Drabble: Love (And Other Catastrophes) (Heroes; Adam/Elle)

Nov 15, 2007 15:22

A companion of sorts to Saudade, written in a similar style. Latest in my project to pair Adam with every character possible in Heroes. Spoilers for 2.08, "Four Months Ago".

Adam Monroe and Elle, c. 2001. PG-13. Adam is both apple and snake.

Your heart?--it is a frozen orange,
inside it has juniper oil but no light
and a porous look like gold: an outside
promising risks to the man who looks.
- Miguel Hernandez

Love (And Other Catastrophes)

You ask me: What is it like. Why am I here. How can I feel.

It is enough to remind a man like myself of more innocent times, days of bygone chivalry, when the virtue of youth was not so readily dismissed: the way you blush as I groan, your hand brushing static up against my ribcage like a steel-blue web. My heart judders - caught - beneath your fingertips.

My pain is your education; we learn one another's strength. But we are prisoners, both of us crippled. Curiosities suspended in amber. They have amputated our wings.

Yes, you, my dear. Have you not wondered, dared to imagine, what lies beyond the high walls?

And did you think, princess--

Did you think maybe it is sweeter still than this?

15 November 2007

You can download a clip of me reading the fic here.

my fic, fic-heroes, mp3s, adam monroe

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