"It's good, now," Lexie says, clearly teasing, though the smile that curves her lips is an entirely genuine one. Though she's only met him the once, she liked Steve from the start, and grateful though she'd been for any kind of patient, it's nice to run into him under better circumstances. Granted, it doesn't hurt that he's easy to look at, too, but she isn't really looking, just casually observing in the way one does with a potential friend. "Glad to see you without injuries this time."
"Dr. Grey," Steve says, holding up his previously injured hand in a demonstration of its having healed, a smile broadening the longer he looks at her. It helps that he feels as though he can identify a little more with her now, after their first conversation had taken something more of a personal turn, but he enjoys her company even if that isn't necessarily the case. She's got a good energy, as someone back home might say, and it's people like her he needs to be around, for his own sake. "Healed up pretty quickly," he adds. "Those meds helped too, but I'm definitely going to watch where I place that hammer from now on."
"That's good to hear," Lexie says, meaning all of it, though her own smile takes a turn for the teasing as she continues. "I'd hate to wind up having to, I don't know, amputate or something." It probably shouldn't be something to joke about when she's had to do that since showing up here, but it's rarer that she can't keep a sunny disposition, and she isn't really even thinking about that now. There's no reason to. "And how's that surprise you were working on coming?"
"Nah, I don't think that's going to be necessary," Steve promises, feigning a sudden expression of relief until that drops away for his grin. He's seen his share of those injuries requiring amputation and while it is something of a serious topic, it's probably good that they can joke about it to a degree and avoid slipping into more serious topics. "It's going well. Although I'm wondering how long I can keep it a secret from its intended person. He's starting to get a little too curious, but what else can you expect from a cop?"
"Hey Ariel, you might want to take a breath there." Lois said, hand on her hip as she looked at the man. Okay, Lois might be engaged to one of the island's hottest residents but that doesn't mean she's blind. Not when it came to men emerging out of the sea half naked and dripping wet, kind of reminded her of AC except with a less shocking colour combo of orange and hideous green. "Kind of need oxygen now you're walking on land. Nice tats by the way."
Steve squints down at her, still breathless, trying to work out if he knows her in any way. When his brain supplies him with nothing, he scrubs a hand over his face in an attempt to clear it of water and works to catch his breath for another moment or two. She's definitely confident enough to stride over to him and start up a conversation, and that alone is intriguing.
"Oh, thanks," he says, responding to her last remark. He's so used to having them as a part of his body that he barely notices them there anymore, except when others point them out. The one on his back is the more recent, done to cover up a previous design, but he never catches a glimpse of it too often. Then again, Danny takes care to appreciate them enough. "Steve McGarrett," he adds, offering her a hand.
"Steve McGarrett? So, you're Jersey's SuperSEAL then? Lois Lane, nice to put a face to the name." Lois replies taking and shaking his hand firmly. Looking him over, Lois sized him up with a grin. He was definitely Danny's SuperSEAL. "You're a lot taller than I imagined. Kind of expecting some small military brat who jumped out of planes strapped to a bomb for fun."
"So you've already met Danny, then," Steve deduces, making a face that implies he's not all that surprised. Most newcomers tend to experience his partner long before they make the rounds to meeting him, and he can only imagine the kinds of things Danny fills their heads with, the impression he's got to try to either work to overcome - or even prove, in some cases.
"I don't really do that anymore," he jokes, with a wry smile. "As much as Danny might have you think otherwise."
"Hey, Steve," I say with a smirk of a smile, nodding to the bag slung over his shoulder and asking, "All that for me?"
I don't know him well, mostly just through Danny, but he's one of the ones I can count on to bring stuff in to the bar, so we're not stuck serving the cast-offs from the Compound every day.
But besides that... A hot, half-naked guy coming out of the ocean? Yeah, I'm kind of not gonna just walk on past that.
"Neil," Steve says, nodding once, respectfully. He's not too familiar with the guy, aside from what Danny shares with him. Actually, most of the people here have met Danny before they've met him, but that was the way back home too, even with his father's legacy and the island's familiarity with the McGarrett name.
"Some of it," he adds, shifting the bag slightly. "Actually, probably most of it. I was thinking about saving some to make dinner later, so that really leaves the bulk of it for you guys."
"Thanks, man. You're kind of a lifesaver," I say, and I'm teasing, and there's a faintly flirty edge to my grin, but it's no different than I might be with any other random guy.
Steve's smile is brief, a small twitch at the edges of his mouth, but it's sincere and it's there, and he shrugs off Neil's remark with a chuckle.
"Not too bad. Working on a garden I started after I wound up with a green thumb a couple weeks ago. Seems to be doing fairly well," he adds, squinting in the direction of their hut and the garden slightly off to one side.
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"Oh, thanks," he says, responding to her last remark. He's so used to having them as a part of his body that he barely notices them there anymore, except when others point them out. The one on his back is the more recent, done to cover up a previous design, but he never catches a glimpse of it too often. Then again, Danny takes care to appreciate them enough. "Steve McGarrett," he adds, offering her a hand.
"I don't really do that anymore," he jokes, with a wry smile. "As much as Danny might have you think otherwise."
I don't know him well, mostly just through Danny, but he's one of the ones I can count on to bring stuff in to the bar, so we're not stuck serving the cast-offs from the Compound every day.
But besides that... A hot, half-naked guy coming out of the ocean? Yeah, I'm kind of not gonna just walk on past that.
"Some of it," he adds, shifting the bag slightly. "Actually, probably most of it. I was thinking about saving some to make dinner later, so that really leaves the bulk of it for you guys."
"So, uh, how you been?"
"Not too bad. Working on a garden I started after I wound up with a green thumb a couple weeks ago. Seems to be doing fairly well," he adds, squinting in the direction of their hut and the garden slightly off to one side.
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