Feb 25, 2007 04:15
Age: 112
Height: Short.
Weight: Er. He's tiny. And has hollow bones. Adult bird laguz canonically weigh about half what an 11-12 year old girl does.
Medical Info: Has various old battle scars.
Eyes: Mossy green.
Hair: Very light brown.
Physical traits: Has brown wings, pointed ears, and a scar on his left cheek.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: For the most part, he's pretty easy-going. He's also fairly easy to set off, if you want to push his buttons. 1.) Insult laguz or imply he's an animal. Bonuses for using half-breed or subhuman. 2.) Call him a kid. 3.) Mention killing for fun or go in that direction. 4.) Show off your weapons. Got him mad by accident? Don't worry, apologies fix most everything.
Abilities: He can fly, see ridiculous amounts of detail at ridiculous distances, and transform into a massive hawk. In hawk form, he knows how to use those talons and that beak, and they hurt; in human form, though, he's pretty useless in a fight.
Notes for the Psychics: None... really?
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes, please! For shapeshift/bodyswap, get in contact with me and we'll work something out. Feel free to do the rest at will. ^_^
Maim/murder/death: Maim at will! But, uh, contact me before killing. ^^
Hug/kiss/molest: Yes, please. Feel free. ^^
Cooking: ...uh. The hawk tribe tends toward raw meat and fish. So I'm guessing no.