Club Polecat - Optional Event {Medium Aphro}

Jul 03, 2011 22:04

How in the world had she gotten into this mess?

Oh, Amelia knew all too well how, she just didn't want to really believe that this was all happening, to her no less. She was someone who championed the cause of Justice, that sense of honour having been with her since she was small. At the moment though, she had never felt further away from the noble ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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blondblitzer July 11 2011, 02:12:12 UTC
Tidus was a bouncer there at the club. He was in charge of making sure that the guys there didn't get too handsy with the girls. Today had been Tidus' first day of work and there hadn't been a problem at all. He was grateful for it. He would have hated to have seen any of the girls get hassled. But with guys like him around, the patrons would have been stupid to try anything with the girls. He found himself watching Amelia's little routine. It was good. At least by his standards. He didn't really go through these places a lot.

When his shift there had ended and when the next bouncer had arrived to take over, he was preparing to leave. He put on his coat and just as he was about to head to the door, he caught sight of the little Princess heading for it as well.

"Hey." He said as he offered her a friendly smile. "You were good up there today."

[ooc: Idk how I missed that there was an Amelia around here now. XD Still accepting tags on this post?]


healsforjustice July 11 2011, 13:52:15 UTC
Amelia was breathing a sigh of relief, believing herself to be in the clear. While she could feel more than a few pairs of eyes lingering on her as she hurried past, so far nothing bad had happened. She would be away from those leering gazes soon enough, she just had to open the door ( ... )


blondblitzer July 11 2011, 15:36:30 UTC
"First and last?" Tidus asked a little curiously. "You aren't going to be performing here anymore? That's a shame..Amelia, was it? This place will lose some real talent by not having you around " His words were definitely genuine and it was probably easy to tell that he wasn't at all like any of the other guys that filled this place. He didn't come to gawk at or hassle the women. Protecting them was all he cared about doing. But knowing she wouldn't be there anymore was definitely some disappointing news to hear. He didn't know how long the girls usually lasted here or if they were only supposed to perform once and move on, but that was a shame. She was good and he thought she could really draw a crowd if she gained some more experience performing ( ... )


healsforjustice July 11 2011, 23:49:56 UTC
His words left the princess confused and suprised to say the least. She could only gawp, nodding in recognition of her name, listening silently as he spoke. Once the words sunk in, her face immediately flushed. It was odd though, because she wasn't entirely sure why. Yes, the fact he actually thought she regularly did such provocative things was embarrassing, but at the same time, it was a compliment. She had only been given a short bit of time to learn what to do, and he thought she was good? After a moment of staring, she decided it was best to address the obvious mistake. Trying to deal with the compliment was a bit too much right now ( ... )


blondblitzer July 12 2011, 00:04:21 UTC
Tidus would have commented on just how talented he thought she was, but the rain caught his attention. Going back to his place soaking wet today hadn't been on his to do list.

Sticking around the bar may not have been something that Tidus nor Amelia wanted to do, but it was definitely an option. Tidus moved just over to the door and pulled it open so that he could peer outside. It was really coming down out there. Had he known it would start coming down like this, he might have brought some attire that would be more appropriate for this sort of weather. He let out a bit of a sigh as he stood there looking at it.

"I'm going to get drenched if I go out in that. But I guess I'll have to just deal." His place wasn't too far away. Maybe if he ran he could get back without getting too wet. He looked over his shoulder and back to her.

"You heading out into this mess too?" She had looked as if she was about to leave when he first started talking to her. He didn't know if the fact that it had started raining would change her plans at


healsforjustice July 12 2011, 00:37:32 UTC
It didn't seem like the rain was going to let up anytime soon, so waiting it out wasn't the best plan. Amelia knew she would have to make a decision; stay dry with questionable company, or go out, find somewhere to stay and hope she didn't catch the flu from getting soaked to the skin.

She cast her eyes back into the club, noting some of the stares and noticably shuddered.

"I'll risk it. I'm sure I'll find shelter if I look hard enough." she replied, doing her best to optomistic. Hope was all she had right now, and she would cling to it. The girl was never one to be negative anyway, so she would just keep her fingers crossed that things would work out. Even if she did catch a cold, it wasn't the end of the world after all.


blondblitzer July 12 2011, 00:45:27 UTC
Tidus thought for a moment or two, looking back out to the water then back over to her. In that outfit, chances are she wouldn't get somewhere fast enough and she would end up catching a cold.

"Well..I know me and you just met. place isn't really that far away. If we run we can make it there pretty fast. You can stay there until the rain lets up." Tidus was happy to offer someone a place to stay in this sort of weather. He quite enjoyed having people around at his place. And since he lived alone, he didn't get to enjoy the feeling of having somewhere there more often.

"If it doesn't let up tonight, you can stay over. I wouldn't mind." He would completely understand if she didn't want to accept the offer of some guy that she just met.


healsforjustice July 12 2011, 00:59:27 UTC
Her expression clearly showed that she was taken aback by the offer. They had only just exchanged names and yet he was being so kind? Really, it left the girl feeling rather touched.

Amelia wasn't the suspicious sort, she always liked to believe the best in people, and he seemed quite genuine. Besides, it sounded a lot safer than where they were now. If he had wanted to take advantage, surely he would have done so already.

Looking up at Tidus with a warm smile, she nodded, moving forward so he could lead the way. "That's very kind of you, I hope I'm not being too much trouble." she answered, face still fairly pink but looking a lot more comfortable than before.


blondblitzer July 12 2011, 01:19:57 UTC
"You aren't being any trouble at all." He just hoped that if the situation was reversed, she would show him the same sort of courtesy. He also offered because he sort of got the feeling that she didn't want to sit in here for any longer than she had to.

"Alright." He smiled big to her and reached over to her gently taking her hand into his own. "Let's go!" He said before quickly dashing out into the rain without another second of hesitation and pulling her along with him. The trip wouldn't take long at all. If they ran the whole way, they'd get there in at least five minutes. Running in the rain was kind of fun.


healsforjustice July 12 2011, 01:33:13 UTC
Of course Amelia would do the same if she could, though currently her mind was trying to think of ways she could show her gratitude. After all, he was going to such lengths to be kind, it was only just that she return the favour in some way. Especially considering how worried she had been about the situation.

She almost stumbled in the large heels as he was lead outside, doing her best to keep up with his pace. It wasn't easy due to the shoes, but she managed. At the very least being so far from the ground kept her feet dry. And she had to admit, despite the heavy droplets making her hair damp and her clothes cling to her form, she found it all rather fun too.

All she could do now was race along, holding his hand tightly as they neared their destination.


blondblitzer July 12 2011, 01:39:58 UTC
As they approached his door, he reached into his pocket and took his keys out. Better to do it now instead of having to dig through is pocket to find them when they arrived on his doorstep. Once he had taken them out, they had just reached his door and he quickly unlocked it, not wanting either of them to stand out in the rain any longer than they had to. Once the door was unlocked, he opened it up and quickly dipped inside, pulling her along with him once more.

He couldn't help letting out a small laugh once they were inside. "I haven't ran in the rain like that since I was a little kid." It was something that he might have to do more often, even if he ran the chance of catching a cold from doing so.

"You are okay, aren't you? You didn't get hurt while we were running?"


healsforjustice July 12 2011, 01:47:29 UTC
The girl laughed a little herself, following inside. She found herself struggling to catch her breath as she attempted to stifle more giggles. It was rather strange she suddenly felt a lot better than she had just minutes ago, but was glad for it. Apparently his joy was rather contageous.

"I don't think I have either." she smiled, beaming back even when he questioned her.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you Mr Tidus." she responded, glancing around the hallway, trying to suppress a shiver. Now that they weren't moving, the feeling of icy drops of water soaking into her skin chilled her quite a bit.


blondblitzer July 12 2011, 02:00:12 UTC
"You can just call me Tidus. No Mr." He said before smiling warmly to her once more.

He closed the door behind them and finally released her hand from his grasp. She was the first person to caught up in his infectious joy. It was things like that and his over atmosphere that made people so at ease around him. He looked from her and motioned over to the couch.

"You can make yourself at home over there. I'll get you something to help dry you off." He would need to do the same for himself as well. He disappeared off into the back for a few moments. His place was cozy. It was probably also a little bigger than it needed to be given that only one person was living there, but he liked the space.


healsforjustice July 12 2011, 02:09:54 UTC
"Oh, sorry. I just tend to do that to anyone who isn't family." she explained, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. She wasn't kidding either; even her closest friends were still addressed as Mr or Miss by her.

Letting her hand drop to her side, she quietly allowed herself to enjoy the warmth left from the touch, nodding in thanks at the offer of finding something to help her dry herself. She was already starting to feel chilly from the dampness of her clothes clinging to her.

Amelia watched him disappear before moving towards the couch and placing her bag on the floor. Peeling off the wet coat, she held it in her arms as she sat down, weary of letting it drip anywhere. She didn't want to get any of his furniture wet after all.


blondblitzer July 12 2011, 02:23:18 UTC
Such formalities weren't necessary with him. Especially not from someone he assumed to be the near the same age as him. It didn't take long before he finally came back. With towels and a pair of pajamas for her. There was no sense in drying off if she was just going to stay in those wet clothes. He offered a towel and the pajamas to her. He thought that they might fit her best.

"Here. They are a little small on me and they might be a bit big on you, but I think they are better than staying in that outfit, don't you think? The bathroom is right back there if you want to get changed and everything." He nodded his head lightly in the direction of it.


healsforjustice July 12 2011, 02:39:28 UTC
Taking one of the towels, Amelia began to dry her hair, letting it rest around her shoulders before accepting the pajamas with a friendly smile. "Thank you, this is very kind. I'll be back in a minute." she said before scurrying past him towards the bathroom.

She was eager to get out the clothes, partially due to being wet, partially due to her distaste for the outfit in general. Her own clothes in the bag were probably wet too due to water seeping into her bag, so the gesture of warm dry clothes was truly appreciated. Needless to say she didn't take long to reappear, the nightwear looking rather big on her small frame, but still managing to show how busty her petite body was.

"Um, where should I put these?" she asked Tidus, looking a bit pink in the face at the sight of the revealing outfit in her arms.


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