SPN fic: This Is The Very Ecstasy 3/5 (Dean/Cas/Inias, NC-17, bdsm AU)

Jan 28, 2014 16:34

And yet I wish but for the thing I have;
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.
-- Juliet, Act II scene ii


“Do you want to call him?” Dean asks, three weeks later when he catches Cas looking at Inias’ card. Their visit to The Pit had kept them going for all of one weekend before the reality of Monday set in, and as soon as Dean found himself removed from Castiel’s skin and alone with his thoughts, he realized they’d only treated the symptom, not the cause.

To be fair though, they’d been so busy frantically screwing the entirety of those couple of days, they’d barely had a chance to talk anyway.

But once again, they’re back at the beginning – Dean waiting for the right moment, and never able to find it, too worried about the consequences to be able to relax, and willing to resort to desperate measures to keep Castiel happy. Like this.

“What? No! I just found this in the laundry, and didn’t know what to do about it,” Castiel flusters, hastily shoving the card in a drawer. “I mean, I didn’t know what to do with it,” he rephrases, pinching the bridge of is nose and huffing a frustrated sigh. “I’ll just throw it out,” he mutters, reaching for the drawer again.

Dean stops him, taking Cas’ hands in his own. “We can call him, if you want,” he murmurs, soothing his thumbs over Cas’ knuckles and letting Cas know it’s okay. After all, Dean’s thought about it too.

He’s still surprised by his reaction to the whole situation, but he has heard that some doms enjoy watching their subs dominate other people. So maybe that’s what it is. Maybe the thought of Cas having all that power in his own right, and still wanting to submit to Dean, is what does it. Maybe it makes Dean feel even more powerful. And maybe that’s what he needs right now.

“I don’t know, Dean. It was one thing to do that in the heat of the moment, but I’m not sure I can do it again,” Cas replies. “What if he requires something even more… sexual from me?” he asks, squeezing Dean’s hands as his voice raises with panic.

“Cas,” Dean takes a deep breath, reaching up to massage Castiel’s shoulders in an attempt to reassure him – and maybe to reassure himself as well, because what he’s about to say isn’t going to be easy. “I know you have needs,” he finally says. “And maybe Inias can… fill those needs for you, while I can’t.”

“What? No, Dean!” Castiel steps back, aghast. “I don’t want anyone else to fuck me but you!” he exclaims.

“Okay,” Dean exhales with relief. He would’ve gone along with it if that’s what Castiel wanted, but he’s infinitely glad he doesn’t have to. “Just for the record, I don’t want anyone else in me but you either,” he says, still breathy with relief.

“Okay,” Castiel deflates, the corner of his mouth curving up into a small smile.

“But,” Dean continues, “There’s a lot of stuff between spanking and fucking you can still do with him, if that’s what you want.”

“Is that what you want?” Castiel asks carefully. “You know the only reason I ever take charge is when you need me to. And I’m happy to do it, for you.” Cas steps closer, reaching up to stroke his cheek. “Do you want me to? Is that what you need here?”

Dean finds himself at a loss for words, a little overwhelmed by the switch in focus. Here he was trying to make sure Castiel is happy, and now Cas has turned the attention onto him.

“It’s alright, Dean,” Castiel says quietly, “Even if you never fuck me again, I’ll still love you.”

And, well… fuck.

If ever there was a perfect moment, this would be it.

But Dean’s so goddamn moved, he can barely even breathe, let alone make his voice work. So before he can even open his mouth to speak, Cas is leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips, soft and sweet, and stealing away any last hope of forming words.

“But if watching me be a dom to Inias is what works for you right now, then I’ll do it,” Cas adds. “For us.”

“Cas…” Dean chokes off, still unable to voice the many things he wants to say. So he kisses Cas back, trying to convey at least a fraction of how he feels, without words.


Castiel makes all the arrangements. Inias is so happy to hear from them that the guy doesn’t even want to wait until the weekend to see them. So they sort out an earlier time, and Cas uses Dean’s membership to book a private room at The Pit. Dean’s kind of glad they don’t have to wait long. At times there’s something to be said for drawing out the anticipation, but in this case, Dean doesn’t want to wait any longer than he has to. Especially after overhearing the extras Cas requests when making the booking. Knowing the tools Cas intends to use sends Dean’s imagination running wild with all the possibilities.

When they get to The Pit, it’s a lot quieter than it is on the weekends – which Dean prefers when he actually wants to sit down and have a drink with somebody. But as soon as they find Inias at the bar, they head straight downstairs. It’s not what Dean’s used to, but he supposes it makes sense. Dean’s never actually come to The Pit for a pre-arranged hook-up before. He usually just shows up and browses for someone. And that usually involves a few drinks and some small talk first.

At least, that’s how it used to happen, until he finally got his invitation to the VIP rooms in the basement. That’s when he earned himself enough of a rep to be called a ‘Master’ in his own right, and on any given night he usually had a line of volunteers throwing themselves at him. He just had to pick one and they were good to go. That simple.

Occasionally when he got tired of the type of crowd in the basement, he would go back to hanging around the bar upstairs, find someone a little more green… like Cas was at first. Even Inias has some of that same freshness about him, even though Dean knows the guy must’ve been around for a while to be let into the Masters rooms downstairs. Dean still hasn’t worked out what the guy’s deal is yet.

Not like he really needs to anyway. It’s Cas that Inias wants. Dean’s just there to ‘keep an eye on things’, so to speak. And judging from the silence as they walk downstairs, Cas has probably sorted out the do’s and don’ts with Inias on the phone already.

It’s probably better this way. Sometimes it’s hard for new partners to switch from friendly chatter to a role in a short amount of time. Sometimes it takes a little more work to get them there. But this way, Inias’ head is already in the game, following quietly behind Castiel with his head bowed.

The room Castiel has booked is not as small as some of the rooms Dean’s been in – with nothing more than cot-sized beds and a chair for the complimentary lube and toys, if anything. This room is big enough to hold two L-shaped couches, pressed together to line the entirety of the room – big enough for some play, and made to look bigger with large mirrors hanging on the opposite walls, as well as the ceiling. The rest of the walls are the same dark burgundy-red as the rest of The Pit, lit low to enhance the intimacy of the space. But in these rooms the lights come with their own dimmer controls, so the guests can turn the lighting down, or up if they want to see better.

The first thing Castiel does is turn the lights up. “Please stand facing the back wall, and wait,” he orders, and Inias immediately goes to stand in the center of the room, facing away.

Under the light-switch by the door is one of those wheeled-tables, laid out with the things Dean heard Castiel request over the phone. There aren’t many, and realistically Dean knows Cas probably won’t use everything, but it’s good to have options. And right now, Dean’s dying to know which of the many things he’s imagined is actually going to happen.

“What do you need me to do?” he asks quietly, trying to be helpful. Not to rush things along at all.

Cas reaches towards the table, picking up a roll of hemp rope, and Dean can’t help the sharp inhale he makes in response.

“Will you help me?” Castiel asks, holding up the rope.

“Hell yeah,” Dean replies eagerly, grinning.

“Thank you, Dean,” Cas murmurs, a soft smile on his face as he leans close, pressing their lips together.

Dean can feel the tension drain out of Castiel as they kiss, the simple connection calming Cas’ nerves, like it usually does. But he still holds Cas close afterwards, soothing the skin of Cas’ neck with his thumbs as they nuzzle together. “You’re going to do so good,” he whispers.

Castiel takes a deep breath and nods, finally pulling away, and turns his attention to their waiting guest.

“Thank you, Inias. Very good,” Castiel commends, because Inias hasn’t once fidgeted or tried to turn around to see what they’re doing, and not everyone would’ve passed that simple test of patience.

But then again, Inias has already waited a whole year for them, so it’s not like the guy has problems with impatience to begin with.

“Now please remove your clothes and hand them to me, I will place them here by the door,” Castiel instructs. Inias nods and immediately begins to strip, quickly and efficiently. It’s all very clinical, but as Inias hands Castiel his clothes, Dean can’t help but grin in amusement when Cas folds each piece and places them on the shelf below the table. Dean always leaves his clothes draped all over the place, and Cas is always picking them up and folding them or putting them away. It’s borderline annoying at home, but seeing Cas do it here is… a little endearing.

“Dean?” Castiel calls softly when Inias is done, gesturing at the rope.

“What do you need?” Dean asks, eyes sweeping across Inias’ skin.

“Something simple?” Castiel murmurs. “Arms? Upper body?”

“Okay,” Dean replies, nodding. They both step forward, Dean taking his place behind Inias while Castiel steps in front, into Inias’ line of sight.

“Cross your arms behind your back, please. Dean is going to tie you up now,” Castiel says, and Inias nods silently again, immediately lifting his arms behind his back. He turns his wrists outwards, as if being handcuffed, so Dean can tell he’s never been tied up this way before. But if Inias is nervous about it, he doesn’t show it. In fact, he’s the picture of perfect obedience, pliant and relaxed as he lets Dean position him the correct way – one arm along the other, parallel behind his back, wrists inwards.

“Very good,” Castiel says, walking around them and watching as Inias lets himself be bound – first around the wrists, then up around his shoulders, and again midway down his arms and torso, leaving his chest and nipples exposed. It’s only a simple box-tie configuration, but it’s effective, preventing any movement in the upper body. Cas still makes sure to check if Inias is comfortable though, asking how he feels or if the ropes are too tight everytime Dean stops to test their give.

Castiel is clearly in charge, but Dean still watches Inias with an appraising eye as he works, already making assessments as to what the guy might be capable of. Inias has a slim build, but like Cas, he’s lean with muscle, tight and compact all over. There’s power under that skin, which is also much like Castiel’s, fair and pale with a few dark freckles standing out here and there, but in a pattern different and unique to Cas. Fairer skin marks easier, and Dean hopes Inias’ skin flushes as dark and rosy as Castiel’s as well.

But for all the soft-spoken shyness they got from the guy last time, Dean’s starting to suspect that Inias is no wilting flower. They already know the guy can take his licks, based on their previous encounter. But the kind of patience Inias has shown so far, and the kind of focus and stillness he’s already conducting himself with, Dean suspects it comes from a place of quiet strength. And Dean can respect that. Again, it reminds him of Castiel.

Except, Cas had been a little more challenging in the beginning, a little more playful. Cas had never protested, but he’d never been so placid either. He’d responded to everything Dean threw at him with a kind of passion that was raw, and pure, like electricity. But while Dean senses the same potential of power in Inias, it feels more like… the rain at the end of a storm, soothing and calm.

Regardless, and again much like Castiel, Inias also shares a… readiness to stand to attention. They’ve barely even started, and already Inias is hard and leaking. Dean is both impressed and envious, and if he were in charge he might slap it a little, just to test its strength, and see what response he might get.

But Dean’s not in charge. This is Castiel’s show. So it’s up to Cas to decide what he wants to do with it, if anything. Dean catches Cas’ eye and sends a pointed glance downwards, drawing Castiel’s attention to it, and Cas hums in acknowledgement when he sees, chewing on his lip in thought.

“Does you like these, Inias?” Castiel asks, stepping forward to finger the ropes across Inias’ chest.

Inias ducks his head, a flush beginning to rise on his cheeks, all the way up from where Cas is touching his chest.

“You should speak when I ask you a question, Inias,” Castiel murmurs. “Do you like the ropes?” he asks again.

“Yes, sir,” Inias replies, soft, nothing more than an exhale.

“Good,” Castiel smiles, hooking his fingers under the ropes and tugging a little, testing their give, “Because we’re going to have to get Dean to tie you down there as well,” he explains. “We can’t have you going off until I say so, can we?”

“No, sir,” Inias answers. “Thank you, sir,” he rushes to add, breathless at the thought.

“Very good,” Castiel murmurs, briefly cupping his hand against Inias’ cheek in an affectionate gesture. Inias immediately presses into Castiel’s hand, and Cas hums appreciatively at that, soothing his thumb across Inias’ trembling lip. Damn but Cas got lucky with this one, already so obedient and adoring.

Dean extends the ropes downwards across Inias’ hips, bringing them together towards Inias’ erection and wrapping up Inias’ testicles as well. Inias tries not to fidget as Dean works, but there’s no helping the tell-tale drip of precome as Dean touches him. The way things are going, Dean wonders if he should extend more rope through Inias’ legs, up through the crease of Inias’ rear, to spread his cheeks open. Dean does it with Castiel sometimes, when he wants to play with Cas’ hole for a good long while before he fucks it. But in doing so with Inias, Dean might be inviting the anticipation of things Cas might not be willing to follow up on. So Dean leaves things as is.

“Is there anything else you need from me?” Dean asks when he’s done.

“Yes,” Castiel replies, coming towards him with a small smile on his lips. “I need you to sit down over there, and enjoy the show,” Cas murmurs, pressing several long, soft kisses to his mouth.

“M’kay,” Dean mumbles, a little giddy by the time Cas steps away. He all but collapses in a corner of one of the couches, leering up at the sight of Inias’ back as Castiel heads for the table by the door. Inias can’t see what Cas is doing, but they can all hear the slight jostle of the table when Cas picks the flogger up off it, and almost immediately Inias begins to flush darker. After a few testing swings of the flogger against Castiel’s palm, Dean can almost see Inias trembling.

“Ahh you blush so beautifully,” Castiel croons, tracing the ends of the flogger across Inias’ chest. And as if Inias wasn’t shaking enough already, now Dean can see Inias’ shoulders shudder with hitched breaths, every time the flogger brushes past his nipples. Castiel smirks at the response, circling around behind Inias again. “I would love to see that rosy flush all over your skin,” he leans in to whisper. “Would you like that, Inias?”

In the mirror, Dean can see Inias’ eyes nearly roll back into his head at the implications of Castiel’s words, and maybe Inias’ knees even give a little, but the guy barely gets out a whimpered “Yes, please, sir!” before Cas is stepping back to begin.

Small, quick, circling strikes at first, all over Inias’ back and shoulders, the rapid repetition softening the sharpness of impact and maximizing the breadth of contact. The technique reddens as much skin as possible, drawing heat to the surface with an overall burn instead of the sharp sting of a welt – literally, warming Inias up.

From there Castiel moves downwards, across Inias’ arms, down Inias’ back, drawing color from the even paler skin of Inias’ buttocks in the wake of the flogger’s trail. But Cas doesn’t stop there, circling the flogger down the back of Inias’ thighs, all the way down Inias’ legs, right down to Inias’ ankles, before standing up to inspect his work, sharing a pleased grin with Dean.

“Turn around, please,” Cas orders, and Inias slowly turns, the untouched skin of his chest now pale in comparison. “Oh but there’s so much more we can do!” Castiel exclaims softly, taking in the sight with a grin, and Inias can barely hold back the needy whimper that escapes his throat.

Cas promptly leans down to begin again, this time from the thighs up, across Inias’ hips, his stomach, his chest – but now Dean can directly watch every gasping reaction across Inias’ face. Inias takes it so beautifully, Dean’s hands itch to feel the weight of a handle as well. Especially when Castiel’s path eventually leads closer to Inias’ nipples – Inias gasps and shakes so good, Dean nearly demands Castiel go harder. The rosy buds are so nicely framed by the ropes around Inias’ chest, so dark and taut-sharp by the time Cas is done with them, Dean just wants to bite them… and pinch them… twist and flick them… all the number of things he can think of to make Inias react like that again.

“There,” Castiel says, stepping away again. “Now you’re pink and perfect, all over,” he nods approvingly.

“Thank you, sir,” Inias replies, smiling as he catches his breath.

“But I think we can go harder, don’t you?” Castiel says, raising an appraising eyebrow, and Dean does a mental fistpump, glad that he and Cas are on the same page.

“Yes, sir!” Inias replies, but Cas is already circling around to stand behind him.

This is the true beginning. Now Inias is primed and ready to take whatever punishment of the flesh Castiel has devised for him. And punish, Castiel does – hard and fast – dishing out strikes at full strength across Inias’ flesh, to the sound of Inias’ lingering cries from each strike before. The first time they did this, Cas increased the strength and speed of his strikes gradually, giving Inias time to adjust from a cold start. But now, having had the time to warm Inias up properly, Castiel’s strikes are steady and strong.

Still, Castiel begins with Inias’ back – as is practically customary – quickly leaving a criss-cross pattern of red lines all along Inias’ shoulders and moving downwards. Past Inias’ buttocks, Dean can’t see, the reflection in the mirror cut off by the top of the couch on that wall. And as a result, Dean’s attention is drawn to Inias’ cock, red as the lines marking Inias’ back, and bobbing heavily with every strike.

It looks almost painful, straining against the hemp tied around it. But even still, Dean is envious. Dean isn’t hard at all.

He hadn’t really noticed until then. He’d been processing so much on a mental level, assessing and appraising and falling into the associated thought patterns he’s so used to, he hadn’t noticed that his body hadn’t come along for the ride like it was supposed to.

And he doesn’t fucking know why not.

This whole scene is way hotter than last time. He’s fully aware of that. The novelty of involving a third party can’t have worn off already. Or could it.

Or maybe he’s just nervous, on Castiel’s behalf. This is Cas’ first time seriously acting as dom, to someone else besides Dean, that is. Last time with Inias didn’t really count, being spur of the moment and all.

In any case, Dean doesn’t get much time to think about it. Cas notices where Dean’s eyes are focused, and it draws Cas’ eyes down between Inias’ legs as well.

“Mmm, still so hard,” Castiel remarks, gliding the slack ends of the flogger across Inias’ length. Inias cries out, just as loudly as if he’d been struck, and his legs shake underneath him at the stimulation.

Dean reaches down between his own legs, palming at his flaccid crotch and imagining how those cool straps of leather must feel brushing against that throbbing flesh, trying to coax some kind of response out of his own. But when Dean moves his hand, Castiel sees what he’s trying to do, and realizes Dean’s condition. Or lack of it.

Cas frowns, chewing on his lip, and Dean can see the gears turning in Cas’ head, considering what to do next, as well as that familiar frustration weighing down his brows. With a huff, Cas flicks the flogger against Inias’ erection – just lightly, almost absentmindedly, perhaps a little spitefully – but the sound Inias makes is definitely one of pleasure rather than pain.

Castiel arches an eyebrow, a smirk twitching at his lips at the response. Another flick of Cas’ wrist, and leather meets Inias’ flesh again, harder this time. But when Inias cries out in pleasure, the guy’s body shudders so hard, he collapses to his knees.

“Inias! Are you alright?” Cas rushes to Inias’ side, cupping Inias’ face with his hand and soothing his thumb over Inias’ cheek.

“Mmmyes, sir. Thank you, sir,” Inias mumbles, nuzzling into Castiel’s palm. Cas huffs a something like a laugh, halfway between disbelief and amusement.

“Oh, my pet,” Cas murmurs affectionately, “You’re doing so well.”

Inias raises droopy-lidded eyes to meet Castiel’s, smiling lazy and wide, and Dean recognizes the effects of endorphins taking over – helping the body deal with pain and relaxing the mind, creating a haze of euphoria that empties the brain of thought and inhibition, resulting in more pliancy, more willingness to obey, aware of nothing but the current moment and its demands, and the simplicity of response.

Cas can see it as well, judging by the way he gives Inias a moment to breathe, simply standing there and caressing Inias’ cheek as Inias gazes up at him adoringly.

Again Dean wonders why he doesn’t feel any jealousy. All he can think about is how it’s kind of… beautiful… the way Inias is looking at Cas. And when Castiel turns to look at Dean, Cas’ expression is both proud and hopeful, as if to say, “See what I did, Dean? Do you like it?”

And damn but Dean does. So he smiles in return and nods, encouraging Cas to continue.

Cas steps back, removing his hand from Inias’ face, and Inias makes a mournful little noise at the loss of contact. But Castiel hushes him softly, stroking Inias’ shoulders with the ends of the flogger, tracing it down his spine until Inias is practically purring… and then thwack – Cas strikes him again.

Inias doesn’t cry out this time, but his resulting gasp has something of a delirious edge to it, confused between pleasure and pain. It’s the kind of sound that tells them Inias is still registering the sting, but his tolerance has increased, due to the build-up of endorphins in his system. So instead of simply hitting Inias harder, and doing real damage, Castiel changes his approach. He begins to play on extremes of sensation, stroking Inias’ skin with the cool leather of the flogger until Inias begins to moan in pleasure, then resuming his strikes, strong, but paced – a reminder of pain, before soothing it a way again.

By the time Cas gets to Inias’ nipples, Inias couldn’t be responding more perfectly. In fact, instead of hunching over instinctively to protect himself, Inias arches his back, offering his chest up for more. And in doing so, his straining erection juts out proudly, oozing copious amounts of precome from its slit, trailing onto the floor.

Cas notices it the same time Dean does, stroking the blood-thick skin with the flogger, and Inias whimpers and writhes, arching his hips up for more, though they all know what’s sure to come. But Cas teases Inias for even longer than before, until his cock thickens to bursting and the lines of his precome tangle up and drip from the ends of the flogger as well, and then

Inias does hunch over then, shoulders heaving with sobbing gasps at the blow to his taut cock, and Cas leaves him be, giving him time to recover. It should take longer than usual this time, what with how full Inias’ cock had begun to pulse during the long tease. Cas even takes the opportunity to look away and share another pleased smile with Dean. But then, all of sudden, Inias lurches towards Castiel, pressing his face against Cas’ hip and nuzzling Cas’ crotch.

Cas gasps in surprise, watching wide-eyed as Inias noses the line of his dick, whimpering and mewling for it with pleading eyes. Dean sucks in a sharp breath at the sight, finally feeling a throb in his own crotch.

Castiel’s gaze whips back to Dean at the sound, taking in Dean’s response to what’s happening. Dean grins wide as he reaches down, tracing the length of his slowly hardening arousal, and Castiel’s eyes darken.

“Is this what you want?” Cas all but growls, fisting his fingers in Inias’ hair and pressing Inias even closer. Dean doesn’t know if the question is for him, or for Inias, or both… but before Dean can even reply, Inias is whining into Castiel’s crotch, begging for it.

“Please, sir!” Inias mumbles, lips mouthing at the material of Cas’ pants, sucking at the head of Castiel’s cock.

Dean has to supress a groan as he watches, blood beginning to pump into his dick even faster. Castiel huffs a somewhat disgruntled sigh, shaking his head at Dean, but smiling.

“Alright,” Cas says, looking down at Inias again. “Remove my pants if you want it so badly,” he orders. “Use only your mouth.”

“Thank you, sir!” Inias gasps happily, wasting no time taking Cas’ zipper in his teeth and pulling it down. Inias has obviously done this before, at least. If he’d started with the button, it would’ve been near impossible to get the zipper undone afterwards without that counter-tension. But Inias attacks Cas’ fly with the confidence of one who knows exactly what they’re doing. And with the eagerness of someone who wants it done as quickly as possible.

Coming back up to undo the button, Inias goes for Cas’ waist-line next. He struggles to nose his way under the hem of Castiel’s shirt for a moment, until Cas takes pity on him and pulls the shirt off altogether, allowing Inias better access. Inias then manages to get Cas’ pants down to thigh-level, before going for Castiel’s boxers, tugging at them with the same desperate efficiency.

Finally, Cas is exposed, and Inias sits back on his haunches, licking his lips as he stares at Castiel’s dick. Cas is only half-mast, but Inias practically salivates at the sight of it, darting quick, hopeful glances up at Cas, waiting for permission.

“Alright,” Cas finally relents. “Take it in your mouth. Make it hard.”

Dean groans at that, in much the same way Inias does when he leans forward to take Castiel with his lips. Things have just escalated, pretty quickly. And Dean can barely wrap his mind around what’s happening.

But while the shock stuns his brain, Dean’s body is quick to respond in its place, reaching down to unzip his fly and pull out his full and heavy erection. His hand knows what it’s doing, fingers tracing and squeezing the head of his cock, playing with the beads already pearling at its slit – mimicking the motions of Inias’ tongue, licking at Castiel’s tip. By the time Dean’s brain catches up, Inias has begun to suck in earnest, head bobbing back and forth along Castiel’s length, and Dean finds his fist moving in a matching rhythm, stripping himself steady and tight.

He doesn’t know why this is the thing that’s doing the trick now. Why this time it’s taken more than watching Castiel just dominate the other man. Maybe it’s not a power thing, after all. Maybe it’s simply the thought that Cas really would do anything for Dean. From topping, to domming, to allowing… this. Cas had told Dean he wasn’t sure if he could engage Inias sexually, but as soon as Cas saw how Dean responded, Cas allowed things to progress to the next level.

“Cas…” Dean groans. He only hopes Cas knows he’d do anything for him as well.

Castiel turns at the sound of his name, his already dilated pupils darkening even further at the sight Dean presents – shirt thrown off in the heat of arousal, chest flushed and sweaty, pants at his ankles, and cock thick in hand as he squirms with pleasure on the couch. Castiel’s nostrils flare, breathing heavy at the sight, and suddenly Cas yanks at Inias’ hair, pulling Inias away from his cock.

Inias comes off with a wet slurp, making a plaintive sound as he gazes up at Castiel with glazed and confused eyes… Until Cas begins pushing viciously at his own pants, yanking them down all the way and kicking them off. Cas practically hurls himself onto the opposite couch then, throwing his legs open and ordering Inias to “come” and sit between them.

Dean shudders at the growled command, wanting desperately to obey in another way and spend himself all over his tight fist. But he also wants to wait. Wait until Cas is there to come with him, on him, around him, tight and hot and perfect.

In the meantime Inias hurries over to obey, continuing his ardent worship of Cas’ cock, and balls, and anything he can get his lips on. He has much better access now that Castiel is lying supine and open for him. And though Dean can only see the back of Inias’ head, Dean can well-imagine what Inias is doing by the way Inias angles himself, and the way Cas responds… The way Cas throws his head back and keens when Inias’ hums, around what Dean suspects is a mouthful of Castiel’s sac… And the way Cas hisses in a sharp breath when Inias noses lower, at what must be the base of Castiel’s plug, inserted at Dean’s earlier direction.

“No, no, Inias,” Castiel gasps at the prodding. “That’s not for you,” he says.

“Please, sir,” Inias whines, “Can I put my tongue in your hole?” he pleads.

“Oh god,” Castiel whimpers, eyes scrunching shut, and Dean huffs a laugh. He knows how much Cas loves a good rimming, there’s no way Cas is going to be able to hold out for long.

“Please,” Inias begs, licking around the plug. Castiel’s eyes fly open again, wild and unfocused until they find Dean smirking at him from the opposite side of the room.

“Dean,” Cas mouths silently in supplication, and Dean nods in encouragement once again.

Castiel’s eyes scrunch shut again as he bites down on a groan, overwhelmed by sensation as he slowly pulls his plug out. His entrance gapes in its absence, pink and slick, and Dean whines at the sight. Cas opens his eyes again at the sound, but when he does, it’s to the sight of Inias leaning forward, placing a reverent kiss on the end of the plug. And fuck that’s all kinds of dirty. And ridiculously hot.

Cas seems to think so too, by the sound he makes – something like a huff of disbelief and a sobbing groan at the same time. He can’t even pull himself together to give Inias the command. All he can do is nod, and spread his legs wider.

Inias himself seems unable to form the words to reply either, but a soft sound escapes his throat as he knees his way forward, like a moan of relief. And soon, all the can be heard are the sounds of heavy breaths, muffled against Castiel’s skin, and the wet slurping of Inias’ tongue, lapping at Cas’ hole.

“Oh God,” Castiel groans, “that’s so good!” he gasps, threading his fingers through Inias’ hair. But he’s looking at Dean when he says it, and Dean gets the feeling he’s not just complimenting Inias, but tantalizing Dean with the information as well, and Dean can’t help the groan that escapes his throat, sympathetic to Castiel’s pleasure.

“Cas… baby…” Dean whimpers, pleading. He wants in.

But Cas is already too far gone. “Yes, pet! Just like that!” he gasps, throwing his head back as he presses Inias’ face deeper. Cas’ skin is flushed all over, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, body undulating as his hips work in concert with Inias’ ministrations – he’s beautiful. And Dean can only lie back and watch, unable to begrudge Castiel the orgasm that shudders through him, sending pearly-white streams of come all the way up to his neck.

Cas always comes so hard when his hole is played with. Dean smiles fondly at the sight, even though his cock still begs for release.

“Come here, pet,” Cas huffs, still catching his breath.

Inias stands up, the movement a bit awkward with his arms still bound behind his back, but he manages to knee his way onto the couch beside Castiel, awaiting further instruction.

Cas opens his arms, beckoning Inias closer, and Inias curls around his side, humming happily in his embrace. Castiel smiles softly, pressing a kiss into Inias’ hair, then angles his lips downward, whispering in Inias’ ear. Dean can’t hear what Cas is saying, but he thinks he hears his name somewhere in there. And then Inias raises his head and says,

“I would gladly bring pleasure to the man my master loves.”

Dean sucks in a sharp breath of shock, and Cas grins at him from over Inias’ shoulder. Then Cas is whispering again, and Inias nods, spurred into action by whatever Castiel has commanded.

Dean watches mutely as Inias leans over Castiel’s chest, tongue darting out to lap up at the come sprayed across Castiel’s body. Inias makes quick work of cleaning Cas up, so he’s obviously been ordered to do so efficiently rather than for the enjoyment of it. Cas still moans and sighs at the sensation though, wriggling when Inias tickles a sensitive spot, gasping when Inias mouths at his nipples… But before Inias finishes the job, Inias is sliding off Castiel’s couch, kneeing his way over to Dean’s side the room, and climbing up beside him.

Dean blinks at Castiel in confusion, before turning his attention to the waiting Inias, and as soon as he does Inias leans forward, pressing their lips together. Dean’s mouth opens on a startled gasp, letting Inias tongue his way in, and then Dean understands. Inias mouth is full of Castiel’s come, and with every swipe of Inias’ tongue he’s feeding it to Dean.

Dean groans, grabbing the back of Inias’ head and deepening the kiss, probing Inias’ mouth for every last drop of Castiel’s taste. Inias is gasping for air by the time Dean’s done, eyes glazed with pleasure and lips swollen dark. The guy hasn’t even caught his breath back before he’s sliding to the floor again, kneeing his way between Dean’s legs and leaning forward to suck Dean down.

“Son of a bitch!” Dean curses in surprise, his neglected cock leaping at the sudden stimulation, wet suction against the throbbing heat of his skin. “Goddamn, Cas,” he groans, thankful for the attention, and letting Cas know.

“Isn’t his mouth good, Dean?” Castiel murmurs from the other couch, running his fingers through the come Inias couldn’t fit in his mouth to take along.

“Fuck yeah,” Dean grins loosely over the top of Inias’ bobbing head, thighs falling apart even wider as he slouches down further into the couch – further into Inias’ eager mouth.

Castiel smirks at him, humming in appreciative agreement. Almost lazily, Cas draws his leg up, bending at the knee to place his foot on the seat and slouching down as well. At first Dean thinks Cas is just settling in to enjoy the show, but then Dean looks down, and sees Castiel’s hole completely exposed by the position. Dean’s breath hitches at the realization, his cock twitching in Inias’ mouth. And just when Dean thinks it can’t get any better, Cas reaches down, tracing his rim with his come-covered fingers.

“What you think, Dean?” Cas rumbles, arching an eyebrow. “Isn’t my hole pretty? Now that Inias has made it all shiny and slick?”

Dean nearly chokes on the sob that comes out of his throat, his jaw hanging slack with disbelief. They rarely ever engage in dirty talk. Dean’s never been able to tolerate running commentary from people who overly love the sound of their own voice. Like Meg. Or Alastair. Dean’s always respected silent masters like Kali, or Benny, who just do what they do, and let their work speak for itself.

But once again, Cas is the exception to the rule, because every word of filth that spills from Castiel’s mouth makes Dean’s erection pulse with need.

“Is it pretty enough to fuck, Dean?” Cas taunts, pushing his own come inside himself, filling up his already wet hole. “I’ll let you, if you promise not to come until you’re inside me,” he rumbles.

Dean groans, nodding frantically. He can’t even make words anymore. Not even to curse.

And it’s then that Dean realizes Inias isn’t the only one being dommed here. Dean can’t just interrupt Cas’ scene, go over there and fuck the hell out of him, no matter how much Dean wants to. Because it’s Castiel’s scene. And Dean has to trust that Cas will take care of him. So all Dean can do is sit, and watch, and try his best not to come too soon.

Castiel smiles, approvingly, and plugs himself up again, keeping all his come inside. Then he slides to the floor, just like Inias before him, and slowly crawls over to Dean’s side of the room. And before Dean knows it, there’s another pair of lips, sucking at his balls, both Inias and Cas seeming to fight for who can fit more of him in their greedy mouths.

Dean’s head thunks heavily against the mirror behind him. He’s not going to last long like this. He can’t even look anymore, the very idea of watching his load blow all over both of those pretty mouths, too tempting. But just when Dean thinks he can’t hold out any longer, he feels a sharp cinch at the base of his cock, and his eyes fly open in surprise. When he looks down, he sees a leather strap wrapped around him, and Castiel smirking up at him.

Dean doesn’t know if he wants to laugh or cry, and ends up making a pathetic whimpering noise, somewhere in the middle. There’s a point when pleasure becomes torture in itself, because as good as it is, he also just wants to come, right the fuck now already.

“Thank you, Inias,” Castiel rumbles, and Inias obediently pulls off Dean’s length. “Now what do you say to Dean?” he prompts.

Inias turns to look up at Dean. “Thank you for using my mouth, sir,” he says, breathless and soft, lips spit-slick and swollen around the words. Dean cups his hand around Inias’ cheek, swiping his thumb across those lips in appreciation.

Cas yanks Inias back to him then, devouring Inias’ lips with his own, maybe chasing Dean’s taste out of Inias mouth the way Dean had done earlier. And then Castiel – the bastard – pushes Inias back down on Dean’s cock, still kissing each other around its purpling tip.

“Oh Jesus,” Dean mutters, head thunking back again. He can’t watch. It’s too much. And not enough. And pretty soon he’s riding that edge between pleasure and pain again.

Dean doesn’t even realize that Cas has pulled off, moving away to finger Inias open, until Inias gasps loudly around his cock. It’s then when Dean re-opens his eyes and sees – that Cas is hard again, and what Cas intends to do about it.

“Oh God, hurry, please!” Inias gasps, pushing back on Castiel’s fingers. And Dean finds himself gasping as well, surprised and confused about this turn in events, and entirely unsure how he’s supposed to react.

“Quiet!” Castiel growls, smacking his hand against Inias’ squirming rear, and both Inias and Dean jump in response. “Remember what I told you,” he says, and at first Dean thinks Cas is reminding Inias of their basic ground rules for begging… But Cas is looking at Dean when he says it, so Dean knows the words are meant for him too, just as much as they are for Inias. Maybe even more.

So Dean remembers. He remembers Castiel saying ‘if watching me be a dom to Inias is what works for you right now, then I’ll do it. For us.’ And ‘I’m happy to do it, for you.’

And… ‘even if you never fuck me again, I’ll still love you.’

So when Cas finally slides into Inias, arching his neck with a low groan, the only thing Dean can think is how beautiful Castiel is. And Dean wonders, for the millionth time, how he got so goddamn lucky.

The pace Castiel sets is driving and hard, and Inias seems to love every second of it, the way he gasps and groans around Dean’s cock. It’s obvious that Inias can take more, that he wants more, so Castiel grabs on to the ropes around Inias’ arms, and uses them as reins to fuck into him even harder.

“Thank you for using my hole, sir!” Inias cries out, the tip of Dean’s erection still lolling on his tongue. “Both my holes!” he adds. “Thank you, sirs!”

Dean groans, grabbing onto Inias’ bindings as well and using them for leverage to thrust deeper, working with Cas’ rhythm to thoroughly spit-roast Inias on their cocks.

Before long Cas begins to shudder, trembling in that way Dean knows means Cas is close to the edge. His eyes begin to flicker wildly between Dean and Inias, as if deciding where he wants to come – inside Inias’ willing hole, or on Dean’s waiting cock.

Dean huffs a laugh, sending Cas an easy smirk over Inias’ head. He’s alright with whatever Cas decides to do. Either way, Dean knows Cas is going to make sure he’s taken care of.

Castiel decides. He pulls out of Inias with a snarl, ripping off his condom and yanking Inias away from Dean’s cock so he can climb up to straddle Dean’s lap. And Cas must be really, really close, because even as he pulls out his plug with one hand, he’s unstrapping Dean with the other, before sinking down on Dean in one, heavy drop.

“Cas!” Dean cries out, clutching his arms around Castiel and hanging on. Nothing, nothing, will ever be as good as this, his pulsing, aching flesh wrapped up in Castiel’s heat, tight and slick and clenching all at once.

But just when Dean thinks that, Inias makes his presence known again, sucking on Dean’s balls, lapping at where Dean’s cock is thrusting inside Castiel’s hole… neither of them last very long.

And Dean has so much come stored up, waiting for Cas, that he’s still pumping it inside Castiel long after Cas’ body has stopped twitching, milking it from him.

There’s so much of it Inias begins to lick at his dick again, where there’s a trail leaking back out from under Cas’ rim.

“Jesus H. Christ,” Dean manages to hiss, still clutching at Castiel.

And when Dean’s cock finally slips free, the wet, slurping sounds continue, and Dean just knows by the way Castiel throws his head back and keens that Inias is licking the come straight out of Cas’ used, gaping hole.

“Come here, Inias,” Castiel orders when he finally manages to pull himself together, still breathless, but no less commanding. And when Inias climbs up onto the couch beside him, Cas wraps his hand around the back of Inias’ neck, and presses their mouths together, licking deep into Dean’s come.

Dean groans softly at the sight. He can actually see his own come on their tongues, passing between their mouths in the space between their lips. There’s so much of it. And it’s insanely hot to watch. He’s sure Cas drags it out too, playing with it as they kiss before swallowing it down. If Dean hadn’t just spent himself entirely, he’d be getting hard again at the sight.

Dean grins. This was totally worth it. Him and Cas are going to be fucking all the way through to the weekend. And beyond.

But first, Cas makes sure to take care of his sub – his other sub – untying the knots in Inias’ bindings as they kiss, loosening them just enough before taking Inias in hand, and jacking him off to his much needed completion.

Inias practically sobs when he comes, pressing his cries into the skin of Cas’ neck and collapsing in Cas’ arms afterwards, chest heaving in the aftermath. Castiel holds him through it, stroking Inias’ skin soothingly and slowly unwrapping the ropes from Inias’ body.

When Inias’ arms are finally free, he winds his arms around Castiel’s neck, clinging tight, and Castiel shares a fond smile with Dean over Inias’ shoulder.

“You did so well, pet. So very well,” Cas murmurs into Inias’ ear, running his palms down Inias’ spine. And Dean must agree, because he finds himself reaching towards Inias as well, stroking the backs of his knuckles across Inias’ skin.

When Inias finally pulls his face away from Cas’ neck, his smile is sated and content. “Thank you,” he tells them. “Thank you so much.”

“And thank you,” Castiel replies, tracing Inias’ smile with his finger. “But tell me, pet… Who is Samandriel?”

~ tbc

So... the next update probably won't be for another month. I'm sorry that's so slow, but I have so much smut planned for this fic that each chapter is like a separate fic in itself :s

In the meantime, I've been tagging some NSFW visuals that remind me of this verse over at my tumblr with #halloween-verse ;D

rating: nc-17, genre: smut, spn pairing: dean/castiel, genre: bdsm, type: fanfiction, genre: au, destiel is my otp, slash, spn verse: halloween (in bondage), pairing: threesome/moresome, fandom: supernatural

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