a little more forward now with Zelgadiss, but he was a special case, which they both knew the reason as to why.


onlysanechimera December 14 2011, 10:00:01 UTC
He glanced down, cheeks going slightly pink. He shouldn't have been getting so flustered over such a small bit of attention; he tended to get more affectionate with his frequent partners than a lot of people in the hotel, for that matter. But somehow, he never could resist when it came from Amelia.

"It's nothing, really," he mumbled. "It's not like I could just let you sit here and sneeze yourself to death."


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