2nd Trick

Jul 06, 2011 22:58

[ Video ]

[ Some of you have heard his voice. A lot of you have probably heard his laughter. Even more of you have probably noticed that as of this morning, everything in the hospital has been turned upside down.

That laughter is making a return, this time in its truest form. ]


The wise and generous Coyote has finally made his ( Read more... )


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[Action?] roadstotheriver July 7 2011, 04:32:43 UTC
[Since Lirael's room is right down the hall from Anders's room... can't really ICly resist! Here comes Lirael, knocking on the door. Her expression is resigned and a little weary, and she's dressed for the day, right down to wearing her bells and her sword.]


magerights July 7 2011, 05:23:46 UTC
[Everything in his room is upside-down, and Anders is still muttering curses to himself as he carefully picks through things and moves the important, breakable items first. He glances up as Lirael knocks and waves a hand to indicate everything.]

Can you believe this?


roadstotheriver July 7 2011, 05:26:50 UTC
[Lirael looks in, and her resignation only grows deeper. She's not a happy camper.]

Yes. I think it's all over the hospital. It's in my room, too, and in the rooms I passed, and....

[She trails off, looking around helplessly and biting her lip unhappily. This is all her fault, of course. She never should have picked up that puppy. Not that she'd had any way to know....]


magerights July 7 2011, 05:31:09 UTC
Oh well that's wonderful news.

[He grumbles and rubs at his temple briefly. Well, at least he can't complain there's nothing to do.]

I suppose we'd better get started fixing it, hadn't we?


roadstotheriver July 7 2011, 05:34:37 UTC

[Lirael sighs, and comes inside to help him work on his room, since they're both here. It's a bit difficult with only one hand, but she really doesn't care, she'll manage. At least she isn't fighting with Elle, too; the poor, traumatized kitten was back in her office.]

The creature is gone, though. He went... off to the woods. I brought him here-- I thought he was just a puppy....


magerights July 7 2011, 13:01:38 UTC
[There's a surge of anger from Justice at that news, anger that she could be so easily mislead, that the creature she so easily let inside the building could have killed them all for all she knew, that there were innocent people around who could have been hurt or worse and hadn't she thought for a moment--

He manages to keep himself from giving voice to the anger, his fingers tightening around the leg of an over-turned table hard enough for his knuckles to stand out white against the skin, and Anders is silent for a moment as he fights to keep Justice in control, though perhaps Lirael will pick up a sudden crackle of power around the mage.

A demon disguised as an animal can easily fool others, Anders reminds himself, especially if they aren't familiar with demons. It isn't the same as someone like Merrill, claiming that a demon was her friend.

Justice subsides, and Anders exhales slowly, though his voice is still strained.]

So you brought it here? I see.


roadstotheriver July 7 2011, 13:48:20 UTC
[She notices. And she winces and looks away. Since today her hair isn't yet bound up-- or even combed; she just hastily pulled her fingers through it before hurrying out to see what Coyote did to the rest of the hospital-- she can actually half-hide in it again, as she pushes a chair back onto its feet.]

I know. It was stupid. I just... I just didn't expect a puppy to be trouble. And he wasn't, for weeks-- he washed up on the beach, the same as all of us....


magerights July 8 2011, 05:23:43 UTC
I can't fault you that assumption.

[He says it slowly, as much of a reminder to Justice as an answer to the girl.]

Come on, we'd better start getting this all cleaned up again. Wouldn't want today to be the day someone needs treatment in a hurry.


roadstotheriver July 8 2011, 05:57:12 UTC
[That is a very good idea, as far as Lirael can see. She nods hurriedly, picking up a few books from a bookshelf and resting them on her stump-arm, so she can start turning that over, too.] This is going to be an all-day job, [she sighs.] I can finish the other two offices.... [Since those would have books and desks, instead of hospital beds and cut-down trays. It would be more time consuming, and Lirael didn't mind time-consuming.]


magerights July 8 2011, 13:24:23 UTC
Alright. Though I'd prefer if you left mine for now. I'll do it myself later.

[He has some things he doesn't want anyone else to touch, after all, and they should probably look into fixing the rest of the place first.]

I can take some of the larger rooms, and we can catch up again later and see what else needs fixing.


roadstotheriver July 8 2011, 15:03:46 UTC

[Right. Stop messing with Anders's stuff. Lirael hurries to put the books down, goes to dust her hands off, recalls belatedly she only has one, and puts them both behind her back, looking guilty. The girl is in fine form today, seriously.]

All right. I'll see you in a little while, then. Let me know if you need help with anything.


magerights July 9 2011, 04:25:17 UTC
[He'd likely feel worse about it if he weren't already in a bad mood himself, but Justice isn't giving him much room for that right now. So Anders just nods and heads out into the rest of the hospital.]

I'll find you again later.


roadstotheriver July 9 2011, 15:35:34 UTC
All right. I'll see you then, then.

[And now... it's time to get to work. Yup. She lets him go one way, and she heads off in another direction. Stupid Coyote, ruining her day like this....]


Action? Little after her run into Anders? was_angelcondom July 9 2011, 19:41:51 UTC
[Someone is not the most happiest camper. Everything is upside down. Everything. Including the supplies and beds. What if there were patients in here.

Adam is stalking down the hallways cursing up a storm as he checks about most of the rooms, making sure the supplies were all right.]

When I find that thing, I am going to twist it's neck.


Action! roadstotheriver July 9 2011, 19:47:18 UTC
[Lirael has finally finished with the unused offices, leaving her own-- and Anders's-- for later. Now, she is on her way down to the storage in the basement, and the sound of the voice startles her into stopping and looking around.]


[She looks and sounds exhausted, even though it's early.]

So you've seen him?


Action! was_angelcondom July 9 2011, 20:30:54 UTC
[He looks up a little surprised to be interupted during his grumbling.]

Uh yeah. The ass is gloating all over the network.


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