Title: Where Have All The Towels Gone?
Fandom: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Characters/Pairing: none/all
Rating: G
Genre: crack!fic, song
Spoilers/Warnings: Some slight spoilers for the end of the movie version; might not make sense to you if you haven't seen it. Also, cracky crackfic is extremely cracky.
Summary/Prompt: Where have all the towels gone, anyway? Or: in which we learn of the cyclical nature of the universe, and why the_improbable1 should not be given internet access after 22:00.
Notes: To be sung to the tune of "where have all the flowers gone", a song which is not mine. Neither is the Hitchhiker's Guide. Enjoy the crack, dearies!
Where have all the towels gone, long time passing?
Where have all the towels gone, long time ago?
Where have all the towels gone?
Grabbed by hitchhikers, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Where have all the hitchhikers gone…?
Tortured by Vogons, every one…
Where have all the Vogons gone…?
Flattened by manically-depressed robots, every one…
Where have all the manically-depressed robots gone…?
Torn to spare parts, every one…
Where have all the spare parts gone…?
For building spaceships, every one…
Where have all the spaceships gone…?
Installed Improbability Drives in them, every one…
Where have all the Improbability Drives gone…?
Changed to towels, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?