Rules of the order
- the list is sorted alphabetically by LJ account names;
- the main journal is the main headword;
- numerals go before letters, including numerals used as letters; spaces/underscores aren't counted;
The list includes only LJ journals, personal sites, ( accounts and Archive Of Our Own (AO3) accounts. If you want to find these writers in other archives, you need to check
this list. If you're looking for an journal which isn't a main headword or you can't recall the proper name, use the 'search on the page' device in your browser.
If you want (or don't want) to be on this list, jump and wave in a comment. :)
However, please, take into consideration that I won't add you if your PotC fics:
- are friendlocked, and/or:
- aren't detectable in a some reasonable way. And no, I'm afraid that 'just browse a dozen pages to find one fic' won't pass for 'reasonable'.
0-C -
D-F -
G-J -
K-N -
S-T -
U-Z oasis_herselfobfusc8eroldandbrokeoltha_herioneiriad -
ff.netoo_wings_oooperavampirateophelivia -
ff.netoqidaun -
gods_humidor -
ff.netorder_of_chaos -
ff.netorlidepp -
ff.netorpsgod -
ff.netoxymoronicp0wdermonkeypaperfaces_ -
ff.netpearlseedpearly_dreamspeladonww -
Peladon’s Place,
ff.netpenknife -
AO3perilouspollyperosha -
ff.netperverseparagon -
ff.netpeskywhistpawphoenix212 -
night_mythsphoenix_9664phunky_monkey91pigeongirl99 -
Ellipsispink_siamesepir8fancier -
pir8fancier’s shippiratemistresspirates_doxyporridgebird -
pbirdlibrarypotboyprillalar -
Halrloprillalar’s Fan Fictionpromiscuous_mdpsionicknightpsychoviechpuffapuffaricepyracies -
5thofnovemberpyrites_goldqueenofspades89randi2204 -
Serenaderandombattlecry -
ff.netranty_rie -
fallengabrielleregala_electrarejeritorexluscus -
ff.netrhapsodyinpink -
ff.netrhipowered -
AO3riku_rocks -
ff.netrispacooperrivendellroserobes_of_earthrocks_not_dead -
ff.netrokeon -
anthropomorficromankateromanticalgirl -
A Multitude of Voicesrose_melody2 -
ff.netrowen_rroxy_ficrozficsrubytears -