challenge 44; Trope of the month

Aug 09, 2013 09:53


Due Date and Time: Sunday 8 September, 3 pm EST/8 pm GMT countdown
Number of times you can enter: 3

• Make things inspired by the following trope:
The Protagonist,The Protagonist is the principal character of a story. | the trope page for more info

• Some examples include : Buffy, Iron Man, Sydney Bristow, Castle, etc

• Use as many fandoms as you like. Feel free to post to dbs_gardens or your journal and link here.

Points You can earn up to 25 points a post for this challenge. The points are calculated using the following guide:

Recs (fic, icons, art, meta posts, fanmixes etc) 1 point each
Self made icons or gifs 5 point each
Writing (meta or fic by you) 5 points per 50 words
something bigger made by you (eg a fanmix, piece of art, etc) 10 points

Questions: to the question thread in this post.

challenge: graphics, challenge: writing

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