meme (another one!)

Jul 06, 2007 10:50

Questions that linaerys posed to me:

1. Who are your writing inspirations?

William Dalrymple for the way he can make an experience come alive, his love of things that are unfamiliar, his wit; Constantine P. Cavafy for his inimitable tone of voice, his uncompromising desire for perfection on his own standards; Ken Bruen for finding a style that is all his own - hard-boiled and completely poetic; Tim O'Brien because...dude is amazing.

2. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, without worrying about money or family, where would you live?

Byzantium. Constantinople. Istanbul, Turkey. (I never worry about family anyway, so it's mainly language and money that would be an issue.)

3. If you could meet any person who is no longer living who would that be and what would you talk about?

No idea. I mean, I love the idea of meeting Machiavelli, but I imagine that he would be quite a dour and bitter conversationalist unless I snatched him at just the right time of his life. I could test my atheism by spending time with Jesus of Nazareth, but I expect I am one of those people whose ears are stubbornly closed to his message. Patricia Highsmith, so together we could bitch about how mutilated and mis-interpreted Tom Ripley has become?

Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps, on the cusp of stardom. Or rather he would talk and talk and I would just bask in his genius. (I like doing that.)

4. Does black tie mean long dresses for women or do you think that's flexible?

I would probably try to get away with wearing a tuxedo. There's always wriggle room around a dress code if you're willing.

5. Mountains or beaches?

I don't believe that I've ever been to a bona fide mountain (the ones in Australia don't count as mountains), but I like the sense of calm and peace and finality associated with beaches.

technosage asked me:

1. What branch of theology most interests you and why?

Eschatology, because hope or the lack of it is so distinctly visible in behaviour, on display in the mindset of a people. Theodicy, because the Judeo-Christian traditions are so concerned with morality, and I am an atheist with a rather depressing tendency to fall speculatively into moral nihilism despite an overactive human conscience.

2. Neil Gaiman or Guy Gavriel Kay if you had to choose?

Gaiman. He's so amazingly prolific.

3. Your current three favorite classical musicians + compositions.

Claude Debussy - "Marche Écossaise sur un Thème Populaire", "Clair de Lune"
Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 8
Thomas Tallis - "Spem in Alium"

4. Tell me about a book that made a difference to you and why I should read it.

I can trace my fascination with Islamic culture back to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (mathematician, astronomer and poet). Some parts of it are downright bawdy.

On a lighter note - Tanya Huff's "Fifth Quarter". First encounter with creepy/hot co-dependent incest in mainstream fiction at age 12. Plus: Assassins!

5. You've got all the money in the world and plenty of time. Where's the first place you visit?

Baghdad. Local hospitals, after a quick stop to drop a cheque off at the museum.


1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

meme/quiz 07, 5 things

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