Philippine Idol Live!

Oct 08, 2006 17:54

I watched Philippine Idol live last night!

Got a ticket thanks to Macy (genki_geek), and watched it with her, Woooth (fallen_nerd), Aids, and Macy's friend Ana, who by a weird coincidence was already an acquaintance of mine (we had teamed-up previously to torment a cartoonist whose name rhymes with Gryndon Legorio :P).

We first met up at Sbarros (which is still overpriced and not that awesome, and only made me wish that Megamall had a Chef D'Angelo's or something similar with nicely-priced Italian food) and all four of us ended up ordering a baked zitti, independently. :P We talked a bit about fannish things and about how terrifying a certain finalist's nipples are, before finally heading up to the 3rd floor to get inside the theater.

We got in, realized that of the 5 tickets we had, 2 were not together, and had to do a game of musical chairs before all 5 of us were seated next to one another. :D

The opening acts were a mixed-bag. The gay comedian who was coaching the audience on when to cheer, how to wave their banners, and when to SHUT THE FUCK UP, SIT DOWN AND STOP COVERING THE CAMERAS was funny and tolerable, and not as horrible as other gay stand-up acts I've been forced to sit through. They had a rather lame boy band singing after the comedian, though.

Then the judges start coming in, Ryan Agoncillo shows up, and WE'RE LIVE!

So the show starts with the explanation on why nobody got eliminated last week (biggest Typhoon to hit the Philippines in the last 11 years knocks out most electricity and phone lines). Instead, all 12 will be competing tonight, and tomorrow the bottom 2 will be eliminated.

The show starts with Mau singing Beyonce's "Crazy in Love". She rocked the song, but she was a bit restrained in her performance. She later admitted to being a bit conscious about her body, but really, if you've got the booty, flaunt it! Not as good as some of her older performances.

First commercial break. We argue on whether we should shout out "We love you Ryan Agoncillo!" or "We love you Ryan A." "We love you Ryan" gets rejected because Ryan Cayabyab might get the wrong idea. :P The band takes a sound-check on "What's Going On". We get excited, since most of us love the song, and hope whoever sings it is awesome.

Next is Ken. Oh, poor Ken. He takes on Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On", and loses. The band overpowers his voice, he sings it too pop-y, and he doesn't have the fire, anger, and conviction to sing this socially-conscious anthem of outrage. He can only rely on the "I was sick!" excuse when the judges roast him on this performance. Oh Ken, you're a likeable person, but you're out of your league right now, I think.

Apple then proceeds to burn down the stage. Whoops, I mean she goes and peforms Aretha Franklin's "You Make Me Feel (Like a Natural Woman)", effortlessly, with her voice rising to the challenge. She's so slinky while singing. It's amazing.

During the commercial break, the shouting debate continues in our seats. We realize that Joyce Jimenez is sitting in the front row. *thud*

Stef's up next. She sings Tina Turner's "Proud Mary", in a Tina Turner voice, but just like Mau her movements seem restrained. She gets called on this by Ryan C in his criticism, and she claims that she didn't want to do a Tina Turner impersonation. She shouldn't have sung it in Tina Turner's voice, then...

Jan sings the Spinner's "Could It Be I'm Falling In Love", and is... mediocre. I find him boring, personally.

During the commercial break, Ryan A asks the audience if anybody plays Resident Evil 4 among us. And if we know the Flower Tentacle boss in act 4. And how to beat it. He's been stuck on that part for the past few weeks, and would really want to help. We resolve to shout we love him at the same time in 5,4,3, and then the commercial break ends. :(

Reymond sings something I can't remember. He's nice, and I like him, but I can't remember what he sung! Argh!

Gelli sings something, but I can't remember what it was, either, since her outfit is soooooo bad. Gelli is, let's face it, one of the better lookers among the girls, and probably the easiest to dress, but what the fuck was up with the outfit? She was wearing a loose black mesh blouse with bell sleeves underneath a loose(!) lacy white corset, with an ill-fitting white plastic(?) below-the-knee shorts to top off the hideousness. It succeeded in giving her no curves whatsover, and making her look like a fishing village hooker who had to flee her latest trick, a sailor on a boat, and thus had to escape wearing his shorts. And since the Devil is in the details, she has black and white anklets, to boot.

During the commercial break we argue about whether Gelli got into a fight with the with the wardrobe people, or if she really was a fishing village hooker in a previous life and wanted to express her reincarnated glory to all of us. Um, yeay?

Gian sings next. Macy goes into fangirl mode, because he starts singing right by our row. We encourage Macy to run over and start making out with Gian as soon as the song starts, but she's no fun. :P He sings and dances well, and Trumpets head Audie Gemora is also seated in front of us, but the performance reminds us too much of his "Footloose" song during the Elims.

Miguel's next. Ugh. He sings Al Green's "Let's Stay Together", thus confirming my hypothesis that all my favorite songs shall be sung terribly tonight. And I've never seen anybody sing this sex song as virgin and chaste the way Miguel sing it, which is NOT a compliment. And to make things worse, his nipples are way too prominent again! Ugh! Dude, start wearing more layers...

Commercial break: We all shout out "We Love You Ryan A!" But he totally fails to notice. :(

Pow's up next, and she sing's Usher's "U Make Me Wanna" really awesomely. She raps, she dances, she runs on stage, yet manages to not trigger the violent rage in me that Taylor Hicks did whenever he'd do a stunt like this on last season's American Idol. She is, in my opinion, the best overall performance of the night. (Apple's the best vocals, though).

Arms then sings Aretha Franklin's "Respect" and rocks out, and thus nails 3rd best female performance tonight, in my opinion.

Commercial break again. Ryan A asks if anybody's already seen "The Departed". He recommends it to someone in the audience, and says that there's some important differences between it and the movie it was based on, which he can't remember right now. We all shout out "Infernal Affairs" when he asks what the title was. :P

And Drae ends the show on a high note, singing "Boy is Not a Man" (whose lyrics are awesome, btw) and has the dubious distinction of being the only one tonight to sing a sex song and actually work it.

Afterwards, we go into full fanboy (and fangirl) mode. I and Ana get autographs from Pow, and even get to talk to her and her family! Pow is genuinely awesome, folks! Macy got an autograph from Gian. Ruth and Ana then get their photos taken with Drae, and chat with him a bit. We then hightail it out of there and cool off at the Starbucks Megastrip. While we're talking, Ken goes in, and orders coffees. We finally stand up to leave, and I end up bumping into Ken, who's carrying 4 hot coffees. :( He's nice, and I didn't get scalded, but I still hated his performance.

I wanna watch it again!!!

philippine idol, fanboyism

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