♠ 1; - accidental video;

May 08, 2011 23:31

[Static. Lots of it. Then, a bedraggled-looking teenager appears on screen. Not only is he soaked from head to foot with his blonde hair hanging over his shoulders in a mess, he looks bruised and bloodied ( Read more... )

edward elric

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[Vid] thehawks_eye May 9 2011, 07:20:46 UTC
Edward. Where are you? [Because like fuck is she leaving you defenceless right now, not when you're covered in blood.]


1/? nil_sine_labore May 9 2011, 07:38:18 UTC


2/? HI 8D nil_sine_labore May 9 2011, 07:38:55 UTC


3/3! nil_sine_labore May 9 2011, 07:40:06 UTC
Hey! [Edward grabs the terminal screen and nearly topples over, regaining balance just in time. He doesn't seem to care.]


Re: 3/3! thehawks_eye May 9 2011, 07:53:38 UTC
Where are you, Edward? I'm not about to leave you defenceless in this place. [FTR, Riza's hair's up in a ponytail today, Edward.]


nil_sine_labore May 9 2011, 08:07:21 UTC
[Edward bites his tongue, if only for a split second.] A long strip of beach, I haven't wandered in far-- Finally, someone who's not a complete moron--

Did that bastard send you here too?!


thehawks_eye May 9 2011, 08:21:46 UTC
Good. Not that far then. I'll be there shortly and I'll answer your questions then.

[Click - she's on her way.]


nil_sine_labore May 9 2011, 08:54:00 UTC
But-- [... Dammit. He resolves himself to wait. There's little else he can do.]


thehawks_eye May 9 2011, 09:34:07 UTC
[Edward, trust me, arguing with Riza is like arguing with a brick wall. Just ask Roy those at the town meetings those she lives with!

Either way, she's there in about ohhh under ten mins -- She had to stop and threadjack to ask Adam to bring clean clothes because Riza is/was on patrol. Don't ask how she jogs in this + Haori, she just does. She's also go at lease one visible gun on her - a rifle and about two more hidden away along with a tanto. Also, her puado blade's held in an at ease position.

She also looks alert. More so because you are bloodied and oh goody, you're not monsterbait yet.] How badly are you injured?


nil_sine_labore May 9 2011, 23:00:56 UTC
[Edward is sitting in that rickety chair, chin leaned on his working hand. He looks awful but, in truth, he really has been through worse and what's on his mind is everyone back home and how he can return to them as soon as possible.

Hawkeye's condition is a little concerning, but he really feels he should be used to this by now.]

I could ask you the same question. These? Are nothing. I just need my arm and leg fixed up.


thehawks_eye May 9 2011, 23:08:45 UTC
Battle injuries. [A shrug. It's normal here.] What was happening before you drowned and washed up here? Assume I don't know, please. And how malfunctioning is your arm?

[If he could move it even a bit - enough to clap and providing his alchemy was working, there was the possibility of maybe getting them fixed up somewhat, provided his arm wasn't stiff and useless of course.]


1/2 nil_sine_labore May 10 2011, 08:55:40 UTC
[Edward scratches the back of his neck, looking off to the side.]

I could move it earlier, but I think the machine's been damaged by the saltwater. Freshwater was usually no problem.


2/2 nil_sine_labore May 10 2011, 09:02:15 UTC
[And then he turns his gaze back to Hawkeye, looking much more gravely serious than before.]

We were wearing Father down. You were directing Mustang's fire. Last thing I remember is going in to punch that bastard while Greed distracted him.


Re: 2/2 thehawks_eye May 10 2011, 11:11:48 UTC
[A snort nod - he's thinking purely strategically here.] then the first thing that will happen will be a shower. Hopefully that will help and then you can see if your alchemy works.

[A nod at the information and Riza relaxed.] About the same as I, then. Father is not responsible for sending you here, Edward. This place has some sort of vortext that is able to draw others from other worlds, and differing places in the time line. It's, as far as I can make out, about as powerful as 'God/Truth' if not stronger. [A small wry smile] As an alchemist's daughter, even I find that hard believe, though it's the truth.

I can't say for sure if I am ahead of you or not, due to what was happening at time, though I would say we are either from the exact moment, or very close. It matters only in the details at this point.

I assume you've had the other welcoming spiels?


nil_sine_labore May 10 2011, 16:54:15 UTC
[Edward sighs and leans his head back.] I already tried it, right after I woke up. It works all right, but something feels... off. I don't like it, but I'll see what I can do when my arm's fixed. [Pause; he looks at her again and grins a little sheepishly.] And maybe something to--

[Another pause. He sits upright, letting his gaze wander as he racked his mind over what he's listening to.]

... Something to eat.

I'm not about to believe it is the Truth. It isn't how it works, and if it's not him or that bastard... [Edward trails off, his flesh hand clenching into a tight fist.]

Yeah, I've heard them, so what? We're just supposed to sit here and wait? I don't work that way.


thehawks_eye May 10 2011, 17:19:08 UTC
As I thought. Kimblee's was off as well, though I believe he was eaten by a worm, monster or sent home some time ago. [Just a tad to brightly, too nonchalantly to be anything other than the norm.] Before you ask: We can not control when and if we return and time does not pass at home. I've been back once already and when I return, I'll still be directing Colonel Mustang.

[A small flicker of a motherly smile at the food bit.] You'll have food and fresh clothes when we get you to the village proper - either my household [Note: Household. Not house.] or the hospital. Adam will insist on the hospital, I'd think, Edward. [A pause, then a sigh. A heavy one - she doesn't wanna info dump you, but....]

Unfortunately, that's all we seem to be able to do outside of look for ways to escape. No-Name was building a boat, but I'm unsure how that went, given the island nature. The last I hear of it was before the fruits..... Excuse me. [Riza looks openly ill for about three seconds before it's covered up. Stoic. She's the rock. A pillar of ( ... )


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