Demon Tamer

Aug 01, 2015 20:55

Title: Demon Tamer
Author: daestruct
Betas: drainbamage954, exollent & lattelotus
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s)/Focus: Baekhyun/Sehun
Side Pairings: various
Length: 122 446
Summary: Complete a taming or be killed-- those are Baekhyun’s only options. Humanity or demonic nature-- Baekhyun wonders which side he favours.
Genre: fantasy. action.
Warnings: [spoiler]Swearing, descriptions/pictures of violence, corpses, blood, and serious injuries, spiders and snakes, consensual sex, non-human characters, relations between humans and non-humans, character death, happy endings
At last it is done! /sprints to the pool for a very long day of relaxation. IT'S SO SURREAL-- I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS THING!

First of all, thank you to everyone who reads this! Even if you only read two words of it, it means the world to me that you would spend your time on something I've written. This fic was crazy and fun to write, and despite multiple breakdowns and accepting that 'perfection' is something I will never reach (I am my own worst critic after all), I'm really excited and proud to be presenting this fic to all y'all.

I also have to give huge thanks to the following people:

Lonio, thank you so much for all your help and your willingness to wade through the bad stuff to help me bring this fic to life. I learned so much in the process of writing this stupid thing, and I cannot thank you enough for your advice, your patience, and your offhand comments. They certainly kept me laughing throughout the writing process~

Adele, thank you oodles and bunches for letting me whine at you about dumb things like Baekhyun, sex, Baekhyun, dumb boys, and Baekhyun. OTL. You were my rock through writing this-- and the most effective alarm clock I have ever had! Thank you for pushing me through this with your encouragement. I couldn't have made it to the end without you.

Thea, thank you so much for your betaing expertise! This fic would be an embarrassing mess of typos and senseless phrases without you. Also, thanks for pimping me out a bit on twitter and encouraging me to keep working hard on this-- YOU'RE ALWAYS SO WONDERFUL TO ME. Please accept my bear hugs from across the border.

Frey, thank you for letting me cry about all the dumb things and for allowing me to spoil this entire fic for you in the middle of my mental breakdowns over this and for staying up writing with me. You're the best lil' sis I could have asked for~<3.

Ansa & Ren, your endless patience deserves the highest praise. Thank y'all so much for running this challenge, and I am absolutely honored to have been a part of it. Big hugs and kisses for you both!

Finally, please enjoy this thing at least 3% as much as I enjoyed writing it. To Baekhyun, Sehun, and all other characters used, thanks for enduring all the shit I put y'all through.

Without further ado, I present to you my first completed longfic: Demon Tamer!

Proving himself to be worthy of the title ‘Tamer’ involves proving to himself that he’s human. However, Baekhyun knows the truth.

Please comment on this post or on Ao3.

pairing: baekhyun/sehun, genre: fantasy, year: 2015, genre: action, word count: 50-100k

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