Title: What if...
Rating: PG || Genre: Drama/ Romance/ AU/ Fantasy || Status: Ongoing || Chapters: Prologue
Pairing(s): YooSu
Warning: A possibly insane idea, coming from a positively insane mind. Read at your own risk because I won't be held responsable for any "WTF" reactions XD. Other than that... They are not mine, although I wouldn't mind and I'll only be claiming the plot and characters, because those are ALL mine. And yes, that's G-Dragon in the poster ^_^.
Basic Synopsis: Junsu and Yoochun have been dating for about 5 years and as Yoochun keep changing, their relationship keeps sinking and reaches a breaking point. When Junsu knows exactly what he wants but Yoochun keeps being afraid to make decisions, words that should never be said, get across and put Yoochun's fate in danger.
As Yoochun receives the visit of a strange guy who no one else can see, the man offers him a chance to change whatever he wants in his past... but at what cost?
What if I had never met you?
What if you had never looked at me?
What if our paths never crossed?
What do we do when we don't know each other anymore?
What can I do when you don't look at me anymore?
What can we do when out path does not seem to be the same anymore?
What if...
What if you could go back...
... and change...
Would you?
A/N: Hey there folks. I'm back for the moment. So, who is curious? Who likes? Who dislikes? Who wants to say anything at all? I'll be waiting for all of it, so come on! XD