SuperBat drabbles from tumblr (Mature humor)

Jul 10, 2015 14:39

Here's a few SuperBat drabbles collected from my tumblr (some Bizarro x Batzarro, Mature humor).

SCOTUS decision 1 {tumblr link}

Clark Kent waits on the steps of the Supreme Court with other members of the press as interns run towards them with the ruling in their hands. Moments later, Superman in seen zooming across the sky with a giant rainbow flag, heading in the direction of Gotham.

SCOTUS decision 2 {tumblr link}

Batman is monitoring the breaking news from his computer when images of Superman flying a giant rainbow flag over the Supreme Court start lighting up the feeds. Moments later, Bruce hears a whoosh and clatter in the cave, and whirls around to see a trail of rainbow material on the ground, Clark bending down to one knee.

Bizarrely Right {tumblr link}

Batman was sitting at his computer console, scanning the monitors for any sign of familiar blue and red in the skies. Superman was standing next to him, but even with both feet firmly planted on the ground his entire demeanor could still be classified as hovering, fretful over the safety of his teenage cousin as she patrolled on her own. Supergirl was still a force too raw, too undisciplined, and in Batman’s eyes, still too much of a danger to be left unmonitored. But Kara Zor-El needed to start making her own way in the world, and like any teenage girl, she did not appreciate her family looking over her shoulder, watching her every move. Hence the cave.

“There,” Clark pointed at one of the screens.

Bruce looked up to see something small and indistinct blurring across the night sky and automatically zoomed in.

“Uh…” Clark sputtered, his cheeks turning an alarming shade of red.

“Superman,” Bruce gritted his teeth, “Will you please control your Bizarre pet clone.”

“Right. Sorry B.” Clark didn’t need to be told twice, zipping out of the cave with a speed that might have blown Bruce over, had he not been gripping his desk so tight. The next moment, that familiar blue and red was streaking towards the blur of sickly gray on the monitor, separating the two deeply intertwined clones.

Batzarro still had his cowl on.

“That’s just wrong,” Bruce muttered lowly to himself. “I would definitely be the top.”

“For the record, I think I’d enjoy that,” Clark’s smug voice replied from the still-open comlink.

Batman punched the disconnect button with a curse.

~ fin


rating: pg-13, genre: fluff, slash, genre: humor/crack, type: fanfiction, fandom: dcu, pairing: superbat

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