ART: Last Night at the Leaky [PG]

Nov 08, 2011 19:32

Artist: bananasea
Title: Last Night at the Leaky
Pairing(s): Albus/Scorpius
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Medium: Pencil
Summary: -
Prompt: Post-Hogwarts - Albus isn't beneath blackmail. Rita Skeeter isn't the only one who knows how to weave a story, and Scorpius is afraid...very afraid. Oh I would love a drinking/smoking Albus and a skittish Scorpius...obviously he has something to hide. [submitted by crazyparakiss]
Notes: Al is not trying to seduce Scorpius, he is blackmailing him. But then at the end of the day that could turn out to be one and the same thing of course... =P

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*art, fest: 2011 prompt fest, rating: pg

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