The list doesn’t contain shops with replicas for sale.
PotC costumes on LJ -
potc_costumes PotC in The Customer’s Guide to Movie CostumesA lot of photos and tips for cosplayers.
Jack Sparrow CostumingVery thorough and detailed analyses for cosplayers.
James Norrington’s CotBP waistcoat Captain TeagueAnalysis and re-creation of the costume.
Will of a SparrowA formerly excellent source; now the most of the site is lost, but even these sparse remainders are valuable. Very detailed analyses of Elizabeth’s costumes in CotBP.
Nicole Kipar’s late 17th Century Clothing HistoryPotC costumes and the real history. (The article nonexistent anymore on the original server).
Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props (photos from displays of original costumes) -
CotBP (Elizabeth),
CotBP (Barbossa),
DMC (Norrington),
DMC (Dutchman’s crew),
AWE (Beckett),
OST (Jack Sparrow 1),
OST (Jack Sparrow 2),
OST (Angelica),
OST (Barbossa),
OST (Blackbeard),
OST (Teague),
OST (Zombie Quartermaster) Sword & StoneThe official site of the company which made swords for PotC. (Click the CotBP poster).
The Internet Movie Firearms Database -
OST Make-up artists
Joel Harlow -
Official siteMartin Samuel -
Official site,
an interview,
Richard Redlefsen -
Official site (PotC in the part ‘Character’).
Keith Vanderlaan -
Official site (click Project Gallery --> Film --> Pirates of the Caribbean)
Kelcey Fry -
Official site (click posters)
Ken Niederbaumer -
Official site (PotC photos in ‘On site’).