He Had a Chicken ...

Mar 29, 2006 11:44

Well, I was beginning to think there wasn't much for me to say today and then I came across this little story about a girl getting attacked by a rooster. I realize that many of you out there have not met me in person or known me long enough to be familiar with all of my anecdotes, so be prepared to learn more about the sweet little Snack now.

My paternal grandparents had a farm and I spent most of my summers and much of my childhood growing up on the farm. They had a small garden (about an acre) as well as the standard farm animals. Most of their vegetables were grown in the garden and most of their meat and dairy came from their stock. Needless to say, they had chickens. They used to have enough milk, eggs and strawberries that they sold the excess (until the government cracked down on such practices). Anyway, enough background, on with the story.

When I was on the farm, one of my chores was to gather eggs. My grandmother helped a bit but I did most of the gathering by myself (she was usually milking or some such other chore while I was doing this). Well one day, one of the roosters decided that he didn't like me being in his territory so he proceeded to chase me around the yard trying to peck at my head. My Grandfather was nearby and saw this and immediately rushed to my rescue. Now, some girls idolize their father, but in my eyes the sun rose and set because of my grandfather. He grabbed up the rooster and then herded the chickens all into one area of the yard and stood me next to him. He then held up the rooster and told the chickens, "This here rooster attacked my precious little Granddaughter. This is what will happen to any other of you that tries the same!" He then chopped the head off of the rooster for all of the other chickens to see (we had chicken & dumplings for dinner that night, too). From that day forward, I never had any problems from the chickens. Even the hens that were brooding on their nests would get up and leave when I'd walk into the henhouse. Chickens may be dumb but they seemed to understand harassing me = death.

Just a little peek into how I became the person that I am.

Because someone asked, I’m going to post this today and probably again on Friday just in case. beldar will be officially joining Jesus MCC Church during their 10:45 service this Sunday. If anyone can make it, the driving directions and map are here. I thank anyone who can make the service and understand that although most of you can't, you wish him well in his new spiritual home.

I guess that's about it for today.


chickens, funny, church, death, childhood, news, papa, trauma, my past, links, strange, mental health

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