A Date | Locked to healsforjustice

Sep 14, 2011 10:23

It had been such a long time since Tidus had actually went on a date of all things. So this little outing that he and Amelia were about to have was going to be a welcomed change of pace. It had been something that he was looking forward to ever since they agreed to go on one. He just hoped that she would enjoy it as much as he knew he was going to ( Read more... )

series: final fantasy x, series: slayers

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healsforjustice September 14 2011, 16:57:40 UTC
Fortunately for both of them, Amelia was pretty much ready to go, having let both excitement and nerves lead her to getting dressed a bit too early. Was it weird for her to feel a little awkward about this? After all, she knew next to nothing about dates, having no experience with them. She kept assuring herself that it wouldn't matter to Tidus, but at the same time she did wish to show her appreciation for him asking her, and show she was making an effort.

Her ears perked at the knock, the princess moving to grab her bag and put on a cardigan. She had consulted a few sources who had assured her she was dressed appropriately for a date; she really hoped they were reliable, as there was no turning back now.

"Hi Tidus, shall we get going?" she greeted him as she stepped outide.


blondblitzer September 15 2011, 00:43:30 UTC
There is a very noticeable look of surprise on Tidus’ face when he sees just how she was dressed. His eyes trailed down her body before moving back up, taking in the full sight of her appearance. It was so different from the other things that he had seen her in, but it also fit her so well. And that look of surprised slowly turned to a smile. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see her in for the date, but this was a welcomed surprise. He gave a little nod and held his hand out for hers.

“As long as you are ready.” Which from the looks of it, she was. “You look great, Amelia. Beautiful, even.” He said sincerely. Though to him, she always looked beautiful. No matter what she happened to be wearing.


healsforjustice September 15 2011, 04:26:09 UTC
For once, it seemed she was in luck, being able pick the clothes she'd be in when seeing him. She was fairly certain the provocative costumes and uniforms would not do for this, and it was a relief that this time she could choose something a little more modest. He seemed happy regardless, making her face pinken a little with the compliment he gave. Smiling, she took the offered hand.

"Thank you, I was a little lost on what was appropriate for this." she answered sheepishly, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. After all, she had been honest in her remark of never being on a date before.


blondblitzer September 15 2011, 18:24:37 UTC
Tidus remembered. And it was for that reason that he was going to try to make this all as memorable as possible for her. He didn’t want to be remembered as the first guy to show her a bad time. He stepped away from the door with her and gently tugged her along with him, setting their path toward their destination for the day.

“I’ve been really looking for to this, Amelia.” He said as he looked over to her with that smile still on his face. And she did not disappoint. He could already tell that once this was over, he would want to take her out on yet another date. That was of course if she was willing.


healsforjustice September 15 2011, 22:42:24 UTC
Considering how well they had got on previously, Amelia doubted she wouldn't enjoy herself. Considering her position, courtship had to be pretty formal, at least she had been told, having no previous experience with it. Just being able to be casual and fun about this sort of thing was enough to make her happily stroll along side him.

"Me too. Are you going to tell me where we're going then, or is it a surprise?" she asked, smiling back warmly. The idea of a second date was something she wouldn't be adverse to, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. For now, she wanted to be focused in enjoying her time with Tidus.


blondblitzer September 16 2011, 01:07:27 UTC
“You are going to have to wait and see. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you, now would it?” He was sure that she would like it, though. He was sure that she would like everything that he had planned for them tonight. Well, maybe not completely sure. But he thought there was a good chance of it.

“Thanks for doing this with me, by the way.. I could tell by the look on your face when I first asked that it caught you off guard.” Though he had been even more surprised to hear that no one had asked her out before. Because their loss was his gain.


healsforjustice September 16 2011, 01:16:20 UTC
"I suppose not, I'm looking forward to finding out though." she smiled back at him. There was very few things she could think of that she would object to, so Amelia was fairly confident in what was to come, even if she didn't possess the exact knowledge of what dates usually entailed.

Turning her head towards him at the remark, she felt herself flush slightly in remembering how she overreacted. "Well like I said, it was a first for me. Still, I should be the grateful one, since you offered to take me out today Tidus." she replied gently, hand clasping his a bit tighter as she spoke.


blondblitzer September 16 2011, 01:32:40 UTC
“I honestly can’t think of anything that I would rather be doing right now than going out with you.” Sand that was the honest truth. He squeezed her hand a bit tighter before turning his head forward. As they drew closer and closer to their destination, the smell of the sea started to become more and more apparent. He knew taking her to the beach wasn’t something amazing or spectacular, but this was really only the start of their date.

“You can probably tell by now where I am taking you, huh?”


healsforjustice September 16 2011, 01:38:18 UTC
It was probably fortunate the he looked away when he did. Amelia really had no way to reply to his words without sounding like a stuttering mess. The sentiment was enough, but knowing he never said such things unless he meant them only made her face go redder. Thankfully, the salty sea air that caught her attention was an ample distraction.

"Even if I can, it's still a lovely surprise." she grinned at him happily.


blondblitzer September 16 2011, 02:33:55 UTC
“But just know, there is more to this date than just this.” He said to assure her that he had much bigger plans in mind than just this. As they finally reached the beach, it gave way to a very beautiful scene. The ocean seemed to expand out endlessly. The water was blue and crystal clear. And the beach, or at least this section, was completely empty for the two of them to enjoy.


healsforjustice September 16 2011, 08:54:50 UTC
She was certainly curious to see whatever else he had planned, surprised to learn he had gone to further lengths for their date. This was already impressive on it's own after all. As they made their way down, walking across the sand, she admired the outline of the water stretching out the horizon, smiling more at Tidus.

"You know, I think you're trying to spoil me with this." she laughed, wondering what exactly he intended to do next, eager to see and flattered that he had gone to so much trouble for her.


blondblitzer September 17 2011, 16:03:10 UTC
“Would it be such a bad thing if that were true?” As asked as they walked together on the warm sand of the beach. Honestly, the girl seemed like she needed to be spoiled. She did a lot for other people and never seemed to ask for anything in return. It was about time someone utterly spoiled her with things she might not even ask for herself.

“So do you still have your job at the restaurant or have you moved on to another one yet?” He asked casually.


healsforjustice September 17 2011, 22:54:33 UTC
"Perhaps not, though I do feel a little undeserving of all this." she giggled, holding his hand a little tighter as they walked along. Truthfully, it would have been very easy for her to be spoiled, she was a princess after all. Still, Amelia had been fortunate that her upbringing had been with a father who was more keen to teach her how to be heroic than simply catering to her whims.

Hearing his question, she shook her head. "I finished up once I earned back what I needed. I have enough to be comfortable for a while. With my luck though, I'm sure I'll end up helping out at some new place soon enough." she mused. Honestly, her jobs were often more due to mishap than a need for money.


blondblitzer September 18 2011, 00:48:43 UTC
“You shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with being spoiled like this.” He rubbed the back of her hand lightly with his thumb as they continued to stroll. “You deserve it anyway. So as long as I have a say in the matter, you will receive this sort of treatment a lot.”

The sounds of the waves rushing in and out were relaxing. They had always been for him. That was part of the reason he wanted to bring her here with him. A girl that he w really liked and a place that he really liked seem like they would go very well together. “And really, I think getting to go out like this with you might spoil me too. Maybe even more so than you.”


healsforjustice September 18 2011, 01:08:44 UTC
Her eyes widened a moment, face flushing at both the words and the gentle touch. He really seemed to have the insistance on treating her so well, and he did it in such a way she couldn't bring herself to really argue with him. She never looked for rewards for just being a good person, but she would be lying if she said the way Tidus made her feel appreciated wasn't nice.

Her hold on his hand tightened, her gaze going between her companion and the reflections of light on the surface of the sea. "I'm going to have my work cut out for me then, living up to those expectations." she smiled.


blondblitzer September 18 2011, 01:38:26 UTC
“Just be your usual self and you will.” He says with a little nod. She gained such a high opinion of him from just being..her, so there wasn’t anything that needed changing.

“You know, the beach is probably my favorite place to go. I love being out here in the sun and swimming in the cool water,” He confessed. Tidus was actually a pretty amazing swimmer. Just seeing him in the water would make you think he had to be part fish or something.

“Where is your favorite place to go?”


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