Outcome - SGA fic J/R NC-17

Feb 15, 2008 22:56

Title: Outcome
Author: the_cephalopod
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Word Count: 3090
Disclaimer: They're not mine!
Spoilers: For 4x15 - Outcast
Acknowledgements/Author's Note: This is a companion piece to Madison's wonderful tag to the season 4 SGA episode Outcast. Her tag is called Outclassed and you should read it before this. Many thanks to her for letting me play with her boys and for giving this the once over and her seal of approval.
Summary: Rodney goes to see John after his return from Earth.


As soon as John stepped through the gate and back on to Atlantis, it felt as though a great weight had lifted. Ever since hearing the news of his father's death, there had been a thick band wrapped tight across his chest slowly squeezing more life out of him with every passing hour. It was typical, just when he thought he was finally happy - when he was at last where he belonged and doing what he was born to do - the spectre of his father had once again appeared to make him question both himself and his choices.

John sighed, nodding to Carter and Keller as they shot him concerned looks from across the gateroom and started to make their way towards him.

“I'm just going to head straight to my quarters; get an early night,” he said to Ronon, hoping to make good his escape before having to endure their well-meaning, but ultimately pointless, sympathetic words.

Ronon grunted. “You want something to eat?” he asked. “Cause I'm heading down for dinner.”

“Nah, I'm good,” John assured him.

As he made his way through the familiar corridors towards his quarters, John felt himself relax a fraction more with every step. Odd as it seemed, he felt so much more at home here - in a ten thousand year-old alien city in a distant galaxy - than he ever had in any of the houses in which he'd grown up. A quick gesture with his mind and the door to his room slid open, welcoming him back with a gentle hiss and a soft glow. But perhaps things would get easier from here; perhaps now that his father could no longer cast the shadow of his intense disapproval over his son, John and David could somehow re-form their relationship, maybe even become friends.

Because that, John realised now, is what his childhood had been missing - friendship. With the death of his mother, John had lost the only person who had ever valued him for who he truly was, rather than viewing him as a potential asset who then wasted his opportunities by choosing the wrong school, picking the wrong career, or admitting the wrong preference leaving the right woman. The people on Altantis, unlike is father, knew who he was and celebrated it. His team, in particular, would stand by him no matter what and he would give his life for any one of them. Here he is valued, wanted, needed... perhaps even loved.

He'd barely had time to unpack his bag when his door chime sounded. He opened the door with a thought to find Rodney standing on the threshold, holding a tray and looking nervous.

“Rodney,” he said, trying not to let his intense pleasure at seeing Rodney show too much in his voice.

Rodney just stood there for a moment, staring at him oddly and John realised that he still has on his civvies, not something he usually wore on Atlantis. “I brought you some food,” Rodney said in a rush after a few seconds, thrusting the tray he was holding towards John.

John looked down and took the tray automatically. “Thanks,” he replied, a smile starting to spread over his features as he recognized the contents of the tray as Rodney's own dinner. Yes, he thought, this is what true friendship is about; this clumsy caring and awkward affection of Rodney's that was so painfully genuine that he's never once had cause to doubt Rodney's sincerity.

He felt the band around his chest loosen yet further and retreated into his room a couple paces in the hopes that Rodney would follow him in. Rodney still looked unsure, so John tilted his head and asked, “In or out, McKay?” Hoping that he was making the "in" option the obviously right answer.

At John's words, something Rodney appeared to relax slightly and, to John's relief, he stepped inside. John crossed the room to deposit the tray on his desk and, even with his back turned, he could still feel Rodney's restless unease. Any minute now, John thought to himself, secure in the knowledge that whatever Rodney wanted to say, it wouldn't be anything like the banal platitudes he'd had to endure over the past couple of days.

"I ran into Ronon. He told me what happened. Only you," Rodney said.

John smiled at that, because wasn't it just the truth. "I didn't go looking for trouble, if that's what you think. It came to me," he tried to explain.

"Riiiiight. Because everyone goes home on family business and runs into a Replicator. You probably wept with joy at the excuse to be able to leave and go run around shooting things," Rodney said, somehow managing to sound both disapproving and somewhat envious at the same time.

"Rodney." John didn't want to argue with Rodney. As enjoyable an activity as arguing with Rodney was, it wasn't something he felt up to at the moment. Wasn't what he wanted from Rodney now, what he needed.

At John's words, Rodney gave him a momentary look of longing, but then deflated. "Well, you're probably exhausted and the last thing you want to do is stand around talking to me," he babbled, looking more and more distressed. "I'd better let you get some rest. See you in the morning?"

John watched as he turned to leave, disappointment welling up instantly. "Rodney," he called quickly. At that moment, John wanted to nothing more than to walk up to Rodney and feel Rodney's arms about him, he just has no idea of how to actually do that.

Instead, he frowned as he realised what Rodney's words seemed to imply, “"What did you just say?"

Rodney turned back, confusion still written across his features. "Um, that you were tired and should get some rest? That I should be going now?"

Rodney was partially right - John was tired and he did want to rest, but none of that necessitated Rodney leaving. Quite the opposite in fact.

"You implied that I didn't want to talk to you," John pushed, willing Rodney to understand what he couldn't seem to properly express.

"I shouldn't have put it that way," Rodney replied quickly. "I just meant that I didn't want to bother you." He turned again for the door.

Not knowing how else to keep Rodney here, John darted forward and grabbed him by the arm.

"Ow," Rodney flinched, but he stopped trying to leave so John let go.

"I like being bothered by you," is all John can come up with.

It was obviously enough because Rodney grinned at him, his eyes alight with pleasure at the compliment. John could feel the heat which emanated from Rodney's body and he found himself moving helplessly towards him.

To John's delight, Rodney moved towards him as well, reaching out a hand to smooth over John's chest as he spoke. "How fortunate for you, because I don't know how to interact with people on any other level."

As Rodney's mouth lifted into a little lopsided smile, John couldn't resist. He leaned in and gently kissed that side of his face. Rodney was all soft skin and rough bristles beneath John's lips, so achingly familiar John almost moaned with relief. Rodney turned his head towards John and his mouth opened under John's for a proper kiss just as he brought his arms up to hold John to him.

It was exactly what John needed - has needed for years, decades even. The last of his tension faded away as Rodney held him gently and kissed him deeply. "I'm just glad that's over and I'm back here where I belong," he whispered against Rodney's neck as he kissed and licked at the sensitive skin, revelling in Rodney's shudders of arousal.

Suddenly, Rodney pulled back. "Want to talk about it?" he asked John, eyes steady and voice serious.

“Not really. Not right now. Maybe someday," John replied, still uncomfortable with the idea of reliving all that unpleasantness, afraid that somehow it might taint what he has now; who he has now.

Thankfully Rodney didn't push any further. Rather, he seemed to eye John assessingly for a moment before asking, "Want a blowjob?"

Part of John couldn't help but be amused by Rodney's alternative therapy suggestion. A far larger part, however, sat up immediately and took notice. "You have the best ideas."

"I am a fucking genius." Rodney grinned and John felt himself become instantly hard at the light of determination in Rodney's eyes

Rodney’s smile turned even more predatory as he looked down at John, his eyes roaming over his face and then dropping to his body. John felt his erection grow still further; it was hard and aching, pressing tight against his fly of his jeans. Rodney reached out for him again, running both hands this time over his jacket. He then curled his fingers around the jacket’s lapels and used them to pull John to him, moulding John’s body to his own.

“And you are fucking hot,” Rodney said and then he kissed John again, harder this time.

John groaned as Rodney licked his way wetly into his mouth, deepening the kiss still further and curling his tongue around John’s. John started to raise his arms to pull Rodney closer still, but Rodney stopped him by pushing his jacket off his shoulders, trapping his arms in the sleeves. By the time John had shrugged out of it completely, letting it drop unnoticed to the floor at their feet, Rodney had already started on the buttons of his shirt.

“So…. fucking… hot…” Rodney gasped out between kisses.

He moved away from John’s mouth and trailed his lips and tongue over John’s throat, kissing and tasting his skin, moving slowly down to his chest. He bit down gently on John’s collar bone, his teeth scraping lightly and making John shiver in response. Having completely unbuttoned John’s shirt, Rodney parted the material and bent down further to close his mouth over one of John’s nipples. John gasped as a bolt of molten pleasure shot straight from his nipple down into his cock, making it pulse hard against the confines of his jeans. He arched into Rodney’s mouth, begging for more. Rodney chuckled against his skin, but kept playing with John’s nipple, flicking his tongue over the sensitive tip before sucking it into his mouth completely.

John’s hips bucked at the suction and Rodney inserted one of his thick thighs between John’s legs. His hands moved down to cup John’s ass, dragging John forward and encouraging John to grind into him. John started thrusting forward, riding Rodney’s thigh, his head thrown back as the pleasure rolled over him in thick waves of heat.

Rodney pulled back suddenly and John let out a whimper at the loss. Forcing his eyes open, he looked at Rodney. Rodney’s mouth was wet and his eyes were large and glazed as he started back at John.

“Okay,” Rodney said thickly. “As gorgeous as you look at this moment, I really need you to be more naked; a lot more naked.” His gaze dropped to John’s crotch and he licked his lips in anticipation. It was all the encouragement John needed and he stripped himself bare in under five seconds flat.

“You too,” John gasped eagerly, reaching out for Rodney. He ran his fingertips down one side of Rodney’s face, down to where his mouth crooked up in that small smile that John always wants to kiss.

“Yeah,” Rodney agreed, but he opened his mouth to John’s fingers, sucking two of them inside.

Rodney sucked lightly on John’s fingers; his mouth hot and wet, his eyes drifting slowly closed in concentrated pleasure. He curled his tongue around John’s fingers and then slid it in between them, flicking over the sensitive skin at the top where they joined. John’s cock quivered in anticipation, rock hard and leaking at the prospect of pushing into Rodney’s welcoming mouth. Desperate for that, John pulled his fingers out of Rodney with a wet pop.

“Rodney,” he pleaded breathlessly.

Rodney’s eyes opened again and he nodded, pulling off his clothes. John watched as Rodney’s body was revealed to him; all smooth, pale skin, broad shoulders, soft belly, and weeping cock. He swallowed thickly as he contemplated Rodney’s thick erection, torn between the need to feel Rodney’s mouth wrapped around his dick and the desire to have Rodney’s cock thrust deep into his body and fill him up completely.

“Stop thinking,” Rodney whispered. “Let me take care of you.”

Rodney pulled John to him once more for a deep kiss. The action pressed their bodies tightly together from chest to thigh, their cocks perfectly aligned. But before John could start thrusting against Rodney, he found himself pushed backwards towards his bed by Rodney’s large, hot hand pressed firmly against his chest.

John settled onto the bed on his back, eagerly parting his legs and watching as Rodney moved over him. Rodney settled himself between John’s thighs and grinned up at John as he ran his hands up the inside of John’s legs. He paused when he reached John’s groin, his thumbs resting lightly in the creases of John’s thighs and his fingers bracketing John’s hard shaft.

Rodney wet his lips and John’s hips bucked forward, his cock pulsing and leaking, desperate for Rodney’s mouth. Rodney wrapped one of his hands firmly around the base of John’s cock and brought it up to his mouth. John shivered as he felt Rodney’s breath on the head. Rodney leaned down and John felt his tongue lap lightly at the slit, tasting John. Rodney’s tongue gradually circled outwards, spiralling wetly over the entire head of John’s cock. John whimpered, bucking slightly, the sensation almost too much to bear.

Rodney’s hands suddenly gripped John’s hips hard, pinning him to the bed as he swallowed down the entire length of John’s cock. John gasped out Rodney’s name as he felt his cockhead hit the back of Rodney’s throat. Rodney held John there, deep inside him, for a few moments before slowly sliding his mouth upwards until only the head of John’s cock was still inside. Rodney’s tongue circled the head of John’s cock once more, and then he was sliding back down the length of John’s shaft, taking him in deep and swallowing around him.

John couldn’t contain his moans as Rodney set up a steady rhythm, moving up slowly up the length John’s cock before sinking quickly back down. At some point Rodney’s hands moved away from John’s hips and John started thrusting gently upwards in counterpoint to Rodney’s movements. His hands were clenched into tight fists in his sheets as he strove to hold back his orgasm, his legs bent at the knees and splayed open for Rodney.

John’s eyes flew open when he felt one of Rodney’s blunt fingers circle over his hole and he shivered slightly at the cool touch of the lube. As Rodney continued to play with his ass, a wave of longing went through him.

“God, Rodney,” he begged. “Yes, please.”

Rodney’s eyes lifted, his lips still stretched tight around John’s dick, catching John’s gaze as his finger slowly breached John’s body. John keened at the intrusion, his cock throbbing in the heat of Rodney’s mouth. Rodney crooked his finger and John saw stars; he had to bite down hard on his lower lip to stop himself shooting straight down Rodney’s throat.

Rodney released John’s cock, allowing it to slip wetly from between his lips. “Getting a little too close there, are you?” he asked.

John sucked in a deep breath as he nodded. “Do it, Rodney,” he gritted. “Stretch me, fuck me, please.”

Rodney’s eyes glazed over at John’s demand and John groaned as he felt two fingers work their way inside him. Rodney finger-fucked him for what seemed like hours, slowly stretching his tight passage, preparing John for his cock. At last John felt the blunt head of Rodney's dick press up against his loosened hole. He moaned in relief and spread his legs further apart, hoisting one up onto Rodney's shoulder and wrapping the other around Rodney's waist, using it to urge Rodney inside him. There was a quick flash of pain as Rodney slowly edged his cock past the tight ring of muscle at John's entrance, but that quickly passed. John clenched around Rodney's girth for a moment and then forcibly relaxed, allowing Rodney to slip fully into him; they both moaned as Rodney bottomed out inside John.

Rodney started moving, slow steady thrusts filling John completely and driving him out of his mind. Rodney hit his prostate with every thrust, the sensation coiling John's pleasure ever tighter. He felt stretched wide open and filled to the brim. John was entirely surrounded by Rodney; Rodney's weight pressing him down onto the bed, Rodney's cock pumping thickly into his ass, Rodney's eyes locked on his face.

When John felt like he just had to come or he would explode, he reached down and fisted his cock, jerking himself off in time with Rodney's thrusts. Rodney's hips faltered for a moment as he gazed down to watch, but then he resumed moving, pounding into John faster and harder as he neared completion.

“Now, Rodney,” John urged, “so close... now!” His hand was whipping tightly along his shaft as Rodney heaved and bucked above him. Rodney's face tightened, almost as if he was in pain, and he thrust forward one final time. The weight of him almost bent John in half as he emptied himself into John's body. The sight tipped John over the edge and he came, spewing all over his chest and belly, covering himself in come.

“Fuck,” Rodney muttered as he leaned down to kiss John, the movement making his cock slip wetly out of John's ass.

John winced slightly, but returned Rodney's kiss, unwrapping his legs and pulling Rodney down beside him. Rodney came willingly, nuzzling into John's neck and relaxing against him.

“Yeah,” John said, “that was quite some blowjob.”

Rodney snorted and pulled the covers up over them, mess and all.

When John awoke some time later, he was lying alongside Rodney, their legs entwined and one of Rodney’s hands clasped in his own. The sheets were a tangled mess around them and his belly was itchy with dried semen. His hand tightened involuntarily around Rodney’s. Rodney twitched slightly in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible and almost kneeing John in the groin as he moved.

John smiled; he was finally home.


mcshep, fic, established relationship, outcome, sga

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